Monday 24 November 2008

Back to square (twenty) one

Our trying to conceive efforts have come of age.

It's with great pride that I announce the systematic ravaging of our wobbly bits is all grown up.

Twenty one cycles old.

ET's battered love cavern can buy beer in New York.

Spencer can legally engage in homosexual activity in Poland.

Ellie can drive a bike over 25kw in Estonia.

Today, Monday, is CD14.
Yesterday we had a positive OPK, so we celebrated in appropriate fashion with a performance of the grunting boogie.

If things are normal(yeah, go on, laugh), we should get the trail off of the positive OPK today, with ovulation then tomorrow, and the temperature spike the day after.

We are then back in the two week wait, which will be an anxious one. That's really saying something considering the last two week wait seems to have lasted about 8 weeks.

The operation ET had is known to increase pregnancy rates in the following months, so this cycle is the most optimistic one we'll have had since the very early days.

Shiny tubes, polished and primed, ready for gallons of man milk to ride the go-goo surf and hook up with some chicks in record time.

Stale sheets, fresh start.

While I dry off my grapes of wrath which have been resting in an ice bucket, I won't even dare tempt fate with mentioning that this is the last chance we have to be pregnant by Christmas.

"Santa, baby" indeed.


Daily Daydreamer said...

Nothing to say except have everything crossed for you both...

Sarah said...

Very best wishes X.

And big hugs!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fall-ish (Sept)baby myself and I just started reading your blog, so I think I'm the good luck charm for this time around. Yeah, go me. (It IS all about me right?)

Anonymous said...

Man milk?

Try using baby batter instead.

Anonymous said...

good luck mate!!
and well... put yer back into it! :)

feijoafication said...

21 cycles, not years ya eejit!

Look on the bright side wont you ;)

Best wishes for this one :)

Ed (zoesdad) said...

Good Lord, man. The imagery. I think I need a shower!

Happy Humping!!

'Murgdan' said...

Cheers to a fresh and lucky 21!!! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

We've found the root (pardon the pun) of the problem. Spencer REALLY wants to play sewer pipe sailor in Poland.

anymommy said...

All my fingers crossed and prayers said for a very very merry christmas.

Jill said...

I can attest that the first few months after the lap are definitely fertile!!!

Best of luck to you!!

Rachel said...

Happy? 21.

Best wishes hon!!!!

Fertile wishes and prego dreams!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Lucky number 21...

I'm praying a very special Christmas Wish for you and the MRS.

Sue said...

Sorry, Xbox. The whole thing really fucking blows.

If it's any consolation, (is it ever?) I got pg (if briefly) after my first HSG, so lets hope 21 is the magic number.

Fingers crossed. Hating the local medical system on your behalf.

Jayne said...

Hang some mistletoe (wherever you like) for good luck.
And Good Luck!!!!

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

So, my first time with a girl would have been illegal in Poland? Strange.

James (SeattleDad) said...

Spence should be rested and ready to go this time. Everyone is counting on him. I am all up for a Christmas miracle for you both.

WhatAboutNovember said...

Oh man do I feel for you. The whole, "Everything is fixed and fine, chances go up after this is done PLUS Christmas is coming," will make it super exciting if it works. And extra hard if it doesn't. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes for you. Let's hear it for a September baby!

Leslie Laine said...

Cheers, X!! Here's to a Christmas positive and lots of beer for you, not E! Still laughing at that one...

Anonymous said...

All fingers and toes crossed for your Christmas miracle.

C said...

Best of luck mate..

Anonymous said...

May they swim strong and straight and meet their intended target. Go forth and procreate young padawan.

G said...

Very best wishes!!! Hope you are in the percent that gets knocked up after surgery *hugs*

Jason Roth said...

We're having positive thoughts. Good luck.

River said...

A hump a day keeps Aunt Flo away...We hope. And hope and hope and hope.

Zoeyjane said...

I'm crossing everything for you two. Except my eyes. That leads to some pretty horrible headaches.

Zoeyjane said...

Though, I know it might be wrong to say, but there is something rather romantic about this cycle not taking, but conceiving for Xmas.

Anonymous said...

Here's to the21st. Thank goodness you will be spared the embarrassing speeches slurred from too many alco-pops, given that your genetalia can't actually talk.
Best of luck to you both.

Anonymous said...

Squares don't go around in circles.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

What a great Christmas gift that would be, huh.

Martin said...

@Shop Girl - Thanks a million.

@Sarah - Cheers.

@Bonnie B. - I'm Septmeber too, so I'm game for that.

@Maxi Cane - More movement in milk, batter just causes traffic jams.

@UrbanVox - My back? you mean I've been sticking in the wrong bit all along?

@kma - Really? there's a difference?

@Ed - I'm curious, which bit?

@Murgdan - Thanks, here goes!

@Anja - Well, who doesn't ?

@anymommy said...
All my fingers crossed and prayers said for a very very merry christmas.

@Jill - Congratulations! and that's a great example for us now.

@Rachel - Happy? yeah why not lol!

@Elaine - Good number isnt it!

@Sue - As much as I moaned in the past about their 'waiting period', their activity since arranging the laparoscopy has been good.
So, fingers crossed indeed.

@Jayne - TOO many mental images of what I could hang mistletoe from!

@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - When it's your first cousin, it's never legal.

@James Austin - I hate those cheesy movies, but just this once...

@WhatAboutNovember - It's miles better than the 'not a hope in hell' option, we'll take it!

@Leslie Laine - I'm getting thirsty just at the thought!

@tiff - thanks Tiff.

@Chhandita - Thanks, likewise.

@fandpinlv - strong and straight indeed, I like it!

@G - Well, I'd prefer if it was ET, but whatever goes! thanks ;0)

@iVegasFamily - Go to sleep.

@River - Thank you, appreciated ;0)

@Zoeyjane - It's a bit TOO perfect though, no?

@amy - But if they could, oh the stories they could tell! the things they have seen!

@joe - *clears throat* Meh...

@Angel - Would beat socks anyway!

MissyBoo said...

Dear Santa
Please bring Xbox and ET an embryo to grow. I know that would make them very happy - a little bit before Christmas will be very acceptable.

Irish Mammy said...

Hi, new to the post. Had a m/c in April 06 and after trying for seven months was successfully preggo after first HSG in '07! Best of luck!

Hockeyman said...

Kinda gross....but good luck!

Jane G said...

Best of luck. If Santa doesn't deliver, we'll all get together and beat the shit out of him.

(only joking Santa, I'm still a very good girl, honest)

Anonymous said...

Best of luck, xbox! I'm really pulling that you guys have the very best Christmas gift this year. I found out that I was pregnant 2 yrs ago around Christmastime after ttc for almost three I know that this is a magical time of year. I'm really hoping you get the same great news!

Anonymous said...

Don't you meh me! Back in my younger days, there was a story about a couple..

It was a wierd story. so i'm not sharing it.

But at least you're in my thoughts.

Don't you find that disturbing??

AnnD said...

Grunting boogie?! I love it! I will have to steal that one!

One of my client's had an operation for her PCOS and conceived her daughter within a month! I hope that operation does the same!

All I want for Christmas this year is a Xbox beanie in the oven!

Bluestreak said...

ok, then my letter to Santa will include a request for an inseminal encounter between your pre-peoples. Best of luck, but make sure you leave Santa cow milk with cookies and not man milk, he might screw things up to spite you.

Anonymous said...

Lucky number 21...this one's gotta be it!
I'll be anxiously awaiting the next two weeks right along with you guys and hoping that you get your Christmas miracle.
::fingers (and everything else) crossed::

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that "coming of age" made me giggle? I'm smutty - I know!
Best of luck both of you! :o)

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the desire for the Christmas announcement...

I know a lot of girls that got the BFP right after this surgery as well. The odds are infact greater right now.

Sending loads of sticky baby vibes to you guys!!!

2ww's suck donkey balls.

hump hump hump!!

B said...

homosexual activity of semen? is that where two of the male ones like to stick together or where they have their set goal as being another little wriggly fella or what?

Maggie, Dammit said...

You've stumped me this time. I can't pick out a single line to highlight. I could just copy and paste the entire post into this comment box, but that would be... weird.

Well done.

Claire said...

Sending lots of baby dust your way as usual XBox. I really hope ET has to bring in the New Year with a glass of orange juice.

Putz said...

do want to know.??..i thought cylce21 was over months ago....did i not comment just on 21 being lucky in vegas....wasn't that months ago...well this is it then 22 for christmas and all of us over there celebrating it with you...i like my sock plum full of nuts...and you spell the name on my sock D A V I D ..and as shop girl says, everything is crossed, and you know what that means?????

Hilary (Maya Papaya) said...

Yes, it's true! Pregnancy rates are indeed increased after such surgery. If this cycle is a success, you'll be exactly one year behind us.

I've got everything crossed for you and am sharing in your optimism :)

So exciting!

Martin said...

@M+B - Sounds like you're asking for some kind of pot plant!


@Irish Mammy - hello, and welcome!
Thanks for that, it's great to hear sucess stories from the procedures.

@Hockeyman - Only Kinda? I'm slipping.

@Jane G - He's gonna check that list twice you know...

@Jen - That sounds good to me! thanks Jen.

@Joe - As long as you are empty handed at the time, it's ok with me.

@AnnD - Yes! clean pipes, smooth tracks for the boys!

@Bluestreak - You know what, if I had a reason to leave a glass of milk out for him, I TOTALLY would!
Might have to be a shot glass though.

@Katie J - Thanks a million!

@Penelope - wrong? never. Cheers!

@Christa - That's what we are banking on!

@B - Sticking together is bad, the coagulation makes them sluggish and slower moving.

@Maggie, Dammit - You are free to admit when an entry is just meh you know!

@Claire - Shhhh, she'll change her feckin' mind!

@Putz - I think I was talking about cycle 21 for a long time putz, because cycle 20 was a definite 'no hoper' due to the operation.
You like your sock plum full of nuts....oh dear me.

@Hilary - Wow, a year. Amazing to think that long has passed.

Liz said...

Yet another one, this is heading towards repetitive to the extreme. I can't take another 21 cycles of this. Get on with it already.


Stella said...

good luck mate. i'm on to cycle 11.

you are such a pro at this shit...

Arjun Sharma said...

A friend of mine calls it 'baby gravy.'

Good luck.

Tara R. said...

Ditto to everyone else. Hoping for the best!

Anonymous said...

I really hope this time, is your time :)

Anonymous said...

Is it my imagination or are there lots more pictures of pretty girls on your comment page nowadays? How do you manage that?!

Good luck - I've got everything (well, most things) crossed for you and ET.

Melodie Norman Haas said...

21 just means it is legal now yes? :) I completely empathize with you, my best girlfriend has been trying for two years and it is indeed a heartbreaking process. Good luck!

Sarah said...

It just occurred to me that ET and I are cycle sistas! This is our last chance to be pregnant BY Christmas as well.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

All I can say is you must have a knob of steel

Anonymous said...

You have SUCH a way with words.

Anonymous said...

Jesus H. Christ, warn a bitch will ya? I was eating icecream and now all I can think about it man milk...


I know, I should know better than eat while reading your blog, or icecream while I am supposed to be cooking dinner and shit.

And HUZZAH!!! I just swore twice in your damn comments.


Oh and insert some encouraging words here... cause I suck at that.

Martin said...

@Womb4Improvement - oh you bitch...

@Stella - Yay! we have diplomas and everything!

@Arjun Sharma - A tip for your 'friend', if it looks like gravy, he should see a urologist.

@Tara R - Thanks!

@The Social Frog - Me too, cheers!

@bsouth - its my unthreatening nature...

@Ameratis - Thank you, and welcome!

@Sarah - race you?

@Quickroute - aluminium, cheaper to replace.

@Tracey - Would be a REALLY shite blog otherwise though...

@Kelley - Get off your ass and feed your kids.

Mo said...

May the two-week wait pass by quickly and with good results! We too are hoping for a christmas conception (altho no sex for us - we prefer for it all to occur in a dish, thank you very much. Tres romantique, no?)

Seriously, wishing you guys the best of luck this time.

And gets those grapes of wrath out of the ice bucket! Sounds uncomfortable, man!


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the stale sheets. A good clean cycle should up your chances of a good present under the uterus.

Cindy said...

as usual, rooting for you.

Sarah said...

Oh, I have no doubt you'll finish first X, no doubt at all....

Martin said...

@Mo & Will - Thanks a million guys.

@kittyconcerto - where should I shove the mistletoe?

@Cindy (& Brian) - Thanks, as always.

@Sarah - have you been talking to my wife? ;0)
Chin up.

Jo Beaufoix said...

'Grapes of Rath'. Snort.

Sue said...

The more I read the less I have to say. Good luck to both of you.

Martin said...

@Jo Beaufoix - meant in the nicest way possible of course.

@Sue - I know that feeling. very much so.
Thank you.