Monday 18 February 2008

I'm an excellent daily dose, apparently!

I've joined the ranks of all the greats, the contraceptive pill, the extended session in the bathroom with the sports section, the moan at the husband for not doing anything right ever, and all the rest. I've become a 'daily dose'.

Thanks to Tiff and her 23 children at ThreeRingCircus for taking the time.

Not only that, but I'm ALSO "excellent", apparently!

This according to Lance, who happens to be a Dad 2 Twins. Half German ones no less! I don't mean one of the twins are German (although now that I think about it, I'm not sure), obviously, they both are, half.

See, giving me stuff is good. No, in fact, giving me stuff is great, unless it's a like a slap, or a belt of a garden rake into the ribs or genital herpes or stuff like that. Try it, it will make you feel like you've just had a bowl of frosties.

Thanks guys, too kind, as always.


Anonymous said...

Very well deserved!
I don't have 23 children! I have 24

Also, Aust post told me 5 - 7 days for express to you, so look out.

Anonymous said...

Not look out, like watch yourself, LOL. Not making much sense this morning.
Look for the postie!

Veronica Foale said...

Yay! Congratulations!!!

Stacy said...

Thanks for stopping by today and introducing me to your blog.. I love it

Joeprah said...

Totally deserved. I just gave you a high missed. We will work on our timing. :)

Misty said...

you are truly funny.
I came here via the buzz, and I am incredibly impressed. I am developing a strong like for your blog.
I'm subscribing...
yours is quite possibly the one blog which could make me husband stop snubbing the mere idea of blog reading and join those of us with some sense...

Martin said...

Joe - timing's never been a strong point, that requires an element of tact, of which I find myself to be lacking somewhat.

Misty - thanks for the very kind words, get hubby to pop in, there's a back entrance for fellas (er, that sounds a wee bit wrong)and the beer is cold and the porn is, well, luke warm.

NH Yocal said...

Congrats! Well deserved!

Martin said...

why, thank you madam!

MarĂ­a said...

Well I think you're awesome and totally deserving. And that's all that matters.

Martin said...

coming from a bad ass like yourself that makes me quite chuffed. You make me wanna go smoke a cigarette at the bus stop.