Friday 22 August 2008

Back in the bunker

I'm morse coding this one out once more.

I'm back in the bunker.

The in-laws are present, and I have one last weekend with them before they leave on Tuesday morning.

We are at the business end of the two week wait.

If the last few months are anything to go by, we would have spotting on Sunday.

Just as a nice heads up from old fucker father fate, don't you know.

Then just as ET's mother and father leave us on Tuesday morning, we expect her Auntie Flo to take their place within the hour.

Yes, we are that prepared.

Then again, that gut feeling...


Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

I've got a feeling.

But I don't know if it's what you want to hear about here. This being all family-friendly and shit.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, be right gut, be right. And remember, don't despair at a spot. A spot is OK.

Robin said...

Please Aunt Flo, steer clear of ET, she has had enough visitors this month. :)

Here's hoping...

Maggie, Dammit said...


Can you imagine how you will blow the Internet up if your gut feeling turns out? You will singlehandedly crash Blogger, I have no doubt.

OMG I just unintentionally rhymed. I am good.

Hope the rest of your visitor's visit is uneventful.

*fingers crossed*

Liz said...

*Deep breath* will be holding it till Tuesday...

IVF Land on Surrogacy World said...

Well, it sounds like the schedule is set and your leaving nothing to chance.

I just want to know how you think we are going to understand the Morse Code when you send out the message. I looked at the picture and haven't got a clue on how it works.

Kori said...

I feel about the prospect of her auntie flow arriving as I do the arrival of any family member. They should just stay.the.frick.away. Keeping my thoughts on the good, man.

Cindy said...

really hoping your gut feeling is right on.

Jenni said...

"..old fucker father fate.." that made me laugh out loud!

I'd send you baby dust but I heard you hate that (okay, so do I), but I will wish you luck that your gut is spot on.

Karen MEG said...

I'm going with your gut.
Fingers crossed... and try to have a good weekend, 'kay?

Russ said...

You've got a feeling, just make sure it isn't indigestion. ;)

Anonymous said...

good luck for both of you

will you be calling the inlaws just after they leave if your gut feeling proves to be right? Or will you wait awhile?

Jason Roth said...

Fingers are crossed in Vegas. I'm not placing any bets on red.

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment in morse code for you, but apparently I am too lazy.

Hold on to that gut feeling and good luck with the in-laws (outlaws?).

Anonymous said...

dot dash dash dot dash.

Morse for "I'm rooting for your gut"

fingers crossed

Chaos said...

Go away Aunt Flow to many visitors this month already! Fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

You've had enough relatives visit. No room for Aunt Flo!

Anonymous said...

"old fucker father fate", wouldn't you know, I had a meeting with that dude earlier this week. I hope you stop hanging with that dude. He's trouble. Go #17!

Anonymous said...

Do you think your inlaws would notice if ET hung upside down for the rest of their visit? I've always liked the idea of gravity keeping things in order until the barnacle attaches.

This is one of the reasons I have no medical degree.

Anonymous said...

..-. ..- -.-. -.-
--- ..-. ..-.
.- ..- -. -
..-. .-.. ---
.-.. --- .-..
.-- .. ... .... .. -. --.
--. --- --- -..
- .... --- ..- --. .... - ...

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping that red headed slut Aunt Flo stays away (sorry Christa is that your term? - I keep stealing it!)

I sooo hope you are right on...(and as marie said - yes, a spot is ok...but just a little bit of spot)
xoxo - Darcie

B said...

Just get them outta the house by sheer discomfort.

"Auntie Flo, did you enjoy your tea?"
"Of course"
"I hope you don't mind if ET and I go off for a bit to conceive a child"
" I think I've to go back home"
" ah no, we'll only be exactly 23 minutes and 34 seconds, we've these things quite well timed now... you can just turn up the television or something"

Anonymous said...

I am hoping with every ounce of my being that this is the month.

Let's hope Aunty Flo buggers off this time.

Anonymous said...

I soooooooooooooo want to see Blogger explode. Fatten up that woman, Boxboy!!!!

loveyh said...

Good luck you two! I spotted with DD, so a little spotting is not something to worry about.

I would kick Mother Nature in the balls for you...but I don't think she has any. Unless she borrowed Father Time's.

Sarah said...

Thats it! I'm going to get a restraining order on the bitch Flo for you. Or...take a hit out on her...I know some people who know some people. Just let me know.

I hope your gut is right. So very much.

James (SeattleDad) said...

Good luck with this one Xbox!!

James (SeattleDad) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James (SeattleDad) said...

(from Mrs. LIAYF)

Sending you hopeful thoughts . . .

And, you are right about the TTC black humor. It's a self-preservation technique that helps keep you and your partner sane during this insane process.

Dto3 said...

Why is it that I picture Aunt Flo smoking and drinking out on the front porch of the double-wide?

Anonymous said...

Send Aunt Flo this way BoxBoy. I will take the hit for ET. Two in one month, I can totally take it.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

No Af - lets start a picket line !!

Hope you are enjoying the in laws anyway despite the bad timing.

Bluestreak said...

Damn. clockwork, eh? Here's to hoping your gut knows what's up.

Martin said...

@A whole lot of nothing - I've got a cream for that.

@Marie - A yes, the double possibility, gotta love it.

@Robin - Louder woman, Louder!

@Maggie, Dammit - Wouldn't blowing up the internet be brilliant?
Or if your hubby just became a bit sinister and unplugged your cables so you thought it had happened?

@Womb for Improvement - not a great idea, unless you fancy a change to 'lung 4 improvement'

@IVF Land on Surrogacy World - I haven't got a clue, not thought that far ahead!

@Kori - "frick", how dainty!

@Cindy (and Brian) - I love how (and Brian) is in brackets, as in 'not quite as important', or an afterthought!

@Jenni - Baby dust my arse... ;0)

@Karen MEG - Don't go EVERYWHERE with my gut, I'm planning an Indian tonight.

@Russ - It most likely is.

@Country Girl - That's an easy one. No!

@iVEgasFamily - I can't believe its been 17 months and this is the first 'bet on red' gag from you! excellent.

@Veronica - Outlaws, shoot out on main street... this town ain't big enough and all that jazz...

@Justjuli - You've made all the Aussie laugh with that!

@Chaos - TOO many already, WAY too many!

@Nola - We won't even have time to change the sheets!

@Kittyconcerto - You cetrainly have, sorry.

@Laurie - I could wheel her around town upside down in a 'silence of the lambs' type trolley?

@Todd - Dude, I'm flattered, but I'm married! and yeah, my hair IS great isn't it?

@Darcie - oh the spot confusion, dammit. Thanks.

@B - "23 minutes", I can tell you are yet a young chap...
I'll have showered and changed in that time too...

@Widdle Shamrock - 'Ounce' what happenned to the metric system

@Anja - wordpress bitch...

@Lovelyh - Oh the confusion!
Oh she has them alright, in her greasy mits, but they are mine...

@Sarah - I've got 64 euro and a few old magazines, will that cover it?

@James Austin & Mrs LIAYF - Thanks!
and it is, 100%, save yourself from the madness!

@Dto3 - Wrong house, look next door...

@Kelley - You'd do ANYTHING for blog fodder wouldn't ya...

@Baby~amore - "As well as can be expected" I believe is the term...!

@Bluestreak - To the hour dammit, that's how close we reckon we can predict it now.

Martin said...

@Todd - And that was some SERIOUS morse coding! thanks man, you funny fucker.

Anonymous said...

i love suspense

AnnD said...

God let this be it! I'm so keeping my finger crossed and praying (literally praying. I don't do that much anymore either) that you get a positive pregnancy test! Fuck off Aunt Flo! FUCK OFF AND LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE!

AnnD said...

fingers, NOT finger!

nh said...

Stick with the 'gut feeling' and I am in awe of your morse code technique!

Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

You know, even if the "gut feeling" ends up being wrong, just the fact that you find the strength and courage to have these positive moments is amazing!

I honestly feel like it's going to happen soon.

B said...

I was including preparation and aftermath, cos you're gonna be away from auntie flo for that too... unless undressing in front of relatives is a dutch tradition?

Jo said...

If it was a dutch custom it wouldn't surprise me.

Amanda said...

Hope theses visitors are replaced by a future resident.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Everything is crossed. It's a bit painful, but I'm doing it for you.

B said...

jo: you've got a point there.

River said...

So it's Sunday here now and I'm so hoping that Aunt Flo has lost her way and can't find your house.

Anonymous said...

Like river, I came here to ensure AF is unable to visit.

Good luck.

Martin said...

@Tracey - Go watch murder she fucking wrote then!

@AnnD - I have this mental picture of you attempting to cross one finger.

@nh - Thanks.

@Angel - I hope you are right.

@B - NEVER underestimate the bizarreness of the Dutch customs.

@Jothemama - Snap.

@Amanda - I read that as future President...

@Jo Beaufoix - Thanks.

@B - she does that...

@River - Funny.

@Widdle Shamrock - You are an odd lot down under.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed. Very. In fact, they're going blue and I need them back for typing. Can I cross my toes instead?

Anonymous said...

Ok, Boxy, It's Sunday here...
I am turning very blue.
You know, holding my breath and all.

Anonymous said...

Go! Go! Go!

I'm rooting for you guys so much more than I am for those folks in Beijing . . .

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

that's a serious amount of hard labour you've done with the in-laws. Mine live 2 blocks away so we see them about three times a week.

Tara R. said...

Fingers crossed... still... this time!

Anonymous said...

Hope this is it... fingers, toes and arse cheeks crossed for ye!

Martin said...

@Nutsinmay - I've always found crossed toes quite freaky.

@Tiff - you may exhale.

@Tysdaddy - and unlike those folks in Beijing, we'll gladly accept ugly kids.

@Quickroute - 24 hours to go, bringing an end to th visitor month from hell.

@Tara R - Thanks, but...

@Deno - You can unclench for now, thanks.

Missives From Suburbia said...

In-laws AND Aunt Flo? That's just not nice. I hope the universe is kinder than that.

Martin said...

@Missives from suburbia - you would THINK so wouldn't you!