So feel free to move on and come back when I've self inflicted damage on a gonad or ripped my trousers hip to knee in public (I must tell you that one sometime, believe it or not it goes into the 'job interview' category).
In our battle to be-babyfy ourselves we decided on a change of scenery, back to the motherland, good old Ireland.
Truth be told we went for the wedding of two of our good friends, but hey, potato/potato (guess that phrase doesn't work in the written form).
Anyway, it was great to see so many of our friends in the one place at the same time, all there to celebrate. We went with some people who had never before been to Ireland and it was delightful to see them enjoy it, and be welcomed in a way that I thought had long died out.

So much did we enjoy our few days back home, we've both started to think about how good it would be to be back there, full time. Friendly, & familiar people around us, family even at a stretch.
So after a return journey in silence, we sat down and almost simultaneously blurted out that we both felt ready to go home.
We have commitments here that will keep us here for a couple of years to come, and depending on how the next few weeks and months pan out, it could be even longer, but its reassuring to know that there is something to look forward to.
So watch out Ireland circa 2010, here we come.
P.S. on that wee baby adventure, we're hoping that the good clean fresh Irish air will have had a good influence on our mis-adventuring bodies...again, only time will tell.
Good to hear that you had a good time in Ireland. A place I have always been fascinated with.
Hope that your baby dream comes true this month.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog this morning.
Thank you for writing the way you do.
...goddamnit apparently this is not the place to go for xbox owners with genital warts. You got Rickey's hopes up. Nice blog though.
Are you SURE you want to come back??? Think of Irish health system...
Seriously, glad that you enjoyed yourself and equally glad that you have a move between countries to look forward to at some stage. Mwahahaaa.
Don't be too hasty to move on just yet, I reckon a dose of warts is just around the corner.
shit no, they're just blisters
Health system yeah, but at least there IS one.
On paper, we should stay here forever, but the heart has to lead the way sometimes
I like your use of the word "be-babyfy". A more succinct description of this process there has never been!
I've got fingers crossed for you guys! Never underestimate that "good clean Irish air"!!
alternative terms for the process are running short, so one has to improvise.
as for the good Irish air, well, we gave a few cows a bit of a fright....
I jest. Honest....
Go where your heart leads you to. I know of a couple who finally was able to conceive after they went on a stress free vacation to a less polluted place. I guess they thought less of their quest to have a baby and just enjoyed each other and God blessed them with one. :)
Good luck with the baby making. I shall be crossing my fingers that all the good clean Irish air helps :)
I understand the urge to move back home!
My wife and I moved from Buffalo, NY to Fayetteville, NC back in 1998. We've been plotting to move back ever since.
In our case, the sad truth is there are no jobs for us "back home" and we're stuck down here in "The Confederacy" forever.
Hope your plans for 2010 come to pass!
I've heard similar stories too, so I'm going to hang on to that hope, I'll take what I can get.
Nice to see you about again.
Thanks, well the Irish air must stand for something... I'm the youngest of 8 myself.
Interesting , I would never have placed you as a New Yorker, even an upstate one!
Funny to think how someone can be so far away from 'home' without being abroad.
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