To that end, in a bizarre turn of events, on Friday next, the 1st May, I will be on 'Today with Pat Kenny' on RTÉ Radio One, chatting with well, Pat Kenny, obviously.
The show runs from 10am-1pm Irish time, and the station can be listened to live online via the above link. (Realplayer needed I think)
I believe the show is also available to listen to for up to a week after they have run so I will post a link to it afterwards if I can.
Radio ga-ga indeed.
EDIT: The clip can be found on this page here.
Christ. 5am? Is that for me too?! I dunno man. Thats kinda early.
Ps..Thats so exciting!!
WOW! I am completely impressed. But I will be listening at a later hour than 5 a.m. Sorry.
But really, I am so excited for you. This is very cool. Although I wish what brought you to this place was not such a painful thing.
I'll be probably still in bed after a week of 9am mornings so I'll listen in the evening. Should be interesting!
I don't know whether or not to say congratulations... if that makes sense?
There was a follow up article to your Irish Times one there a few weeks back I recall, did you know?
Did it really have to be 5am in NY? I like the 7pm time better... the question is do I fly out to Sydney or get up early?... hmmm... I'm guessing I'll just catch it after, hope they do have it online afterwards. Yay for you though! =)
We get to hear your voice too? Soon there will be no part of you left to the imagination. That's fame for ya!
Congrats! I will try to tune in at some point.
Congrats??? How I wish I did not know you. Best wishes and chin up. I will look froward to hearing the interview.
And that'd be 2 am here. Cool, I'll just stay up a little later.
I'm gonna put this out there now - when you get on Oprah, I'm part of your entourage. Deal?
Veronica, Kim and I prefer Aussie time referenced from Melbourne.
Be a sweetie and look that up.
Well, well, aren't you a get about?
I'll be tuning in.
Oh what and you don't even dain to mention English time ...
Congratulations though, that is awesome. Was your trip to meet the guys then going back for a live chat on Friday or is it prerecorded?
Very best of luck!
I'll be listening with bells on! - from Melbourne, Australia. I love, love, love your blog .. have done from it's conception (no pun intended:)
BAHAHAHAHA I am pissing myself @ Kelley's comment..
I'll be at work on Friday morning but I'll catch it on d'internet later that day. Looking forward to it!
You'll be on the Late Late Show next :)
I'll be listening even though I should be studying! PK is a legend.
Getting famous, huh? Soon you'll want nothing to do with us ordinary suckers out in this void that is internet! ;)
Congrats? Well, you know what I mean...
My Goodness Nappyrash, you're becoming a celebrity. Looking forward to you being as blunt and fruity on the airwaves as you are on here. If there are still as many nuns as I witnessed on my trip to Eire when I was sixteen I expect them to be jamming the switchboard...
Seriously,tho, never seen so many nuns this side of the Sound of Music...bit unsettling, if I'm honest.
Now that sounds like an excellent way to spend a morning...
Aw shit, then that's 2 am for me. I hope they keep the link available!
thats brill, look forward to hearing you. :-)
Thats awesome!!!! Congrats!!!!!
I'm not getting up at 5am on my day off to hear it so I sure hope they play it later so I can.
No, that doesn't help. What time will that be in Idaho?
Well done, I await with baited breath!
your famous, i guess a commoner like me now has to stop blogging to you
Well done to you. I am a 2fm girl myself but I will listen on fri. The best of luck to ya.
How exciting! Break a leg! (but not any other appendages, considering that you may need them)
I don't know if i should be happy for you or amused that your popularity is for all the wrong reasons.
congrats! excited for your chance to be on radio...hopefully will be working towards one of the last times you will need to discuss the topic :-)
Who is Pat Kenny?
We will definitely listen online sometime during the week--who knows, maybe live depending on Danny's wake up time which seems to get earlier every day.
What is that famous quote by NPR's Juan Williams? "I look much better on radio than I do on television." I think that is true for most of us ;-)
Have fun and just be yourself. You'll be great! -Monica
P.S. He'd better have you back with your crying baby later...
Sweet. I´ll be listening Spain time, dutch time, same thing.
Heard the show.Brill. Just to wish you good luck. Enjoy trying.
In response to the Pat Kenny show have you explored the possiblity of using Nutritional Therapy. For more info you might like to contact, which has a impressive track record of helping couples with fertility problems have healthy babies. The approach they take is similar to that outlined in "Optimum Nutrition Before, During and After Pregnancy: The Definitive Guide to Having a Healthy Pregnancy by Patrick Holford and Susannah Lawson". It explains a bit of the science behind the approach and things like what nutrients the male and female need in order for a pregnancy to happen. For help closer to home maybe try, or which are all professional associations of nutritional therapists working in Ireland and the UK. Best of luck in your quest. Anna
well done you were great! Hope you & ET feel happy with it. writing about infertility is really brave. But talking about it live on air must have been really nerve wrecking!
I think you are great to have done it.It gives all us people who find it hard to talk about it, a voice so I'm very grateful.
Weve had 3 failed IUI's & hoping to do more in the summer. Its hard to explain IUI to people.Hope my mum was listening so now I dont have to explain it to her!!! She was raised on a farm so with your bull story, she might get it now!!
heard you with Pat this morning. well done, you are a welcome honest voice for the many many men in your situation, who's emotions are rarely elaborated on, on this subject. will be keeping an eye on your blog.
Well done on being so brave and I wish you all the best with the IUI, have everything crossed for you both
Heard your interview this morn, well done, it was brilliant. Loved your comparison of IUI with dairy AI! (we've got a dairy farm!).
Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday, all the best, Lorna
Just had a listen there. Well done! I had to laugh at the texts at the end though. I'm moving to West Cork and signing up for a lorry load of Chinese orphans :)
It feels weird to congratulate you on something with which I sincerely wish you had no experience. But, I am glad that you're bringing attention to it.
I hope it went well! I can't wait to have a listen.
You did very well today, congrats!
I have been following events as it were since the newspaper article. Even though We here are at the far corner of the field with us having experienced child loss & much of what you said applied on this end of the field also... So I know that your family are so very proud of you & are pulling for you guys.
Looking forward to the audio link... bet you rocked it. I like you enough, but 5 AM is ridiculous.
It's Saturday, you're welcome home buddy. Post that Kenny link when you can and if you're knocking around the schmoke give us a holler...
sniffle - there's a tear in my eye right now - the one eye trouser snake eye mind you ;-)
Crumbs, you're certainly getting about a bit aren't you! I shall certainly listen to the show.
Well done you for (a) putting yourself out there and (b) helping to raise awareness.
copy this link for the RTE website,
then click on RTE radio 1. Then Today with Pat Kenny. Play in real player its at 1:14:20
@Sarah - Lazy bitch!
@Mo and Will - thanks
@maggie, dammit - It was!
@Veronica - heh
@Ms. Moon - Oh get out of bed!
@B - I did know, I wrote it !
@Shanny - hehe
@James - I'm dreading hearing it.
@suzannanana - haha thanks.
@prayingtodarwin - when I get 'on' her?
@Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo - bite me.
@tiff - Hope it wasn't too torturous.
@womb for improvement - Trip was planned all along, this just fitted in.
@Feebee - Thanks, I can safely say you do radio better than me!
@Anonymous - Conception, hahah, nice one thanks.
@frogpondsrock - Don't encourage her.
@Jane G - Presenting it.
@Ruth - It was strange meeting someone you 'know of' so well, but he was great, really.
@expatswede - Hurrah for misery!
@Misssy M - The nuns are fading away, they don't reproduce like they used to!
@areyoukiddingme - hope it was!
@Christa - for a few more days yeah.
@Lorna - Ooooh I dunno!
@Foster Mama - haha, I don't blame you
@Kori - 1986
@Anonymous - hope it was ok for you
@Putz - you are a prince among commenters Putz
@J from Ireland - Cross to the dark side! - I need some of them!
@Monty - nuts when you think about it eh?
@Tanya - hope so!
@Anonymous - The gyu who presents the Pat Kenny show...
@Susanica - hahah, we'll see
@Bluestreak - hope you could
@Anonymous - Thanks, appreciate that!
@anna - Thanks Anna, I'll have a look into some of those bits this week when I get a chance. Cheers for that.
@meabh - Yeah comparing herself with a cow on national radio was not one of my wiser moves, but hopefully it wasnt too bad.
Best of luck if you go again this Summer, let us know how you get on!
@cara - Thanks Cara, thats very kind.
@naughty - Thank you, and welcome!
@Lorna - Thanks Lorna, hope it wasn't too disgraceful.
@Jane G - Not before me! The final text was really nice though.
@Momo Fali - Trust me, I know its very weird!
@Niamh - god I hope so!
@shamnet - thank you, I appreciate that.
@Karen MEG - lazy cow...
@Nick McGivney - I'll sort it as soon as I can.
@Quickroute - you've lost me
@bsouth - Cheers!
@Missives From Suburbia - you can use the one above in the post, and it's Friday's show. I'll try to sort out something a bit more accessible.
@meabh - Thanks Meabh, I'm just back this evening and haven't even listened to it myself, I'm half afraid to!
Finally managed to grapple with RealPlayer and listen. You were greta. I was particularly impressed that you managed to refer to sex without ever once managing to use that word. That, and the cow reference! Nice one, Xbox.
Xbox: That's not really a guarantee, I can't remember 90% of what I write.
@womb for improvement - a master at not actually saying what I mean, who's Greta?
@B - you're better off...
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