Slowly and unsurely the baby’s room is taking some shape. That makes it sounds far more intricate than it really is, the reality being that it just needs some bloody painting.
So Saturday morning that’s what I did, or attempted to do at least. By the time lunchtime had come around I had managed to scald myself on the radiator and roll paint onto the blinds.
Neither of which I particularly advise or encourage, but I’m going to put those mishaps in the battle scar category.
One more coat and the kid will have its own room decorated in a colour that can only be described as along the lines of something you’d find in a used tissue. Paint companies find ‘sea green’ a preferable term to ‘snot’ though.
That afternoon we went for a 3D/4D ultrasound. Getting to have another gawk at the kidlet is enough to put a smile on anyone’s paint spattered face.
The technology is simply fantastic. The views and insights into what the child is up to in its own little bedwomb world are amazing.
We saw clear images of full cheeks, lips, nose, eyes and ears. We were able to see the child leaning into the placenta on one side like a pillow. We watched it put one hand into its mouth and play with its ear with the other. Sucking, kicking, and stretching for us while we peeked in on it.
More than once the baby spread its bizarrely long fingers open wide, raised its hands, and gave us the biggest wave from inside its own hidden little world.
I’ll probably be able to stop looking at these sometime soon.

Stunning. Just stunning.
I never got any of these with Emily because she wouldn't keep still enough. The sonographers didn't want to waste the machine on shots of her back!
Snot green? You went with snot green??? Hmmm.
Those pictures are amazing. Baby looks so happy in there. Like s/he already knows how welcome s/he is.
That is so cool. S/he's a pretty little thing.
That is one good looking baby in there.S/he must get it from his/her mother. ;)
Snot green... "interesting" choice.
In 15 years you'll come across that sonogram and still marvel at it.
Baby has a very cute face.
The child is just perfect!!! :)
Yeah, I doubt you'll grow tired of looking at them. Kind of surreal, ain't it?
Amazing pictures :o)
Awww what awesome pics you got there, enough to make anyone broody!
That is absolutely amazing! Thanks for sharing these incredible images of Little Fritz.
Baby, baby, baby, baby.
Do you believe it yet?
Snot green is a good color for baby rooms. It will help hide cast off from the diapers.
I would say that your kid is cute, but the pics look like melting wax. Mine did too.
Awww! I love them! Lil' Fitz!
It is an amazing technology, ultrasound in general but the 4D's are indescribable.
I still have Emma's 25 week 4D in a frame in my room (even in spite of the fact that the little wooden thing that props it up has long been broken) and I always look at it because it's her! Even at almost 3 years old, it's her!
That's your baby!
P.S. We also have a green room for Emma and Baby Boo.
sea green is a BOY color, you can't fool me....river has guessed it is a has veronica, she dosen't fool around comes right out and says it...russ definetely has it figured out,,,, you can tell by the look in his eyes
oh damned damn dam...that is daniel's handle, muy loverely boy and not david h barlow frome ephraim...the the putz
Not sharing shots of the equipment, then? Although I think these kind of shots are a little creepy looking, they are still amazing.
Very cute images. Clearly the kidlet takes after ET.
And Sea Green is the color of bridesmaid's dresses. I still say girl.
Beautiful...just beautiful. So beautiful that I can't bring myself to rib you about the "snot green" paint choice.
It's amazing isn't it. I still look back at our ultrasounds and my youngest is nearly 3.
We just finished our own snot green nursery as well. I'm a big fan.
What beautiful pictures.
Man... I really wanted to make a funny comment, but I'm too happy for you to be cynical.
Dude, I don't really know how to break it to you, but I think your kid's a.....mime. He/she/it is TOTALLY doing "Trapped in a Glass Box" in the third picture.
That is just all kinds of awesome X.
Fitz is waving right at me too. Perfect.
I can't get over the wonder of 3D ultrasounds. Wonderful! I am glad things are going well, and good luck with the painting. BLECH! I hate it. I dropped a WHOLE BUCKET on my head on moving day b/c I didnt' get the top back on well-my new neighbors heard me curse. It wasn't pretty. I hope the rest of your painting is uneventful! :)
Beautiful child. Splendid elegant hands. You lucky, lucky, lucky man. Luckily, you know you're a lucky man.
fantastic pics XboX!! The kidlet's gonna be a stunner :-)
Bet you can't wait!!
Beautiful u/s pics.
Gorgeous :)
awwwwwwwwwwwww....and you still aren't going to reveal the gender?
Hello bebe!
No words except for BEAUTIFUL. That little mouth is so sweet.
Please please please tell us if little Fitz is a boy or a girl. I must know. I'm going mental over here!!
@Dan - My thoughts exactly!
@Tanya - Yep!
@River - already spoiled
@Veronica - dunno if HE would like to be called pretty...
@frogpondsrock -Behave.
@Mwa - Yes, thats the important part of the entry...
@michelle -Of course it does! like me ;-)
@Making Babies - Still a shortarse though...
@Ed - incredibly surreal
@Jane G - they really are
@Nicki - heh, thats dangerous talk!
@Tara R. - F I T Z...
@Ms. Moon - less so than ever!
@Russ - melted wax! dude...
@AnnD - green is good!
@Daniel - Ah putz.. a boy eh? time will tell.
@Middle Aged Woman - You want to see my childs genitals and you have the cheek to call the pictures creepy?
@Jenni - bridemaids dresses in snot colour? nice.
@Kim - Hmmmmph...
@OHmommy - Back when they were quiet eh?
@Mary - see! brilliant choice.
@Alexicographer - I think so!
@People in the Sun - melted your black heart eh?
@Ginny - its got to learn a trade and make me some money.
@James (SeattleDad) - pretty cool eh?
@mybumpyjourney - One coat to go!
@nutsinmay - The only worry I have with continuing to write here is that people might think I don't realise how lucky I am.
I do, very very much so.
@Mick - Taking after papa of course....
@Sarah - they are, thanks.
@Myst_72 - :-)
@Poppy - hhhmmmmmmm.....nope! ;-)
@IrishNYC - hahaha
@Hilary (Maya Papaya) - ok I will tell you if its a boy or a girl.
Yes, it is.
It's amazing, that you are growing a very little person in there.
I want one. Not a snot green nursery (we chose bile yellow), a baby. Those pictures are fabulous. In fact, I want another baby just so I can have some 4D scans. So lovely.
I won't have another one, of course. So now I'll have to cyberstalk yours (when I'm not plotting how to kidnap little sister's).
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us.
BEAUTIFUL! Must all be ET's genes :-p
OMG absolutely adorable! "HE" is so bloody cute. I wonder who the Father is?
@WeaselMomma - I'm not growing anything! she is!
@bsouth - never say never?
@iamstacey - Thanks ;-)
@Danielle - behave!
@Deno - 'He' eh? interesting.
Wow.... those U/S pics are weird. I've never seen 3d/4d before.
Anyway, it sounds like you picked a color similar to the one we picked for our son's room. I wish I could remember the actual color "Name" of it, but it certainly looks snotty.
I loved our 3d u/s, it actually made me believe there was a real person in there and now I knew what he would look like! It's will catch yourself checking those pics for a very long time! I framed one and put it on my desk at work, people thought I was crazy but I was so proud of my very first "real" looking baby pic! Did you get a video too? We did and sometimes I watch it just to remember what it was like to hold that baby so close to my heart! Glad to hear everything is going so well....waiting on the next post!
The 4D images are awesome, aren't they? We had them with Boy 2. I pissed off the ultrasound technician by being a pedant. Really, what is the fourth dimension? She didn't take it well and was stingy with the photos.
@Joe - They are creepy if the kid's not yours I'm sure!
@Momma - Yeah we have a video and a whole suite of pictures. They are great.
@A free man - Basically the 4th 'D' is the fact the images move, which is not correct technially. You dont go see Toy Story in 4D?
But they are amazing, they have changed my feeling about all thats going on now.
Those are so amazing, my friend. Not long to go now but still long enough.
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