Easier said than done, but they did their best.

The last two cycles have been 25 days, so on that pattern we expect the red menace tomorrow, or by Wednesday at a stretch.
To make the 'end of days' more fun, we can always look at the symptoms we have.
Go-goo. Or at least what seems to be go-goo. Could be a good sign at this stage of the cycle, or could be, er, how can I sensitively put this, er... 'leftovers'.
Sore boobies. While I'd love to claim that it's just a result of some manly mammary mauling, it's more likely to be the oncoming red menace, or....
Temperature. In previous cycles, ET's temperature dropped towards the end of the cycle, this one has been a bit different. 7 days after O-fest we had a drop, but it's climbed again.
The drop could be the 'normal' tail off of a non pregnant cycle, with the increase a 'blip', or, it could have been an implantation dip and the unspeakable is happening.
I think the only symptoms of pregnancy that are not exactly the same as the impending red menace are the bowling ball gut and craving for coal.
I'm trying to be a bit cool about it all, but there's a teeny weeny bit of me (not that bit, smartarse) excited at the moment.
A teeny weeny bit.
Do you know the stupid thing? Now that I haven't got any kind of two week wait for the next few months at least I have been checking in on you several times a day to see how you guys are doing. Must get a life ... fingers crossed.
Come on Xbox! Cheering hard for you in the MN!
Oh, fingers are crossed and hope for you is mounting. OH, hope hope hope...
This sounds really positive to me. As soon as I read the bit about the dip in temperature and subsequent rise I immediately thought implantation, that's the pattern I have always seen whenever I have got a BFP. I am really really hoping and praying for you two, in my own semi lapsed Catholic Irish way!
Let's hope it is on the right wall then.
Thumbs up for a positive outcome.
Sore 'boobies' is also a sign of early pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ooooooh, sounds way promising! Please, let this be it... Hoping and praying for that BFP...
OMG, OMG, OMG!! I'm anxiously keeping all my fingers (and toes!) crossed for you guys!
oh man oh man oh man. bated breath. i've everything crossed that this one is it.
(not to get your hopes up or anything but i have had a funny feeling about this cycle from the beginning....)
i'll be blog-stalking you in the meantime.
@Womb for improvement - I'd be the very same. Thanks.
@RRP - Cheers.
@Sue - For now, at least...
@Jane G - That's the one thing that really has me thinking 'perhaps'...
@Single Parent Dad - Hopefully!
@TW - yep, hence the 'or....'
@Amy - hopefully yes.
@April - just don't trip over.
@Hilary - hahaha. id love to know why you thought this was the one?
Holding breath.....210 seconds...couldn't do it for a couple more days, so I will just cross my fingers instead!
It's cruel, I think. You know, that PMS and early pregnancy symptoms are so much alike.
Especially when you're going through infertility, and don't get to live in ignorant bliss about every physical ache and twinge.
How nice it would be just to wake up one day and say... huh? I think I missed my period. Wasn't that supposed to be about a week ago? I wonder?
That'll never be me!
Sorry for the rant. I'm having a rough day.
Sounds promising!
If it's not "that" tiny bit, which tiny bit is it?
So when will you be coming to America where you don't have to wait so long to get the petri dish support of getting Spencer in the hole?
Ohhh, my fingers are crossed!
Aren't trying to decipher those blips on the thermometer just so fun? Oh, and then graphing it and looking for ANY little pattern? Yeah, fun times.
You will 'know'
ET will 'know'
Everyone says it, and its true. I had a little voice telling me in the back of my head that there was a little life growing inside me and another little voice trying not to get my hopes up too much.
(That annoying voice of reason)
The little voice will get stronger until you get the urge to pee on a stick! (well SHE will anyway)
Remember women were MADE to do this (apparently according to history where men were academics and artists and athletes, women were child bearers)
I am enjoying being an incubator and I cant wait to read about your adventures as an expecting couple too!
I'm anxiously waiting for word that your wife does not have her period.
Wow... that sounded weird...
Dunno, just a feeling I guess! I've been thinking about you and ET all week.
Go baby go!
Hold onto the hope - go xbox and ET!
OMG...you have to announce this like on every single blogger who reads your blog so we can all cheer for you on our own blogs!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOO hoping this is it for you two!!!!!
Prego pics will be mandatory!!!
I sure hope it's a BFP!
Do I HAVE to read the other comments?
'leftovers' made me vomit up my lunch.
Thanks for that. It tasted better the first time 'round.
Oh and my boobs hurt too, but that is because Boo stepped on them when he was jumping around on the bed. You been jumping around on the bed BoxBoy?
So? How did it pan out?
There will be a huge blog party when you announce the intrauterine parasite has finally decided to grace us with its presence!
You know as soon as you get a positive pregnancy test you are going to have to desert ET and blog about it straight way!
Oooh! Oooh! This could be it! fingers crossed here. Heck everything that can be crossed is crossed.
I´m hoping you don´t see that red menace for many moons.
Well, here's to good tingling in your weenie bits.
My friend got a BFP on Sept. 23rd. She spoke with me the night before (on the 22nd) saying that she expected AF because she had had a temperature drop that morning, she felt that didn't bode well for being preggers. The next morning, she took her temperature and it had increased drastically! She took the test immediately and got a BFP! I hope that means your drop will be followed by an increase!
may the (positive) force of the early pregancy test pee-sticks be with you!!!
You know this is Mother Nature at her best! Up and down nothing in between - an I'm not talking about you bumping uglies.
I'm saying nowt, not tempting fate or anything.
Oh and Jordan's XBox got a red ring of death last night. So if you are going to be swapping your xbox afterall - maybe we could put a best offer in for it?
@James Austin - Probably better off just saying 'good luck', safer.
@PJ - ABSOLUTELY agree, what I wouldn't give at this stage to have an 'accident'
feel free to rant, we know what its like.
@Sarah - it does. depending how you look at it.
@Alyssa - Thanks!
@Tanya - I hope not, as ET says she doesn't think it is this time...So...I hope you are wrong.
@A whole lot of nothing - if the cap fits...
@Hilary - That'll do me. Although, you probably need a hobby ;0)
@Trish - Will do!
@hotmamamia - take it easy there dear...;0)
@Elle Charlie - not the only one!
@Kelley - blogs that induce vomit are ok in my book.
@veronica - tune in, same time, same bat channel...
@the microbiologist - what a charming description.
@Sinead - Ah yes, fatherhood and divorce in the one day, that would be something...
@River - it could be, but then again...
@bluestreak - you and me both. not that I get to SEE them, you understand.
@Ed - Always a good thing...
@AnnD - We have had an increase since the dip, hence the optimism.
@Geeks in Rome - Thanks, fingers crossed.
@Tismee2 - I think you're confusing me with the buy & sell.
Can I also be really annoying and say that ever since your 'pressing play' post I have been convinced this was your month. I am crossing everything that I'm right!
Seriously, I'm so excited here you'd think I was the one waiting to find out. Good luck!
We're all hopeful with you!
Waiting with baited breath...I hope this is the one!
Here till the end (or rather beginning).
Ah. I have a good feeling about this one...
Going to be out the end of the week, so I'm hoping for good news by Thursday morning Cali time.
Co'mon good news!!!!
Keep up . . . posted.
I'm crossing my fingers, toes, legs, arms, eyes, etc (you get the idea) that this is it for you guys!!
Lots of baby vibes coming your way!
Here's hoping your excitement ends well.
Somehow I stumbled upon you blog, and I've been cheering for you two ever since. I'm crossing everything I've got for you hoping that this is 'the' month!
@Claire - it will only be annoying if you are wrong.
So dont be wrong, kay?
@Jenni - Dont get too excited, you'll make a mess.
@KAte - thank you!
@Rikki - dont go changing tag lines on me now!
@Christa - I'll try to use my powers to fit things into your schedule...
Bloody yanks....
@tysdaddy - will do, thanks!
@Jen - mind now, you'll trip or something and you can't sue me.
@Captain Steve - You and me both!
@Heather - You're very welcome, thanks for the shout!
Well your finally making sense then!
Ooooh...fingers crossed!
Everything is crossed, and I will also say a prayer in my lapsed catholic way. x
Hope that this is it! Sounds promising...I'll be waiting and watching for the news.
Remember my post about denial? Well I had these kinds of symptoms but wasn't willing to take a test because I was unwilling to acknowledge that I might be pregnant.
And then I was.
Can't wait to hear how it goes!
Oh man....You've posted this almost 24 hours ago and I'm on the edge of my seat for you.
praying really hard....
You're right... all signs are the same...even down to the cramping (just so you know...or maybe you already know).
If she starts feeling crampy...don't panic...it could be a good sign...
Praying for you both.
oooh, fingers crossed big time!! really, really hoping for some good news by the end of the week!!
Hmmm. That temp situation has me intrigued. May the bowling ball bloat follow soon...
@Christa - There's always a first time.
@Colleen - thanks!
@Jo Beaufoix - We have a lot of those in the house tonight!
@Leslie Laine - Yep, 'sounds' promising, but...
@Kittyconcerto - Trust me, we are willing to admit it...
@Mama Smurf - absolutely!
@Anonymmous - thank you, appreciated.
@Alicat413 - us too, thanks.
@Amber - yep that's the one thing that really has me thinking 'maybe'.
Keeping everything crossed. EVERYTHING!
Please for the love of all things known to man let this be it.
With everyone "knowing" they were pregnant...I didn't with my first. I had all the symptoms ET is having, including some spotting (so don't freak out if it happens). Mr. Engineer figured it out because my boobs got sore and HUGE all of a sudden. Everything sounds VERY promising...very.
I am crossing everything for the both of you.
How did things go?
@Tiff - Aggggh. Fingers crossed.
@Lovelyh - thank god someone didn't automatically KNOW!
@Tanya - Still the same, game still going.
Everything I could possibly cross is crossed for you!
Keeping them crossed for you guys!
(she said with utter eloquence)
There is an award over at my blog for you, and I am hoping it will bring you great luck this cycle!
I lurk here frequently in the hope that you have had success. So fingers crossed again for you and ET this month!
@IrishNYC - Thanks!
@Monioque - Cheers, thank you.
@Maggie, dammit - nothing holy about it, let me assure you.
@M+B - thank you very very much.
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