"But it means so much to you, I don't know if I can accept it" she said, the glistening Christmas tree lights reflecting in her watery eyes
"For you, pet, anything" I replied. "It's served me well, and now I think you should have it, you deserve it"
"Wow" ET breathed in disbelief reaching for a tissue, "No one's ever given me a man cold for Christmas before"
"Well you do know" I responded, "That it isn't quite as serious as a man cold now that you've got it"
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, really. Now crack open another bottle like a darling will you?"
Of course you just HAD to share....
That'll be a bottle of night nurse will it?
Quit swapping bodily fluids so much and this wouldn't be a problem, ya know?
You're the marital equivalent of the bubonic plague aren't you? I don't think this is what ET had in mind when she was told that Christmas is the time for giving.
Did you wrap it in a snotty tissue?
Ha ha! Poor ET...
Well, it is the time for sharing. Think it might be an idea if you started opening your own bottles for a while though - just a thought.
So where exactly did ET insert the bottle after that smart arse remark? Hope it was a Magnum!
Men are such babies. My condolences to ET.
Nothing is as serious as a man cold. You poor, helpless creatures. DH has taken a week off of work for a man cold. I never had the kind of job that afforded me that kind of luxury. Even though I was working at the time, I was irritated every single day that week knowing he was home "convalescing."
Poor ET!
You are such a giving person Xbox, but of course it is like a used car. Once you drive it off the lot, the value free falls! Same with the man cold given to someone of the fairer gender. Funny stuff.
Now that's what I call true love.
Thanks for the chuckle and the good wishes, Xbox :)
How kind and caring of you.
That is why we have Christmas in summer here. No man colds. We are smart like that.
'tis the season to be snotty, tra la la la lalalalaa'
You didn't get out the jewish penicillin like instructed! Now make ET some good hot chicken soup, give yourself a bowl for fortification and make nice to her for getting her sick! By New Year's eve you should both feel a bunch better.....I hope!
Get off your poor wife with your snotty nose, and maybe she'll stay healthy. Gross.
Take it back - Man Flu is all we have to justify not going to work - if they get it we''ll be equal
Oh goodie - now it's HER turn to get on top and let her snot drip down onto YOUR naked body. Pay-backs are a bitch, remember?
OMG !!!!
You are so thoughtful. I wish MY husband would do something like that.
@Sarah - Couldn't have it any other way.
@Womb4Improvement - No, but I do have a DVD of the same name.
@Tysdaddy - I suppose you'd call this, collateral damage.
@Joe - I don't think it's what anyone has in mind when they hear 'I'm going to give you one'
@jothemama - and sealed with a kiss
@Jenni - excuse me, I had it first!
@bsouth - my rule is, I pen it, I get to drink it.
@Tismee2 - now now, you're just narky after another home game humilation...
@kittyconcerto - We are not, nah nah nah nah nah.
@IrishNYC - It's the thought that is more aggravating isn't it?
@Veronica - Poor my arse.
@James Austin - oh yes, I saw symptoms fade away as soon as she got it.
@Karen MEG - Welcome.
@Kelley - Smart? Oh god bless you.
@Frogpondsrock - all together now...
@hotmamamia - Oi Vey...
@Angie - it's not like anal beads are involved...
@Quickroute - They be looking for the vote next!
@Bonnie B - euuw, no way, I'm not touching that!
@Tanya - Indeed!
@Widdle Shamrock - Hubbies can't all be as perfect as me you know...
oh such the ass... LOL!!! :)
Another STD for which there is no cure.
Just great...
WEll aren't you the considerate bastard?
hahaha- I just stumbled across your blog! Great stuff. If you don't mind I am doing this next time this particular moment arises.
It's the gift that keeps on giving.
You are just as generous as my husband.
I think you could teach David a thing or two!
That is not the sweet personal gift I had in mind when we discussed this. I hope she didn't kick your ass too much.
You've always been a giver, Xbox.
BTW, even though I've been among the missing, I've still followed your journey and still pray for your fertilization success. I'll offer one more time, I've got an adorable 4 & 6 year for rent until they turn 18. They are cute as hell, but in all honestly - quite possibly the devil's spawn. But they are all yours for the asking. :)
Mr B has had an flu. We have been quite close to divorce. Hugs to ET.
Oh, I'm sure that's exactly what she wanted. So thoughtful.... Relatively inexpensive too, unless it turns into something worse. I've found that man colds tend to mutate into something similar to bird flu by the time my dearly beloved "shares" them with me. There's no justice at all. That stuff could be boxed up and used in germ warfare......
Hope you're both feeling better soon!
I think Christmas is the perfect time to be sick. One is already depressed and the illness gives you the excuse you need not to go out and join in everyone's idea of holiday fun.
Stay in, stay warm. Drink grog. Sleep cozy.
poor et
@Marissa - I do my best ;0)
@CraigD - Penetrates latex too...
@Kori - I'm no bastard, I've 3 or 4 fathers...
@Eric - Welcome Eric, give it a shot!
@iVegasFamily - exactly!
@momo fali - cut from similar cloth!
@Tiff - he knows all this, all men do.
@Angel - well, it got smacked, an approprate amount...
@Lyssa - It's great to see you back and I hope all is well.
@Jo Beaufoix - You just have no understanding
@jodie38 - thanks, and welcome.
@Ms Moon - and that is exactly what we've done.
@snowmanpoop - poor my ass!
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