Friday 4 December 2009

Next month

Maybe it was because of the electricity bill, or the insurance perhaps, I’m not sure.

Either way, I was standing in the middle of the room trying to work out what the date was. Had we reached the 14th of November yet? or was it the 21st already?

ET looked at me as if I had grown the two extra heads to go with my chins.

It was the 3rd of December.

December. It’s December.

If this kid decides to come early, say, two weeks early which is still considered full term, it will be here next month.

Next month.

I need to renew my blood pressure prescription.


Darragh said...

Awww. I mean AWWWW!

You'll be fine! Fine!!

(RUN, RUN!!!) said...

So are you ready to usher into 2010 with a lot on your hopes.....

AnnD said...

So excited for you! I'm guessing it will be here by the beginning of February! I think Lil' Fitz just might be one to keep us waiting! But, I was way off with both of my kids thought my early one was going to be late and my later one was going to be what do I know?

darcie said...

And what a Christmas present this will be! sooooooo freakin' excited to have this kid join the world! We've ALL been waiting for him! (or her?)

Tara R. said...

Next month!? These last few months went by really fast.

Making Babies said...

Goodness the time has flown!!!!

Danielle said...


Ms. Moon said...

And now you know how fast time can fly.

Hockeymandad said...

I wish I could tell you it slows down when the baby gets here, but it speeds up. Remember the words by Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it."

Now just think about how amazing next Christmas will be. Just try to imagine how different it will be. Might be a fun exercise to write about how you think it may be and then next year compare to the reality.

Good luck my friend. It's going to be amazing.

Ginny said...

I still can't believe it's happening. I can only imagine the mental whiplash you guys are going through. No sarcasm today, i'm just so happy for you both.

Gypsy said...

Gah! The time is almost nigh!

Russ said...

Both of mine came three weeks early. Good times. (Getting woken up at 0200 because her water broke is not a good way to wake up.)

Kori said...

Oh, my, isn't that just about the strangest thing ever? I could swear you just found out about the baby three days ago, and here you are on the home stretch!

Anonymous said...

Damn! That was fast! Buy yourself a nice pair of know, for when you'll have to fly by the seat of them.

James (SeattleDad) said...

As if it hasn't been already, the homestrech makes it all feel so real.

Exciting times.

Heather said...

I'm always amazed at how quickly other people's pregnancies are. You wife's is flying by. I love it.

It may be a good time to invest in a waterproof mattress pad. If it isn't used to protect your bed from ET's bag of waters, it will surely come in handy when baby Fitz pees/pukes you name it all over your bed. We got ours a few years too late, and our mattress will never be the same.

Mwa said...

I can't believe you're that far along already! Time flies indeed. This baby will be here before you know it. x

areyoukiddingme said...

So what you're saying is, you have 2 more months to go? And your insurance and/or electric bills are late?

Insch Stalker said...

whoa! where did that all go?

It does strangely echo a conversation we were having last chrimbo... me 35weeks preg, hubby relaxing... baby boy born at 35w6d! (So speedily that hubby missed the birth - him having been sent home from the hossie the night before, and me having a record breakingly quick labour)

we were due end jan/beg feb09, and he arrived Jan 2nd (a good scottish birthday, always being a bank holiday)

Hold on to your hat Xbox, Fitz may be here sooner than you expect ;-)

My best advice, get LOTS of sleep... and don't put off any last minute bits that you need... our last baby shop of stuff I wanted was ordered online the day before my waters broke (and I was hospitalised), and arrived half an hour after we got the wee man home from hospital!

Good luck xx

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

You're got Mommy Brain already!

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like you're just a few weeks away from home. Congratulations.

Missives From Suburbia said...

STOP IT! Already? How is that possible?

WhatAboutNovember said...

Gasp. Squeal. You go renew your blood pressure meds. I will hop up and down.

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

better boil the kettle then...

Liz said...

Where the hell has this year gone?


tiff(threeringcircus) said...

Are you ready for the ride of your life?

People in the Sun said...

Hey, full term or not, it can happen even sooner. I personally can't wait. For yours or for mine.

River said...

Time flies. Are you ready? Is ET ready? Is the room ready? Got everything?

Elf in Amsterdam said...

Hello lovely Xbox and ET

I've been away from the interwebs learning how to teach the sproglings but as I'm on the train home I wanted to check in on you two to see how the littlest one is coming along.

Now no need to panic, just keep breathing you are going to love your new poo filled burpy life so much you will begin to wonder how you ever needed sleep before. And as for bills keep them coming in as you won't have time to go out spending money anyway so the bills are better off coming to you.

Hugs to you both
elf ( no longer in Amsterdam)

Graham said...

Time flies when you're enjoying yourself! Wishing you the best for the weeks to come...

Martin said...

@Darragh - AGGGH is probably closer.

@WiseGuy - Ready? who knows ;-)

@AnnD - Mid feb is the due date, so we'll see

@darcie - definitely one or the other ;-)

@Jenni - my thoughts exactly

@Tara R. - its symantics really, but its possible

@Making Babies - absolutely

@Danielle - heh, yes

@Ms. Moon - and how it can drag....

@Hockeymandad - compared to last, its already black and white

@Ginny - :-)

@Gypsy - horsemen, apocalypse et al!

@Russ - lovely!

@Kori - yep!

@Erika - VERY fast.

@James (SeattleDad) - heh, exciting yes!

@Heather - noted!

@Mwa - it's pushing close alright

@areyoukiddingme - in fact, yes!

@Insch Stalker - Hahaha

@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - Yes, in a drawer...

@Anonymous - :-) a different world that was.

@Missives From Suburbia - absolutely, no idea.

@WhatAboutNovember - :-)

@Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo - like you could find the kitchen...

@womb for improvement - seriously is right, not a clue

@tiff(threeringcircus) - nope!

@People in the Sun - race?

@River - Nope, nope, nope and nope!

@Elf in Amsterdam - hey stranger, hope it's going well!

@Graham - thank you sir!

Silindile Ntuli said...

You're gonna be fine, you're one of the most prepared people I know of

Martin said...

@Silindile Ntuli - hah, thanks, but that's not really true ;-)

Or you know a LOT of disorganised people!

PG said...

that's nothing. time starts flying even faster once they (kids) start rolling and creeping and crawling and talking and walking and running and....

and no matter what you tell them, they refuse to stop growing.


Martin said...

@PG - manners shall have to be instilled!

Sadia said...

The last time I thought that ... they showed up the next day. Glad to hear that the same wasn't true of you. :)

Martin said...

@Sadia - yikes, no, hopefully it will stay put until the required time.