Hourly emails and calls between our respective workplaces, and constant badgering, have left ET wishing I were a fingerless mute.

Good news and bad news is rampant, and the very fact you haven't seen me running screaming through your streets should tell you what the good news isn't.
No red menace, no Aunt Flo, no painters, no monthly visitor, no yokes.
Absolutemente nada.
This of course, is good news.
Not so good was, that following another great high temperature yesterday, we had a hefty dip in basal body temperature this morning.
Seemingly, instead of hell freezing over, Lucifer directed the cold front right up into the wife's innards.
The reproductive equivalent of knowing you don't have enough in the tank to get you to the next petrol station.
Such a big dip is bad news, and barring some reproductive anomaly, the end of this cycle is imminent.
Then again, an as eternal optimist, (read: idiot), no news is good news, right?
Spot on! (pun not intended of course)
Absolutely no news is good news!
Until we hear definitive news, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and holding out hope that this cycle is still the one!!
Maybe it was user error and a thermometer malfunction. (I also had a temp drop this morning, and am enjoying making up excuses for myself...) Just the same, if AF isn't around, that's GREAT news!
I've been checking up on you guys obsessively and hoping for the best!
i'm sticking with no news is good news for now. *praying this is the one*
I have been reading awhile and never commented. I felt compelled to agree, no news is good news.
My heart goes out to you and ET...
Praying for the best.
I believe innocent until proven guilty would fit in here - As long as that red headed slut (thanks Christa!) has stayed away thus far - that is still GOOD NEWS! Still wishin' and hopin' and prayin' for you!!
xoxo - darcie
Holding my breath for you!
Ditto to everyone's comments before me!! It seems I cannot think of anything original to say except DITTO!!! (a bit redundant...eh?)
I am starting to be seriously concerned-and I am not even exxagerating here-that my cycle at ET's are the same. Pray to God hers doesn't start and mine does! :)
Yea!! What they all said!
How original. heh!
Fingers crossed.
Keeping everything bar fallopian tubes crossed for you as usual!
Oooooo! I'm on pins and needles already! God...let this be "THE" cycle for you two!!
May the good news get better, and the no-news stay away.
Or something, it's hard to type with my fingers crossed
maybe if she stays upside down for 48 hours it will stop it? I dunno, just an idea. *clink* here's to hoping there is no news.
I am a relatively new reader, so forgive me if this is a ridiculous question, but why hasn't ET taken a pregnancy test? When TTC'ing it takes all the willpower I have to wait until 9DPO before POAS!!!
(DPO = days past ovulation, POAS = peeing on a stick; though I'm sure you knew that...)
I am also behind peeing on a stick. So to speak.
Best of Irish luck!
(Um... I remembered this time! NOT British, Ann... NOT British! IRISH! Cough. Sorry about that.)
@Joe - I'm a bit suspicious that it was very much intended...
@Katie J - Thanks Katie.
@RRP - bless ya! cheers.
@Marissa - Thanks very much!
@Elaine - Welcome! and thanks, its appreciated.
@Darcie - I have an OJ simpson joke in there somewhere but cant find it.
@EG - Take it easy!
@Horse Chick - Well I just keep saying thanks, not very original either!
@Kori - Oh how I would LAUGH....
@Sarah - Cheers.
@Jane G - thanks.
@AnnD - Hmmm. hoping still anyway.
@Rob - I dunno what Im trying to say myself, but thanks.
@Hockeyman - Finally some constructive input!
@Lauren - I think I'm familar with those terms... I may have to google...
Basically only 10% of pregnancies get a positive on 10dpo, plus being pretty regular nature usually tells us before we have good reason to test.
@Hairyfarmerfamily - Well done!
We can hope. Until then, maybe she should hang from her ankles, just in case?
Uggh! The suspense...
Holy Hell! There's a bit of a tingle in the antipiation. Keep on, man. Keep on.
I don't know whether to leave an uplifting comment or not because I am late again but I am hoping there is no sign of the witch.
No news is always good news in this case.
Optimism is not idiocy.
I'm a believaaaahhh.
Waiting anxiously for you both, still with legs crossed....
Until you have a visitor, it's game on!
On the flip side, I would love to have you running through the street screaming. It would liven things up around here.
Wait and see Xbox. It's all you can do. And maybe the Mrs just had a chill up her flue?? Take care.
No news is, um, no news.
Dammit. This is like a freaking soap opera. Don't keep me in suspense boy...
Cause it is all about me. But you knew that already.
Would i dare??? Never. You underestimate my innocence!
@Mr Lady - that's all it is.
An outside chance.
@Womb for improvement - I thin the temp dip is the fatal blow, the rest is inevitable.
@Ed - will do!
@Tiff - status quo tiff.
@Bluestreak - as long as it stays no news maybe, but we are waiting.
@Lovelyh - mind for pins & needles,
@Russ - true I suppose, both counts.
@Jo Beaufoix - We have already thrown up all the possible reasons for the dip, aside from the probable one.
@Kelley - Jesus, a kelley appearance in the Aussie AM... wet the bed?
@Joe - oh look, THERE'S the OJ simpson joke...
Fingerless mute. Tee hee. Hang in there, buddy.
All fingers and toes crossed - we're all waiting with you and hoping for good news to prevail against the odds of the lower temp!
We're thinking positive thoughts on our end.
Humm de hum de hum, tippy tappy tippy.
That's me waiting patiently again btw.
I have no idea why, but I am waiting with bated breath to hear news and I hope it is all good.
I am checking your blog every half-hour at the moment. Lord knows how YOU are both feeling.
@Amy - I chuckled.
@Elle Charlie - yep, thats the hurdle.
@IVegasFamily - thanks sir.
@Tismee2 - Could you wait a bit quieter?
and not fidget?
@Ms Moon - I certainly dont know why you lot are waiting ;0)
@Nutsinmay - GaGa, I believe is the technical term.
I am going to go insane with all this waiting.
Just thought I'd let you know that you weren't going to be alone in the insanity.
I still vote for the sneak approach in the toilet.
I have been checking for updates! No news is good news!! Keeping things crossed for you!!
*wringing hands with anxiety*
Go kiss your wife.
Holding breath once again....this is good news and hoping it continues!
Now you know I'm lurking, I better comment!!! Still keeping everything crossed that all is still good!
Wishing, hoping!!
The temp dip isn't going to phase me. I'm going to hold onto some optimism here!
Well, it's been 8 hours without an update - hoping it's still 'no news' for you,
I'm going with no news is good news. Here's to hoping!
That's what I always say. ;)
I'm on pins and needles over here.
No bed wetting just waiting... hang on, there was bed wetting but it wasn't me.
This time.
Everything is crossed, even my eyes and now I am crashing into the walls as opposed to climbing them...
No news IS good news.
On the edge of my seat for you !!!!
Still sending positive vibes your way.....
Suspenseful! I soooo want to see a pic of a BFP on here!
I like to live in a little world called DENIAL. So in my land, no news IS good news. Until it comes out and bitch slaps you in the face. So here's hoping ET doesn't come out and slap you.
Oh my! If I don't think about things they usually come out well, so I will steadfastly NOT think of anything, ANYTHING for the next 9 months, ok? OK. And it will be good. (And unsurprisingly, not difficult.)
@Veronica - Thanks.
@Christa - people get arrested for that.
@Jenn - Thank you.
@Jenni - take it easy woman.
@A whole lot of nothing - go kiss my arse.
@James Austin - Not so lucky.
@M+B - thank you again.
@Nola - Thanks.
@Leslie Laine - amazing what we will deny!
@Myst_72 - That's called 'sleep' here in Europe ;0)
@IrishNYC - Thanks.
@Marie - don't do yourself an injury.
@Kelley - kinky.
@Frogpondsrock - you'll end up with glasses...
@Widdle Shamrock - mind don't fall..
@River - Thank you.
@AnnD - you actually could have had one.
@kittyconcerto - I'm staying there too.
@Captain Steve - Wish I didn't have to think about it.
I'm joining the 'no news is good news' gang! I have everything crossed that your next update contains good news! N
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