Days like this always make me a bit nervous. Last days. Last days at a job, last days of a holiday, even bloody Sundays leave me feeling a bit odd at this stage.

It's really been the fastest year ever, and at times the most excruciatingly slow one.
I look through the blogs I read and I see such an eventful year has passed, some in good ways, and some in not so good ways. Births, deaths, traumatic times, and upheavals.
In all that time, with all that has gone on out there, you keep coming back here. That is humbling, exciting, and not to mention a tad creepy. I jest of course, it's truly encouraging.
This whole thing was not part of any plan, but has turned out to be a very nice distraction along the way.
In the course of 2008, you lot have dropped about six and a half thousand comments here. Some of you just once, others religiously.
I have no idea how many of you read silently. I'd love if you commented just the once, so I could say hello, welcome, and thanks.
Considering that this is just one story, a very simple one, and very repetitive one, I am very, very grateful for all of your input, reassurance, kindness, and something I would have never said was possible, friendship.
At risk of repeating once again, today, New Year's Eve, is CD25. Our best guess is that Saturday, the end of the cycle is due, and we start again. Or, the end doesn't come, and, well, you know the rest...
For those on this side of this messy carry-on I can only say 'heads up', next year could be the one, we can only hope.
For those on the other side of it, I say 'Enjoy it', you've earned it.
For everyone else, I know your own plates are full with troubles off all kinds, so I wish you all the very best for the year to come.
Thank you.