Again big thanks to
Jo, who it transpires,
actually did leave it behind in Galway after all, but was too scared to tell me. She magically rallied a fleet of friends and assistants to recover it and it arrived here during the week. Big thanks to them also.

It's heavy enough to kill a man or break a toe, or break the toe of a dead man if you so wish, which are the real criteria awards should be judged on.
It's currently employed as an '
oooh-look-please-stop-crying' but I reckon it'll work it's true magic as something to chew on when she starts teething.
The Irish blog award category best personal blog was sponsored by Microsoft Ireland’s Developer & Platform Group.
And I love Sanne!!!
Yup, juat pop it in the fridge for that uber cool feeling.
Yay! Congrats again!! I second Veronica's suggestion to pop it in the fridge when she's teething.
My god!! Has anyone ever told you what a gorgeous baby you have???
= )
What a great pic, so fitting. Congrats!
So many levels of awesomeness there. So many.
Your daughter (YOUR DAUGHTER!) is a pixie-love-of-a-darling-child.
Can I just say that?
That's awesome! Many congrats!
You're lucky that Mango is half a world away, or I'd eat her all up - she is sooo cute!!
OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS, DID YOU SEE THE PICTURE IN THIS POST????JUST TAKE A LOOK NAPPY AT THAT PICTURE>>>HAVE YOU EVER, I MEAN EVER SEEN ANything like it?????no i am sure uyopu haven't>>>>now i know i am jealous of not living in holland and being your friend cause i can/t see someone like who is in that picture for myseld.>>>thank you so much
The baby is so stinking cute it's unreal. Love that tick head of hair! She needs bows.....pretty frilly bows.
Suits you Miss Paltrow!
Awww, and congratulation. :0)
Congrats again.
Very appropriate that it looks like something spilt a on the award. It was meant to go the the parent of a little one.
Congrats my man! Sanne is quite the cutie too!
That looks GOOD on her.
Ooh, I missed that one. Congratulations!
Ah! How wonderful!
I have to agree, she has passed the newborn -'all look the same stage' and is a little stunner now.
Bet she has you EXACTLY where she wants you. Oh the blogs yet to come when she realises the power she holds hahahahah!
A fancy blog award that doubles as a teething ring? Win/Win! Congrats again!
Sanne is adorable! ...but you already knew that.
Great pic! Congrats on the award. Wish I was there on the night, but I was flying in from Abu Dhabi, dahhhhling.
Sanne just gets cuter and cuter. Just look at her holding her award.
Best teething award ever!
And I wasn't too scared to tell you - I was prudently waiting til all was well, so you wouldn't freak out. I was saving you unnecessary stress! You know you would have freaked out... and that would have been unfair.
There are no words for how much I love this pic! She is the whole reason you have that award! Well, she and your wonderful verbal abilities!
And I thought you were gonna say...
"it's currently employed to pin Mango down while we both eat our meal"
But you wouldn't do that...would you?
Sanne is simply adorable!
@livingrightnow - hands off ;-)
@Veronica - I reckon it would work too
@showmeyourcookies - noted!
@Bonnie B. - it's been mentioned in passing ;-)
@Hockeymandad - Cheers
@Ms. Moon - yes, you may ;-)
@Jessica Seuss - hahaha
@Putz - maybe some day Putz.
@Rebecca - oooh I dunno about frills
@AnnB - funny!
@Chic Mama - thanks ;-)
@James (SeattleDad) - heh, just noticed that
@Russ - not bad eh!
@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - toddlers & tiaras here we come...not.
@People in the Sun - you're excused, this time!
@WhatAboutNovember - :-)
@Gail - yeup!
@Tara R. - I had an inkling ;-)
@Jane G - ooooh I say!
@River - 'her' hahah
@Jo - :-)
@AnnD - pretty cool alright!
@steph - Moi? no, course not...*twirls moustache*
Congrats..but I can't stop looking at your baby. She is beautiful!!!
She is just so two really did a masterful job of procreation!
Oh, and you SOOOO deserved to win that award!
It's a baby weight! Genius invention. Just pop it on top when you go to the loo.
Lol :)
Congratulations on the award, but honestly, if you wanted us to actually look at it, you posed it all wrong...all I could see were those big, blue eyes...I swear that child gets more attractive every time I see her :)
As I am that fleet of friends and assistants that recovered your award, just wanted to say you're welcome, and thank you very very much for the card we got this morning!
Hope you don't mind, but as we had possession of your award on April 1, we had a little bit of fun with it...
@callismama - heh, she is that ;-)
@hotmamamia - we did well!
@Mwa - and it works,,,
@Jo - heh...
@Tracey - yes, she does!
@Anonymous - Ye made it look quite small! Thanks again.
Congratulations. You deserve it.
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