Friday, 25 September 2009

Fast forward

In one week everything will change.

Next Friday we have an ultrasound scheduled. It will be a check on the health and development of the baby of course, but I'm not worried about that.

I'm excited to the point of involuntary urination because in one week we will find out the baby's gender. In one week we'll know if he is a she, or if she is a he, or if it is a what-the-fuck.

In a week we will be having a 'son', or a 'daughter'.

I'm not one for wanting holidays to end, but I just want to fast forward the next seven days.

In a week, a name we are nowhere near to chosing will come from a list half as long as it is today.

ET has her own body to give form to what is happening, physical changes that she can point to on a daily basis that reassure and remind her along the way. For me, things that apply flesh to the bones of what's happening have been few and far between, usually the glimpse of or sound of a heartbeat. For me, knowing the gender is a big one.

In seven days I will know one new small fact. One that will affect how I approach everything from then onwards, until I reach my own, most probably undignified and cardiac related, end.

A little girl, or a little boy. Anyone care to predict?


Veronica said...

I'm going to say girl.

Just because.

Proseaholics said...

If it's to be anything like you, my prediction would have to be a girl.

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

I am saying girl cause I am not entirely sure if you possess a Y chromosome.

Mwa said...

I'd have to see the bump for prediction purposes. But... boy?

We were so sure our first was going to be a girl, it took a couple of weeks to get our heads around to the concept of boy.

River said...

Girl. Definitely.

Jane G said...

Yeah I'm thinking girl too. No idea why. It's so exciting. I can't wait to find out, so I can only imagine how you two are feeling about it!

WeaselMomma said...

I predict that you are going to have one extremely loved baby, no matter what the babies form. I can envision a 'daddies little girl' in your arm though.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Boy ...because they rock ! and no matter what I agree with weasal mum.

Captain Steve said...

I predict girl, frankly, because when she hits teenage years, I think your blog will be hilarious with the fatherly angst of keeping her daddy's little girl.

Renee said...

Long time reader.. First time commenter.. I'm going to say boy... Because I can =D

Kori said...

Well I hope to God it IS a boy; you all have been calling it little Fitz for so long that I can't imagine it anythign else. And Little Fitzerina just doesn't have the same ring, you know?

Daily Daydreamer said...

I'm getting a 'girl' vibe..

Hockeyman said...

Girls seem to be the trend right now. My sister is having one in February and one of my employees just had one.

unmitigated me said...

Girl. I'm saying that because my first inclination was "boy" and I was 100% wrong with my own children, why not with yours?

Jo said...

Hmm. I did keep saying she.

Though the lack of morning sickness could point to a boy.

I'll say it's a girl.

Or a boy :)

Russ said...

Well, legend has it, if the baby bump is low, it's a girl and if it's high, it's a boy. (Or is it the other way?)

Of course the Wife's bumps both were high and we had one of each.

WhatAboutNovember said...

I am 100% sure it will be one or the other.

And please do not dilly dally in posting the results when you get them. 7 more days is long enough to wait methinks. :-D

Ginny said...

I must admit, I am loathe to end my perfect streak of baby-related predictions (I'm one for one, in case you forgot.)

I'm saying girl.

Susanica said... will approach everything differently based on whether you have a boy or girl? Very interesting. It's fascinating how we socialize our boys and girls differently. I've heard of experiments where researchers will dress the same infant in typical boy or typical girl clothes and analyze how strangers interact with the child. All cooey and soft with the girls and all "that-a-boy" with the boys. I guess we all do it without realizing it. That-a-boy Box! I predict a boy! -Monica

Jenni said...

girl. or a boy. definately a baby.

Putz said...

twin boys

Reg said...

wow, I'm saying girl too!

Mo said...

Oh Wow! This is such an exciting time for you! I'm voting girl. Just a feeling.


Mick said...


Definitely a little XboX'ette. A wee lass.

Wrapping up the clothes already :-)

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I typed a comment and it disappeared. Maybe a sign that I shouldn't be so facetious (or use words that I can't spell).

I think it'll definitely be a girl. Or maybe a boy.

Ms Avery said...

This post made me all teary-eyed. Damn female hormones. Let's hope for the baby's sake that it's a boy.

James (SeattleDad) said...

I have always stuck with boy, which means start picking girl names. Like you haven't already...

Liz said...

I know, without a doubt, the sex. But I won't tell you because I don't want to spoil the surprise for you.

merinz said...

I think that you will have a son. And you will be the proudest father in all the land!

Because you sure have walked over hot coals to get this far!

Sarah said...

I'm thinking its a boy.

A Free Man said...

I wanted to know both times but my partner didn't. And as you're learning, it's good practise to defer to pregnant women.

As for a guess? Probably girl.

Jill said...

i truly believe that we're given the sex of the baby that we 'need' sometimes over what we want. my husband is all boy ... nary a sentimental or emotional bone in his body. our first two were girls.

you're so having a girl.

KJ said...

I'm getting a girl vibe too, but I'm usually exactly wrong about these things, so my guess is that you're having a BOY!

Amy said...

Oooooh, I have been popping in every now and again to catch up and I was hoping I'd read something like this today!
I'm guessing: girl. Because I reckon you'd do the confused-outnumbered-male-martyr very well :)

Hilary (Maya Papaya) said...

So exciting!!! My prediction? I'm going to say girl. No, boy. No, GIRL. Wait, definitely BOY. YES BOY. I'm sticking with that.

I remember when we found out. Wow, everything got SO REAL from that point on. You'll see!

Can't wait to hear all about it!!

Much love :)

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...


I'd lay my life on the line.

Mistress B said...

While a girl would be my guess, I'm just hoping that the law of murphy doesn't decide to fuck you over by giving the baby a shy moment during the ultrasound as has happened to us leaving the gender to be a happy surprise for the moment of birth.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

I vote a little Golum like his Dad only good looking ;-)

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

I'm betting girl too.

Either that or a puppy.

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

Just a little trivia for you. There are more girls born when clomid has been used.

There are more boys born from AI (something to do with the fast boy swimmers being able to take the spinning).

So the way I see it is, you really have a 50/50 chance still

I still think girl.

AnnD said...

Hhhhmmm....I'm not getting any strong feelings either way....

I'm going to say girl. I'm hesitant to do that because she really wasn't sick but I have a feeling ET just might be one of those women who carries a girl and never gets sick!

I've only met a few of them though!

Plus, I think you would make such a fabulous father to a little girl! They are rare too but I think you are definitely one of them!

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, a girl.

Shanny said...

I'm voting girl!

darcie said...

I'd like to say one of each - but since we know that isn't the case - I'm leaning towards girl...

Lorna said...

I'm saying boy - cos ET hasn't been that sick or at least i remember you saying once or twice that she wasn't puking like you both expected she would.

Rikki said...



V said...

I'm going with girl, just because my sweet little girl was born in February!

Chelsea Lietz said...

Girl. Everyone is having girls. Join the crowd.

Anonymous said...

My prediction is girl. Because a girl would give you a LOT more worries to blog about, from now 'til she's finally married off some day. :)

Insch Stalker said...

I'm going with boy - simply because everyone bar 1 couple I know who has had IUI has had a wee boy.

A scientific boffin-y friend of mine said its something to do with the microscopic weight difference between X and Y chromosomes - Y being fractionally lighter, and with the close timings of IUI and ovulation, it is statistically more likely to be a Y sperm that makes it there in the great race...

saying that, watch it be a wee girl!

Whatever, its already one very loved wee person!

I Am Emily... said...

I think boy

mammydiaries said...

Award for you on my page!

Maggie, Dammit said...

Either way works for me. A boy would have a helluva role model. A girl would be safe and loved. You are going to be such a good daddy, my friend.

Martin said...

@Veronica - Hmmm

@Monty - smartarse

@Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo - theres a word for people like you

@Mwa - its big and round...

@River - very certain!

@Jane G - this is getting weird....

@WeaselMomma - awww

@Trish - you're biased :-)

@Captain Steve - teenage years? how long do you envisage I write this crap?!

@Renee - Awww, welcome and thanks.

@Kori - that could be unisex!

@Daily Daydreamer - string bikinis, some oils?

@Hockeyman - Im a trend SETTER!

@Middle Aged Woman - as good a logic as any!

@jothemama - fence sitter!

@Russ - at barely feet tall, this bump will stay low...

@WhatAboutNovember - hmmmmm, you may be disappointed!

@Ginny - freak.

@Susanica - yeah I think so, in my mind anyway. there just feels like there would be different preparation for both.

@Jenni - you know its parents, 'baby' isnt a given!

@Putz - hmmm, somewhat unlikely putz.

@Reg - this is weird

@Mo and Will - It is. Take care.

@Mick - you're biased!

@bsouth - backside sore ther on the fence?

@Ms Avery - for MY sake ou mean!

@James (SeattleDad) - at least you are consistant!

@womb for improvement - not sure how many ways it can surprise us...

@merinz - it's been an adventure thats for sure

@Sarah - that's your slutty tendencies coming through... ;-)

@A Free Man - oh we want to know, trust me!

@Jill - hehehehe

@Kat - its going on the boy pile!

@Amy - i do all martyrdom well!

@Hilary (Maya Papaya) - thats exactly it, the picture gets clearer from this point

@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - I SO wish we could make that legally binding

@Mistress B - heheh

@Quickroute - they all look like golum dont they?

@tiff(threeringcircus) - at least you used science!

@AnnD - awwwww

@Erika - oooh certainty!

@Shanny - hmmmmm

@darcie - interesting!

@Lorna - exactly, Im surprised youre the first to mention that

@Rikki - very odd!

@Kathryn - as was ET....

@Chelsea Lietz - Everyone! humanity is doomed

@iamstacey - worries? hmmmm

@Insch Stalker - thats what I like to hear, some proper reasoning behind it all!

@Tanya - noted!

@mammydiaries - thank you :)

@Maggie, Dammit - awww dammit, dammit.

@ALL - to this point 55% say girl, 30% say boy, 15% are smartarse fencesitters.
Whats with the girl thing?

IrishMammy said...

Best of luck it is so exciting, with my first I couldn't resist so we made a pact not to tell anyone but it was hell trying to hide all ther blue things I had bought before the birth! I am going to say boy!

B said...

Twins, one of each!
...maybe I haven't got this whole pregnancy thing figured out.

Why do some people prefer it to be a surprise?

J from Ireland said...

I am predicting a boy, I have no idea why though!! Best wishes to you both.

Martin said...

@IrishMammy -Thank god we have some more boy guesses! Was beginning to worry.

@B - A bit too late for a twin surprise. I really have no idea why people would not want to know!

@J from Ireland - Cheers, thanks!

Blues said...

You were lucky to have something to look forward to upon return from holidays.

Gunfighter said...

A strapping lad! Call him William, won't you?