Here we are, almost half way through the two week wait, yet again.
Considering it's the 16th 'two week wait', that means we've had thirty two weeks of two week waiting.
There is something charmingly symmetrical about it, almost chess board like.
Anyway, by the middle of next week we'll know if the method of attack worked or not, and we'll know whether we get to arrange the monitoring for the next cycle, or not.
At least, if it doesn't work this time, we have the knowledge that we will have some help or attention for the next cycle, so the 'bounce back' period should be a little quicker.
Shut up, it will.
The next week or so will build up from a state of mild curiosity, to an insane, on the hour every hour following of ET everytime she takes a piss.
I will, in fact, probably spend, 82% of my time from next Monday onwards, standing outside our bathroom door.
Who says this trying to conceive stuff isn't fun?
Someone else in for a hell of a week is poor old Dan, from All that comes with it. As some of you know, starting tomorrow, Dan is part of a group of ten fine chaps who are walking 78 miles in 6 days to raise funds for the Joseph Salmon trust.

You know I'm a miserable bastard and wouldn't promote anything here if I didn't think it was worth it, so trust me, you need to read the Joseph Salmon story here, in his parent's Neil and Rachael's own words. Then go clicky clicky here and give a few quid if you can spare it in support of the guys, who are VERY close to their target. Judging by the state most of the walkers seem to be in, the chances are that one or two of them won't make it home without some sort of intervention from the emergency rescue services.
I really hope both Spencer's and Dan's crews both reach their targets.
Sounds rough. Everyone I know seems to be in same boat. Everyone has spent years avoiding pregnancy now to have the gods laugh their asses off. Glad to have found your site. Best of luck.
As always... thinking of you again this month! Keep us posted. :)
Thanks for the link. I'm going to hop over and read, but if it makes me cry, you're in big trouble!
Maybe you should just make a pact to screw everyday until ET gets knocked up. Those exploits would give you plenty new titles and us some dang good stories, no doubt! ;)
Wait, they're NOT screwing everyday...? In my mind, nappyrash and ET are constantly having sex big sex-a-thon, and the posts are just when they break for gatorade and
Praying for some positive pee pee this month. Good luck. Also, GO DAN!!!
Well hell, if all you want to do is stand outside the bathroom and listen to her pee, no wonder you aren't pregnant yet! :) I have already been to the site you linked to, it is pretty freaking awesone and definitly deserves your support, you miserable, selfish bastard! :) You know I love you, right?
So do you check EVERY time ET has a wee? No wonder you're skint. I would find it rather uncomfortable having you lurking while I go. Not that I mean 'you' as in 'you' but if it was my husband and not'you' if you know what I mean. (phew!)
what does 'skint' mean?
@bluestreak - It's definitely a sign of the times. People waiting longer to start families, and people not living lives condusive to fertility.
I hope you can enjoy some of this, thanks & welcome.
@Jill - You know where to find me ;0)
@Angel - You might get stories but I'd get crippled.
And I'm guessing I'm in trouble...
@That Girl - In my mind we are at it everyday too!
The bodies say different however!
@iVegasFamily - Positive Pee Pee, I like that! Go Dan indeed!
@Kori - Ah bugger off and rant somewhere else!
@Tismee2 - Noooooo. but as you get towards the end, you hope you're not getting towards the end, you know!
@That Girl - Skint in this case means 'broke' or 'pennyless'
I'm in the dreaded 2ww as well. I like to call it the fear of the toilet time. Although I can already tell this cycle is out too. Failed again. In 3 weeks it will mark one year since loss and now my doctors will finally take a look at my innards though...
Good luck to you!!
~ C in the V
I hope things work out for you this time. Good things come to those that are patient. My co-worker just had a beautiful healthy girl after a number of years of trying. They did everything medical they could do then just finally gave up. Ten months later they were pregnant. Our bodies work in mysterious ways, sometimes they know whats best. Good luck, and God bless.
"Judging by the state most of the walkers seem to be in, the chances are that one or two of them won't make it home without some sort of intervention from the emergency rescue services."
do you get enough sleep?
You can entertain me while you wait.
That link isn't going to make me cry, is it?
@Christa - It really bites when you know the cycle fails even before your 'officially' know.
Although, at least now you can try and make progress with doctors soon enough.
I hope the anniversary passes ok for you.
@DaddKv - They obviously didn't TOTALLY give up, now did they ;0)
It's good to hear though, thanks for popping in!
@Dan - well, of course I wasn't talking about YOU specificially...
@Putz - Er, no.
@A whole lot of nothing - Oh hang on, just let me run and get my hat with bells on for you shall I?
@Deb - Pregnant and hormonal? No doubt whatsoever.
Excellent endeavors both - Dan and Spencer. Here's to a successful completion for each.
Been enjoying your entertaining blog posts on a subject which must often be difficult to find an entertaining side to (if you see what I mean). Good luck with the chess game...
The longest two weeks, those are...hurry up and wait, as they say.
Wishing you the best, as always.
Thanks for the link, I'll pop over. All hail Dan and Spence.
I'm outside the privy door with you in spirit. Best of luck for next week. I hope you don't give those buggers the satisfaction of going back.
Hovering around toilets can get you arrested but I seriously wish you the best of luck!
Maybe Spencer would be more inclined to finish if not finishing meant letting down a larger crowd. Perhaps you can start a 'Sponser Spencer' fund. Peer pressure of the masses couldn't hurt.
Hopefully, it will all be moot. Good luck on the cycle.
I wonder...if you were thinking of this more as joust than chess, would it have an effect?
@Tara R - Well Spencer has troubles making his way about 18 inches, so Dan gets uber credit for 78 miles!
@Blogdad - Welcome! as the saying goes, if you can't laugh, you'll cry... that's about right!
@Karen Meg - All hail Dan indeed!
@Bsouth - Cheers!
@Quickroute - that George Michael gave us all a bad name...
@James Austin - Like getting paid to hump a good looking lady? Like College all over again.
@Zoeyjane - it would have an effect for sure, mostly on the bloody horse though.
My son almost died from the very same infection. It is real. It is horrible. I wish those guys all the best.
Hoping they do too.
Go spencer go!
Love your chess analysis! A wee bit obsessive? Hmmm. All the best.
Go Spencer, Go Spencer, Go, Go, Go.
Go Spencer, Go Spencer, Go, Go, Go.
(You have to imagine the cheerleaders and pompoms, since I can't put a picture in here.)
You know, the pediatrician updated me on the new vaccine a year, but we never did bring the boys to get their new shots. I'm shocked that the disease can actually cause SIDS. *shudder* Will schedule a pedia visit forthwith.
Incidentally, you're doing just fine. Spectacularly riveting, in fact. Can't you tell with your legion of fans clogging the comment boxes?
Just sending you some love and courage from Belgium.
@momo fali - it's nice that you can say that here, gives people a further feeling for it.
@Tiff - thank you dear.
@Snowmanpoop - the lazy git. (Spencer, that is)
@Nola - A WEE bit? thanks.
@River - I often imagine cheerleaders and their pompoms...
@Dondi Tiples - Thank you very much.
@Mwa - It's nice to see someone from nearby! welcome, and thank you.
My comments suck today. I don't think I am going to be any better here than I was over *there*.
Good luck (not lick like I tried to type) with the waiting.
I'm always thinking about you and really waiting for that day to come soon. I know I've been a bad blogger. MIA and all, but you are someone I think about daily. I hope you know that even if you don't "see" me all the time, I'm here.
Good luck!!!
@Veronica - Licking is also good, trust me.
@Petite Gamine - You're always watching, like baby Jesus?
@Ashley - Thank you m'am.
Yeah, you are such a miserable bastard - NOT!
Crossing everything available over here for you. fingers, arms, toes, legs, eyes, ovaries (they're not doing anything else useful right now)... And yes, the bounceback is easier if there's more hope for next time than there was this time. Just watch out for the crash next time. Killer.
*digging a hole*
*kicking that thought in*
*covering it with lime*
*burying it*
@Irish Diaspora - I have my moments ;0)
@Marie - Thanks very much lol, don't cross them too hard!
Ugh, don't even wanna think about next time, yet.
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