Thursday 25 February 2010

Words we never normally use


Way back when, in the days of misery and strife, Dan offered to play one of my favourite songs ever on the ukulele, and post it online should we ever have a child. Today he stood by his word, and it is more awesome than I can describe.

Go watch this and tell Dan what a brilliant job he's done. Do it, go watch it.

To show your appreciation you can always give a quid or two to the Joseph Salmon Trust that he champions, helping parents and families who have lost children cope with the unexpected financial burdens that brings.

Thanks Dan, that is simply magic, we both absolutely loved it. Thanks to all the people who got involved, you are nuts and I love it. The world seems a little smaller this evening because of this.


Grannymar said...

It was a fantastic idea and I was delighted to be part of it!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Saw the video! Wow u have some friend, what a sweet thing for him to put together to show his love for you and your family!.

darcie said...

This was soo fantastic & I am soo honored to be a tiny piece of this! I'll have you know that my original submission (before Buck reminded me I should do it without sound) had me standing in a cold snow bank 'shouting from a minnesota mountain' to you - and after filming about 25 retakes-my hubs declared 'you have no shame'
ah, how well he knows me!

Kim (frogpondsrock) said...

Hehe no worries XB it was a small way that we could show how thrilled we all were to see Sanne arrive. Love xox

Not From Lapland said...

So pleased you saw it and loved it. And congratulations again!

Ian Newbold said...

Yeah, you mother fu...............

Breigh said...

Oh DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! I got his message and meant to do it but forgot. It's only Thursday, he said I had till the end of the week. HE'S FIRED! :P

Love the video, so sad I was too late!

Barbara said...

He's a clever soul isn't he? I was very impressed although I wish I'd muted the first bit.

Myndi said...

THAT is love! What an awesome gift indeed!

merinz said...

He did an awesome job - so pleased that you liked it and I was honoured to be a part of it too.

And again - welcome to the world little Sanne - you will grow up in a truly global community.

Internet has certainly changed the world.

Sue @ Smiffy's Blog said...

Awwww, what a great video & a good mate he is to arrange this for you. A lovely keepsake for you all. Take care. Sue x

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

It is... perfection.

Rebecca said...

Are you from Europe or somewhere? Help me out.......

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is brilliant.

Sarah said...


Geeks in Rome said...

isn't he a good guy!!!??
you guys deserve it. we DO love all 3 of you. Hopefully we will appear in the sequel :)

Veronica Foale said...

Best idea ever - was so glad to be a part of it.

Iota said...

Smaller? SMALLER? And there we were, thinking we were broadening your horizons...

Sadia said...

It was a lovely idea, and well-executed. Sanne is deeply loved.

Dan said...

It wasn't me really - it was the fantastic community that you've built up here.

Thanks to everyone who got involved :)

James (SeattleDad) said...

Dan is the man. I watched it about 4 times today. Loved it. So much fun, and we were thrilled to be a part of it. Btw, we were all saying "happy birthday Sanne"

unmitigated me said...

Take good care of little Nintendo 64!

You have wonderful friends, Martin and ET.

mammydiaries said...

That was amazing! I thought we had till tomorrow and so missed the deadline :( Oh well! Imagine if you will two little girls running/crawling around a kitchen, the backs of their nappies decorated in "Congrats to the Family Von X Box" and "Welcome Sanne" messages. All the best guys! Next time we won't wait till the last minute :)

Heidi said...

Wish I had thought to write "Congratulations from Oregon!" across our photo. You will watch this over and over. At three in the morning. When you've been up 27 hours with a fussy baby and are wondering why you got yourself into this mess... We here in this big,wonderful Internet world will remind you.

Gaby said...

WOW! That was amazing! and it made me cry so much, I cannot imagine how much you and ET must have cried... Congratulations again! She's beautiful and she's made not only you but so many of us happy... she is definitely destined to live a life full of love :)

peggy said...

Wow, that was an incredible video. Absolutely pricless in every sense of the word, well done to everyone who got involved in that.
Brilliantly put together.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. So happy to be part of it and so happy for you.

Making Babies said...

that was totally AWESOME!!! says me all teary eyed again. xox

Alle said...

what a great friend , was awesome of him to do that.

Bonnie B. said...

I was rocking out in my chair to the music (the professional music, sorry Dan) and had a huge grin on my face while doing so. What great internet friends you have Martin. And we're all SO happy for you and your family!

River said...

I watched that little video and cried about a bucket worth of happy tears for you all. I don't think any baby anywhere has been waited for and welcomed more than Sanne. Congratulations again.

Amanda Bowden said...

Fantastic!!! First class job!

Tracey said...

OMG- that was phenomenal. Truly outstanding. This, all of it, should be on the international news. We could all use the feel-goodiness of it. Love to the family xo

Marissa said...

It was a WONDERFUL idea and I'm also honored to have been a part of it.

WELCOME SANNE ~ the WORLD has waited for you!!!

areyoukiddingme said...

That was absolutely wonderful!

Mick said...

Fantastic!! What a great friend to have!

Martin said...

@Grannymar - Thanks for getting involved :-)

@Chrissy - it was really brilliant

@darcie - we loved your bit ;-)

@Kim (frogpondsrock) - I loved the sign kim, g'day indeed!

@Heather - Thank you :-)

@Single Parent Dad - close call that! thanks Ian, it was great.

@Breigh - really, no worries, I know others missed it and would have joined in. Thanks ;-)

@Barbara - he is that!

@Myndi - Cool eh!

@merinz - thanks for joining in, added to how great it was.

@Smiffy's Blog - one to look back on for sure

@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - except for the crap at teh very end.

@Rebecca - er, yep, Europe!

@marion - cool eh?

@Sarah - the show opener ;-)

@Geeks in Rome - certainly is, no doubt there.

@Veronica - great to see ye!

@Iota - hahah, you did great

@Sadia - was brilliant, your girls are lovely.

@Dan - You did a fantastic job, we loved it. I can just imagine showing it to the small in in years to come.

@James (SeattleDad) - I figured that out after a while, I'm curious how it was being pronounced ;-)
Thanks all of you for joining it, I really appreciate it

@Middle Aged Woman - Thank you, very much.

@mammydiaries - :-) no worries, it was great really.

@Heidi - I get the feeling it will be used for that purpose many a time, thank you!

@Gaby - Brilliant wasn't it?

@peggy - class eh?

@corymbia - Thanks for joining in, made it all the better

@Making Babies - great to see you, thanks!

@Alle - very awesome.

@Bonnie B. - great song too! one of my all time favourites

@River - :-)

@Amanda Bowden - are you still waiting?

@Tracey - hahaha, easy does it there, but yeah, was great.

@Marissa - Thanks for doing so, was lovely

@areyoukiddingme - great eh?

@Mick - Magic it was, magic.

Steve said...

Dan is a blogging phenomenon!

Loved being a small part of it.

tomi said...

That is the most fantastic gift to welcome Sanne :)

Putz said...

when we came home from the hospital{back then 2 weeks for premature babies} ou lovely neighbors had a bid 14 foot by 15 foot sign on our house that said WELCOME HOME KAREN, and of course that made us feel so special after not conceiving for 4 whole years or 48 whole months

Putz said...

yes , martin 48 months is the same as 4 years, you doff

Martin said...

@Steve - No dount about it

@tomi - very cool

@Putz - :-) Thanks Putz.

B said...

Never realised before how perfect of a song that'd be for karaoke.
Had I read this post before the weekend I'd've made a sorta party scene involving our three foot statues of Jesus and some of his mates with my puppet. Don't think I'll get the chance to now though, sorry.

Super sweet video, by the way.

Martin said...

@B - Great wasn't it?
Its a brilliant song that.

KJ said...

That was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

COngratulations. Amazing.

B said...

It's an odd song to have in your head when you're up 36 hours though. Makes you think everyone is ecstatic and the whole world is sunny, and you feel like it's 3am at the same time.

I prefer his work in Suede though.

Martin said...

@Kat - Wasn't it just!

@B - just love the song, always have.

swilek said...

so glad you guys loved it..of course you would! my videographer skills were a little crazy due to my frozen Canadian fingers!!:) hehehe! i forgot he wasn't using sound so i explained in my video what i was doing!:) congrats once again..she is beautiful!

Martin said...

@swile67 - thanks for joining in, magic.