Or a watched telephone never boils, or something.

Still, nothing.
No period.
No positive.
No nothing.
We sit, and we wait.
We sit, and wait, and scratch, and itch, and sit, and look, and wait, and fiddle, and sit, and surf, and read, and look, and sit.
We wait.
If a kid does end up having been conceived this month, I'm going to kick it's arse next January.
If it doesn't, we'll sit, and wait, and scratch, and itch, and sit, and look, and wait, and fiddle, and sit, and surf, and read, and look, and sit.
I'm nearly convinced that waiting is one of the worst things ever. Waiting for anything, let alone something so important. It's so tense and nerve wracking. Waiting is such bullshit. I hate it.
The anticipation is overwhelming. But all you could really do is what you're doing. Perhaps some more practice at conceiving will take your mind off the wait? It works for me.
once again, no words. Really. Just my good thoughts, and yes, jerk, I DO pray, hard as that may be to believe! :)
Found your site from the DGM list not to mention your self-promoting comments on other links. :) I like your site - I'll be back. Best of luck with the waiting ....
Let this be the one, let this be the one, let this be the one...
okay, I'm de-lurking here...
I hope I'm in the same predicament as you are, in about three days. It's great to read about the IF journey from a guy's perspective - I have yet to share your letter to Spencer with my husband, but I know he'll get a kick out of it.
**cheers** Here's hoping you don't get what you're looking for!
Limbo land is the worst.
I'm even afraid to breathe over here.... fingers, toes, eyes, all crossed for you guys.
still hoping, hoping, hoping that this is it for you guys. i can't imagine how much it must suck to be waiting like this. sending you pregnant vibes...
You are KILLING me. Go out and do something and then TELL us IMMEDIATELY if we are uncles and aunts. I mean IMMEDIATELY!
I hope your waiting is for something.
pee on a stick preggers tests never worked for me till I was at least 7 weeks along. You might be waiting for a while.
What are you now, 11 DPO? That could still be too early for a positive HPT.
Hang in there! Thinking of you guys!!
Actually, come next January, that kid is going to kick your ass long before you kick his/hers. (I'm just warning you, that's all.)
I hope the Red Menace stays away...
Fingers crossed, man. Good Luck.
and now I'm down to the quick on my fingernails....and I'm holding my breath.........
Oh jeez, you mean I STILL need to keep everything crossed?! :P
Really hoping this is if for you both ((hugs))
Hoping and praying Aunt Flo will find someone else to live with for the next 9 months.
Eyes, fingers, arms, legs, toes, and thoughts all crossed for you two ... hopefully three!
Oh god!!! If the suspense is killing me I can only imagine what it is doing to you two...
@Shamelessly Sassy - Ignorance IS bliss.
@Roth Family Adventures - I ain't rocking that boat!
@Kori - I reckon you could have a future as a nun ;0)
@Twenty four at heart - Self promoting? you make me sound like a tramp.
I was just following back the linky love!
Thanks, appreciated.
@Tiff- Indeed.
@Curlygin78 - From what I can see, it's the same for both sides mostly.
Best of luck to you.
@Aunt Becky - I agree.
@Tara R - You'd better breathe.
@Jenni - thanks for the thoughts.
@Lance - Killing YOU????
@Bettina - 7 weeks? hahaha no thank you.
@Hilary - could be, but very unlikely.
@Deb - thanks anyway.
@Ed - appreciated.
@Tismee2 - dont endanger yourself!
@Marylin - I did too. Thanks.
@Lori - thank you
@Frogpondsrock - I dont think imagining it is possible.
Not sure if this helps...but...I was almost at 6 weeks before I had a positive test with Z16 - I knew I was pregnant - but it just wasn't showing up yet!
....that was 17 years ago though
.....OMG now I feel old!
Best wishes to you both for the wait,
I'm not a good "waiter." I'd rather scrape my eyeballs out with a spork than wait for anything important.
Well, no period is good. I'm still being hopeful!
Still hoping for the best and LMAO at the comments section you have. You have a great bunch of followers.
praying and hoping for the two lines to show !
I hated this part too.The wait is torture.
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