The only concrete physical side effect seems to have been some blurred vision half way through the five days.
There was some restlessness and giddiness thrown in for good measure also, but considering what we're just a few days away from, that's no surprise.
Anyway, enough about me. ET is fine too.
I jest. Mostly.
About 36 hours from now, on Friday morning, we'll be having an ultrasound to see how many follicles have developed, and how well they have developed.
In the meantime we have a day and a half to wait, hoping that ET's little ovarian popcorn maker has spat out just the right number and quality.
More than three and the doctors cancel everything.
Less than two (or ONE as it's occasionally referred to) and the drugs will have been a waste of effort.
I think I need to rename ET's ovaries, seeing as we need the number of follicles to not be too little, to not be too large, but to be just right. So Goldilocks it is.
Goldilocks and the three follicles.
From that scan, we should know exactly when we need to give the trigger shot, and then exactly when the insemination will happen. Not to mention, sandwiched in between, we will have my own brave selfless act of self abuse to produce a batch of my finest man milk with which to perform the magic.
Almost certainly, it will all be done and dusted within a week at most.
It feels stupid to say it out loud, but just days from now, we could really be pregnant. Not that we would actually know it, but that is very, very hard to get my mind around.
So, for now, I'm not even going to try.
I'm already looking forward to checking in at the weekend!
"Goldilocks and the three follicles!" That's funny.
Good Luck
I'm eagerly anticipating great news.
The waiting game sux.
But good luck anyway, I'm picturing 3 nice big fat follicles.
It will happen.
EEK. Exciting times are upon us.
Can I say how I love that you are doing this so I can sit and read all about what I should be expecting.
Thanks ;)
Some very dear friends who had been trying long and hard to conceive just gave us the news that they are harboring a growing fetus.
I think it's lucky time for you and ET, too.
Can't wait to hear how it turns out!!!
And your always so clever with names. Its perfect.
I don't know if I'd consider giddiness a "side-effect" so much as a reason for living.
Nice new look, by the way - very... red.
I'm almost positive I was clever before I tried to comment here. Remember the old days, Xbox? Remember the good times?
I'm going to go have a nap.
ooooh can't wait to read the update, hope its a great one =)
The phrase "man milk" always makes me laugh. I really hope Goldi is doing her job and you guys only have to do this once! ;)
I dnt know if u 'do' this or not but you have been picture tagged, go to my blog for details !. x x
Maybe you should make bear noises when you unload some of Ireland's finest to complete the story.
Just sayin'
This is me, holding my breath....
Nothing like an exact number to add a little pressure... If you have triplets, will you name one after me?
Oh, oh, oh! It's been awhile since my last visit to your blog but I hopped back over here since we have a mutual friend in and I wanted to check in on you guys!
How exciting! I will be praying for you, ET and Goldilocks from halfway around the world as you find out how this cycle went Friday morning. Keep us all posted!
Hopefully Goldilocks will find E.T.'s womb "just right!"
now I feel like an arse.
You were right. I hadn't read your blog.
Dammit. I don't know if I can handle you being right twice.
Good luck, Goldy and the 3 follicles! How very exciting! (Note how I maturely refrain from making porridge jokes). But seriously, this sounds great and hope this IUI works for you both!
@Mick - Cheers!
@iVegasFamily - I'm probably going to faint before then.
@S - Thanks.
@Christa - Like a virtual ginuea pig?
@Ms. Moon - Good news to hear... - Cheers.
@Ryan Lawson - Giddy keeps me going anyway.
Yeah you used to be funny, something about a kit kat...?
@Shanny - Me too.
@Lea - Sounds good to me.
@Bubba - I'll have a peek. thanks.
@Hockeyman - for YouTube?
@Mr Lady - This is me, eating popcorn...
@Reg - Only of its a boy...
@Alyssa - Thanks!.
@Dto3 - Thats the spirit!
@Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo - You should see how you look...
@S - I'm saving the porridge jokes for later...
All fingers crossed here. Good Luck.
Ooooh, exciting! Bring on Friday!
This is so confusing to me. So, not enough and you're screwed, too much and you're screwed... geez. So we're praying for one? Ugh. I just want ya knocked up. I don't think that's so much to ask for!
Just want to say that I really hope this works for you both. Would love to come here and read some brilliant news in the next couple of weeks.
There are lots of people thinking of you :)
I just want to tell you both, good luck and we're all counting on you.
(Name that movie.)
Let's hope your porridge does the trick.
Damn, just noticed someone else did the porridge thing. Och well.
I'm going to hope for 3 follicles! 3 wonderful, perfect follicles! I will be praying for you, ET, her follicles and her spermies! I'm also glad to hear that the Clomid didn't have any weird side-effects that many were anticipating. You all don't need to deal with anything like that on top of everything else!
Ah, but one follicle would not be a waste, not at all. Even if there is only one, the Clomid will help give ET a longer luteal phase and help to create a more 'baby friendly' environment.
Good luck.
Good luck!
Ahhhh...good luck!! I'm so excited and nervous for you...lets hope theres a baby about to be made!
It's like a "dating service" for the sperm & the egg, isn't it? ET's eggs have been doused in tons of perfume in order to attract Spencer, who apparently hasn't a clue what to do with the girls!! (your analogies are WAY better than mine)
Here's hoping for fireworks on their first date!!
Just like :)
I'm sure you're not thinking about it at all... ;) I hope everything goes well on Friday and just "swimmingly" from there on out! *fingers crossed*
Best of luck to you. I'll raise my glass of non-alcoholic something-or-other to the demi-gods of fertility and hope that this cycle works out for you guys.
Just remember stress in the 2WW can hinder implantation. I suggest you take ET and Goldilocks out for a relaxing spa or something. :)
I'll be looking for a 'I'm pregnant' title!
You mentioned popcorn, while I was htinking mroe along the lines of a nice juicy pimple. Either way, here's to happy popping!
Friday. Crikey. Everything crossed.
Wishing ET, you, the turkey baster and Spencer the best of luck.
Best of luck to you!
Well, it would be high time. Your time is coming X. I am rooting for you both.
Keeping everything crossed for you!
Love the new look btw.
@River - Thanks
@Veronica - here it is!
@Angel - confusing is right!
@Wookie - Thanks, and welcome.
@Russ - it rings a bell, but googling it would be cheating.
@womb for improvement - you snooze...
@AnnD - Thanks Ann.
@Heather - No we are not worried about too few at all, and even with too many we can carry on ourselves.
@Edith - Cheers.
@Amber - you and me both.
@Bonnie B. - I watched something the other night that said the female eggs upon release gives a scent similar to 'lily of the valley'!
@Christa - bah!
@WhatAboutNovember - nice pun...
@CableGirl - nice one, remind me of the stress I hadn't thought about in order to help me destress....
@Arjan - you just want that video from Dan...
@Kori - thanks.
@nutsinmay - Everything...
@tiff - Thanks Tiff
@Anonymous - Thanks..Mysterious stranger...
@James - it would be, fingers crossed.
@Jane G - you do? I'm having 2nd thoughts today....
It absolutely blows my mind how they've exacted this science. It's really amazing.
Thinking about you guys and hoping and praying, as always.... finally get what you two are hoping and praying for. "Ooooh, we're pregnant! what?"
@Big Momma Pimpalishisness - She's ALIVE!
@Maggie, Dammit - Heh... turns out they haven't TOTALLY exacted it...
@Dondi Tiples - all in time I guess...
I like the new tone, new look.
I like it when friends are hopeful.
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