Unfortunately, it wasn't to be, and the Specialist Blog award went to Irish Economy, congratulations to them.
I really regret not going now, as it sounds like it was a great night, I'm now vowing to be there next year. There it is, in writing.
Hmmm, what else happened, oh yes, my sperm made the national press.
I woke up on Saturday to find that the blog had only been mentioned in The bloody Irish Times! In the weekend section there was an article "Blogs: What to read and why" which listed the '20 of Ireland's most essential blogs', including this one.
There and then, I had an orgasm.
I ran out and immediately bought 400 copies and have spent the last 36 hours re-reading it and touching myself inappropriately.
398 of the copies are now unreadable.
That stuff stains.
The voting was rigged. You are the best hands down. Well, considering what you just confessed to, that may have been a poor choice of words. Congrats for all the good press.
Good job making the news...you must admit it's a pretty good consolation prize. I mean, not being infertile would be a much better prize, but if you have to be childless, you know, the newspaper isn't such a bad place to land!
Excellent, Boxboy.
Now you've found your true calling for emptying the baby batter barrels.
You were robbed? I was robbed! I didn't even get nominated! Can you believe it?!?
Unlucky, and lucky, you.
You know, there are people out there would could have used that stuff. Not everyone can afford to just throw semen around like that.
Oh, wait....
I never said I was literate.
Nice job on the press. I'll take your word for it--you don't have to send me a copy.
I agree with Tara. You totally should have won.
Even though you didnt win(they cheated!!!) you're still MY favorite blog. Seriously.
Wow. Validation. Sweet.
Congratulations and we are proud of you! And we're proud of ourselves for finding such a huge talent in a mighty large haystack.
Wow, a press mention? Good for you, it's well deserved.
Now get your hands out of your pants.
Eek!!! :-D
Wow. Spencer was in the news?! Awesome. Let's hope the hype inspired him! :)
You are going to have to clean things up now (literally!)
Congrats! Well deserved.
Man, that's wonderful!!! Guess I'll have to start subscribing to the Irish Times, because they are clearly the arbiters of good taste. (Um, do they deliver to Canada?)
Nice job getting in the Irish Times! So, how much did it set you back?
Nicely done there, lassie.
You're totally majorly famous now. Don't let it go to your head.
heh... head
you told me that you were going to buy 500 copies.
Do they only print 400 copies?
Oh and remind me to never EVER freaking eat yogurt and visit.
Haaa! Funny. More power to you.
I thought you were robbed too, I was on the edge of my seat, speech clutched in clammy hand...
But guys, you should have heard the cheer when his nomination was read out - biggest one of all :)
Everybody's (ahem) rooting for you, Xbox.
Too bad you didn't win, but to be mentioned like that in the paper is just great! We'll never be able to live with you now.
You'll get newspaper print in all sorts of unsavoury places.
laughing, laughing. stained, things that get you excited...
So you were really pouring over this morning's newspaper?
@Tara R. - Cheers.
@Murgdan - It's bloody brilliant to be honest!
@Anja - beats working for a living
@Dan - Drink more stout?
@Single Parent Dad - too right!
@Poor Broke Momma - snort.
@Ed (zoesdad) - sticky pages.
@Sarah - Behave yourself.
@Ms. Moon - sickly sweet in fact!
@Jenni - spoilsport
@Tanya - pretty much my reaction too!
@WhatAboutNovember - he might up his appearance fees.
@James - gah, take me as I er, come, or not at all.
@prayingtodarwin - or just hit the website...
@simplyChuck - 2 years of finger wearing tapping!
@Joe - shut it.
@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - And you are?
@Kelley - never eat yoghurt, full stop.
@jothemama - I'm a bit dubious about the cheer reports. I'm guessing it was the relief screaming in your ears
But I must say a HUGE thank you fopr being willing to step in if needed, I really appreciate it.
@Angel - Moi?
@bsouth - You know you love it!
@Putz - laughing all the way Putz my man, all the way.
@Craig D - Puntastic my man, puntastic.
ROFL ... what a way to celebrate, it's good practice...
Kudos on the press, Xbox. Essential blog and then some.
Fuck yeah!
only 398 copies unreadable - wuss!
Wow! National recognition! (International if you include the North ;-) )
Good for you...
Careful. You need to save that stuff for more fruitful endeavours.
Oooh well done on the mention in the Times, switswoo :)
Of course had you won then you would be so busy with all the celebrity shanannigans that you'd probably lose concentration on the task in hand.
Not THAT hand, the one where you and ET should be babymaking.
ye dirty pup!!
p.s. two weeks left
Quit wasting Spencer! You should certainly know better by now.
As Sally Fields once said at the Oscars "they like me! they really like me!" And we do.
So...I'm incredibly curious to see if you'll be just as funny as an expectant father, or better yet, an overtired dad. I'm guessing you'll find a way to put a funny spin on everthing from A-Z.
All of my fingers are crossed for you guys and frankly it's making it hard for me to type. I'm ready for your preganancy award speech already. (And you'd best remember to thank the Mrs. too ;-)-Monica
Condolences and congratulations.
Ewwwww, you are an over sharer.
You really shouldn't be wasting that "stuff."
Hey, you can't top 'essential'. Well done, sir.
Yayyy for the piece in the paper and ewwwwwwwww for the squillion ruined copies!
@Karen MEG - I smell a tshirt coming on.
@Christa - Fuck yeah!
@Quickroute - Dont get me wrong, I had to stop myself on the other two.
@Mick - Cheers.
@womb for improvement - Don't I know it
@whoopsadaisy - Thanks, i'm beyond chuffed.
@Tismee2 - I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing
@Deno - Wow, 2 weeks! brilliant.
@Momo Fali - just a blow out ;-)
@Susanica - A million miles away.
@Kim - Cheers & cheers!
@tiff - my generous nature!
@iVegasFamily - think of it as spring break.
@A Free Man - it may be my new favourite word.
@Penelope - hee hee.
I was really shocked when the award was announced as I fully expected you to win. From what I read, and applying the judging criteria I used in the categories I did judge, you were the best, even better than me ;-)
I was rather pissed off when I got home and looked a bit more carefully at the blog that did win and saw that it only started in December - nominations opened in December!? Given that the criteria we used were (1)writing quality, (2)community and engagement with commenters, (3)posting frequency and (4)blog design and ease of use, some people must have thought that one month's worth of the winning blog must be the most awesome blog material ever written to have come out ahead of you.
Like all the people above though, you're still the best. Well done on the Big Media mention.
@Sharon - First thanks for the generous words, I do appreciate them
But I have to be clear, I think the winner should be allowed to enjoy their victory now, they were chosen as the best, and as I see it, thats how it is.
I'd hate to have a victory like that questioned if it were me.
And hard luck, you do a great job, and have a new reader here.
Wow. You were in the top 20. That's wicked and very deserved. Fantastic.
You woz robbed! We did lots of whooping and cheering for you, way more than the other fellas got!
Congrats!!!! And, eew. But mostly CONGRATS!
@Jo Beaufoix - It's insane is what it is!
@FeeBee - I'm raging I missed it now, would have been mental.
@Nola - Thanks ;-)
Let me know if there's a voting page and I'll vote for you from a hundred different computers.
Burn those stained copies and offer them to the pagan gods. Protein-ish matter seems to please them. They might just give ET that belated birthday present you both have been hoping for.
awesome! Congrats. You are certainly newsworthy.
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