A few months ago, in that irritating way that first time expectant fathers are wont to do, I put together some playlists for her listening pleasure. Every now and again ET would place the headphones on her belly and let the music flow, usually to little or no reaction.
The sole exception being when Iron & Wine began to play, she would kick up a storm, leaving us curious as to whether they were thrusts of approval or disgust.
A couple of days ago, while she was screaming delightfully like a castrated demonic outcast from the depths of Inferno, I clicked on iTunes with no little hint of desperation. Iron & Wine started to play and the screaming stopped. She sighed, rolled her eyes, held her own hands in front of her soft chin, and dozed into a deep sleep. We have repeated this twice since then and she has done exactly the same.
Our daughter is a 13 day old hippy.
Last night, in the small hours, our 8lb bundle of happiness displayed her love of life in her favourite way once again, screaming so loud and fierce that the bats of hell were packing overnight bags and booking Ryanair flights to some airport 150 miles South East of Purtagorio.
Not being in a position to play music, and with her bottle not yet cooled, I sang. I sang Iron & Wine songs. She stopped screaming, sighed, rolled her eyes, held her own hands in front of her soft chin, and dozed into a deep sleep.
This little quirk we’ve found is many things; cute, useful, and a little freaky, but most of all it’s what is going to be the death of me.
She does these things and it physically tugs on tendons somewhere inside my chest. I don’t know how or why, but each time it’s a little more and I know I’m slipping a little further. I knew I could expect something along these lines but I never thought I would end up fearing every time she makes one of her little faces, or pulls an expression, or sighs and dozes off to sleep.
She is kryptonite, she is Achilles’ heel, and she produces love and the fear thereof in equal measure in me.
I’ve developed Stockholm syndrome, being held hostage in Paradiso by a 13 day old hippy.
Dude. That's groovy. Put some flowers in her hair and enjoy the ride, man.
Yup. This is the magic at work, alright. You think it can't get any more, and then, bizarrely, it does every day.
That's my girl!! Can I interest you in some gently used tie-dye onesies?
That is so neat!!!!
I, on the other hand am still waiting. LOL.
Cool Dude! How sweet is that!!
Pure magic. : )
I love that! What a neat thing!
You created a natural reflex. There's a book and video out there called "The happiest baby on the block" and it describes some techniques to soothe an infant that are really simulations from being in the womb. loud shushing in the ear is a good one because apparently its REALLY loud in the womb for an infant. So Sam Beam will be your soothing agent. At least its not Brittney Spears as Sam is more enjoyable to listen to.
I'll send her some size 0 Birkenstocks.
Awwwww...Stockholm Syndrome. She has now befriended her parental captors. What a sweet girl. She probably still yearns for that soft warm place she's been for the past 9 months, but you two are growing on her. I can tell. ;-)
Love. Ain't it grand? -Monica
Dear Sanna & staff, welcome to the world of parenthood. THIS is what parents cannot adequately explain to non-parents. Enjoy every moment.
With that head of hair it won't be long before a headband will be useful as well as apt. And honestly, just be happy you've found something that settles her.
It just keeps getting better, I remember The feeling I felt when I heard my daughter say " I love you to mom" it honestly still melts me every time.
Callia liked Sigur Ros. It worked wonders. When she was a baby...she HATED (and I really mean hated) long car rides. She would scream for over an hour and right when I thought I might just lose it, I'd put in Sigur Ros and like magic, she would stop and fall asleep. It was miraculous. Of course, now when she hears it, she says it scares her and that it's too loud. Oh well...
Maybe Iron and Wine have some sort of magic baby whispereing vibe going on... I'm running on a nerve today, the smallies are doing their best to do me in. I clicked the link to I & W on your post though and the snot queen stopped her destructo rampage of the kitchen and meek as a kitten came up and placed one hand on my knee to stare rapt at the screen. Magic...
Good to know that things are progessing normally and rightly in the Nappy Rash household.
(And by the way- I love the fact that she's a hippie. I'm sure you're not surprised to hear that.)
Love....Ms. Moon
Ah, that is so cool. My babies always like music too. I can tell she has you eating out of her tiny little hands already. Sue x
My crazy baby has the same reaction to Electric Light Orchestra's Mr. Blue Sky. I'd take a neo hippy over a...who listens to ELO anyway? (And no, we did not play him ELO in utero.)
His love of music - pop music - has been one of my favorite things to discover about him. Enjoy this ride - it's a good one!
On the bright side, at least she doesn't fall asleep to Lady Gaga or someone like that.
I'm so glad to have found your blog. I love the way you write. Love this post
Ahhh, amazing! The fear it only gets worse, and better.
For us, taking himself for a wee walk in the soft sling was a great magic trick, but ususally he was after a cuddle or some food.
Isaac was an Anna Nalick fan - Amy was into Pink Floyd. Kids are weird.
My girl liked Belinda Carlisle. It was her nap music for 2 years.
Yes. Fear and love, the two emotions at the core of every other emotion in the world, doled out in equal doses. Parenthood summed up.
You're a goner.
sniffle sniffle. so stinkin cute.
Much belated congrats to you my friend. welcome to parenthood. the joys will unfold daily. its pretty friggin amazing.
I did the Iron and Wine test on Oliver this afternoon. He is officially not a fan. Immediate tears. Thankfully Paul Simon and his 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover was on standby to cheer the kid up!
Isn't it shocking that such a loud sound can come out of such a tiny thing?
Miles loves it when I sing Aretha Franklin, particularly Natural Woman (which has always been his lullaby), and let me tell you friend, I do not have the chops to sing Aretha. But, I like my eardrums, and so on I go.
and this is going down as one of my favourite posts.
Daddy's little girl meets Daddy's little finger & multiple wrappings around it occur.
The love you feel is indescribable. Loving your own child for the first time is also when you are hit with the realization that people who claim to love their animals as much as a parent loves their child is wrong, wrong, very wrong. (sorry animal lovers, but its true!)
Peace, love & groove, man.
Sorry I haven't stopped by yet to congratulate you guys on the new arrival. Have been enjoying your news and accounts of life with a new bubs. Congratulations!!! :)
When my now eight month old was still in the screaming bundle of id phase, Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon did it every time.
Love It! I did snort when I read this!
How strange that the tune that had her kicking a new hole in her mothers womb has her snuggling down to music appreciation in the big wide world. I predict you'll have lost your voice by the end of the month.
Bloody hell, Xbox - we had a contract here: you were meant to make me laugh, not cry!
never heard of this group but what a great sound! I totally understand her getting mellow with it...I would expect nothing but an uber cool kid from such a cool dad!
The best is yet to come...wait til she says dada the first time...you will damn near faint with joy!
Too cute.
Pretty cool man! The song that I used to sing to Ace to calm him down was....you ready?...The theme song to the Beverly Hillbillies. :D Worked every time! :D
I have no idea who Iron and Wine is (are), but it's sweet that you've found the magical calm inducer. With one of mine it was rubbing her head in the same spot that I used to rub before she was born. Instant calm.
I love how much you love Sanne, and it just keeps growing, believe me.
I found a shot of brandy in the bottle did the same thing!!!
ONLY JOKING!!!!!!!!!!
Our 'thing' was to wrap him in my nightdress - I had two the same fortunately and then I cut them up into squares and he used them as 'wuggies'for years afterwards.
Off to listen to Iron & Wine. I need a decent nights sleep!
Could be worse - mine likes Johnny Cash ...
One of the first hurdles overcome. Lover of great music. At least you will be able to play a lot of it while she grows.
Congratulations on your beautiful girl! You have an exquisite way of expressing the sublime. Sounds like your daughter does too!
Isn't it amazing how you can love something so small and, let's face it, vile and socially inept, so completely? And Sanne will love you back unconditionally. Amazing stuff.
Well, at least you've found something to settle her with, and it's nice soothing music too. Think how you'd feel at 3am if you were having to sing Black Sabbath songs!
@Momo Fali - peace!
@Jo - cool for sure
@Ed - hahaha
@Amanda Bowden - no way! you are like 3 weeks over now nearly?
@Horse Chick - VERY
@AKA "Meesh" - :-)
@AnnD - certainly is!
@Hockeymandad - as opposed to Jim Beam?
@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - No, no sausages in the mail thanks.
@Susanica - the other way around!
@Middle Aged Woman - *cough* spelt with an 'e' *cough* :-)
@kbxmas - yeah its cool
@Alle - who did she say that to? ;-)
@callismama - I can absolutely see them working too!
@mammydiaries - definitely soothing.
@Ms. Moon - I'm not shocked, no ;-)
@Smiffy's Blog - she has a way alright
@Amber - er, that's worrying.
@Thanatos - thats just me who does that
@The Moiderer - aw, thanks :-)
@Catherine - just like myself usually!
@Veronica - funny
@areyoukiddingme - have you had her hearing tested?
@Deb - sigh. yes.
@stella - thank you.
@Amber - I blame the parents.....
@Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo - just like your arse.
@Jenni - a VERY loud sound.
@Not Anyone The Resembles Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo - soft
@Marissa - Oh I dunno, I get quite attached to our frogs...
@Lightening - Thanks :-)
@Melissa - thats an odd one
@livingrightnow - headcold?
@womb for improvement - along with my mind
@Mwa - you're just hormonal
@hotmamamia - as long as its not follwed by 'shut up'
@Alyssa - tis that!
@Jared - I'm oddly not surprised :-)
@River - :-)
@Gail - sure, 'joking'...
@Muddling Along Mummy - I wouldnt complain there either!
@James (SeattleDad) - ET doesnt quite agree!
@Dreamybee - thank you :-)
@Siobhan - I think I'm more socially inept than she is!
@Barbara - that doesnt count as music, surely
@Chelsea Lietz - :-)
It's a mystery what babies remember from the womb. I'm an aging punk rocker, and during my pregnancy, not only went to punk shows, but listened to punk loud and often. Now my son Joey loves to dance to Propagandhi and NOFX. Go figure!
@Jessica Seuss - haha, funny.
Woohoo - an Iron and Wine groover just like my two.
Mango is marked for greatness with such good taste in music ;)
PS - You should hear my 5 year old sing "Woman King":
'hundred years, hundred more
someday we cayseea
woman key, watch the time
slowly she makes me'
@corymbia - Funny!
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