Checklists, processes of elimination, or just trying things one by one don't always pay off.
After all the suggestions, all the funny, all the cute, and all the gender neutral names we went through for the womb raider, we still had nothing that clicked.
Yesterday a friend emailed me about the ultrasound and asked did we get to see 'Little Fitz'?.
And there you have it. Little Fitz it is.
For now.
It's cute enough for her liking, weird enough for mine, and accurately descriptive of what the bugger is.
Not to mention stupefyingly obvious. I'm really not the quickest. [Taps self on temple with chewed pencil].
In other news, ET has managed to not puke on any busses, colleagues, or husbands in the last few days, which is a plus. On the down side, we may have to install a television in the bathroom due to her frequent visits.
The fact I want to use the term 'Must See PV' is a sign I'm lacking sleep, and therefore I'm going to suggest she sleeps in the bath. Eliminating the need to get up and disturb me four times a night.
On the other hand, I may allow her to stay in the bed, as she is engaging in human horticulture after all, and I fancy living to see the little fella again next Wednesday at the next ultrasound.
The same day that it will turn a full nine weeks old.
I love the "name" you picked for the pending little one. We are still calling the little 7 week old thing in me all sorts of names. That is cool that you get to go for a 9 week U/S. we had a 6 week, got to see the heart flicker 106BPM and going good! and i think we will get another at just around 8 weeks! then who knows after that. Take care of that little wife of yours and DO let her sleep in the bed, that is some serious human horticulture going on! (LOVE THAT!)
best wishes for a puke free time for the mrs's! and fun times for you!
I love you that you are getting all of these U/S's! At 9 weeks the baby will look so much more like a baby too!
I think I'm going to put my money on a little Ms. Fitz for now!
I'm just so happy that this, THIS, is your life now.
Lil Fitz - CUTE.
Tell ET - I carried around a gallon sized Ziploc bag when I was in my fist trimester with both boys. I had to take a lot of public transportation, and the baggie saved me more than once.
I like the name!
Maybe ET should wet the bed once... then you'd not be so whiney about her getting up four times a night, huh. ;)
Love the name.
The couch is a wonderful thing Xbox! Miss Fitz is pretty good (Hey, if the shoe fitz...)
much better name than womb booger
Ok that's cute.
boob was better. ;)
LOVE Little Fitz! Perfect!
Hey how come you get so many ultrasounds? Maybe there is one way I have found in which the Netherlands are not Neanderthals when it comes to childbirth.
Little Fitz seems about perfect.
Television in the bathroom eh? You've finally managed to justify it.
Ack. Smelling, hearing (as in certain music), seeing...and now reading, anything pregnancy related makes me nauseated. Your blog is now making me sick.
I'm obviously a bit slower than you - I don't get it?
If you think getting up 4 times a night is bad wait until you've got a baby. only 4 times will seem like a luxury!
did it ever really make the MAYBE list of names you were considering???????????????????????????????
I thought "oul segosha" would have been a winner.
Hello Little Fitz!
Took a while but misfits, I geddit.
How many scans do you get?
I adore your story.
There is this comedian called Henry Cho who came home from work one day and his pregnant wife was laying on the couch and the house was kind of messy, so he said, "Jeez, what did you do all day?" and SHE said, "What did I do today? Todaaay, I grew a lung." Then he said something another day about "Oh look, I loaded the dishwasher!" and she called in from the other room, "Spleen!" that is what today's post reminded me of. In a good and sweet and funny way, of course.
Course that makes you the Big Fat Fitz. Yes, it does, change the blog name immediately. All the other lill fitzers are talking among themselves and laughing not with you, but brazenly and straight AT you. You'll get over it with the passage of time........ maybe.
9 weeks xbox. Jeez. fingers and toes crossed.
@ 9 1/2 , can you do a Kim Bassinger fridge scene with tadpools and other sexy stuff.
Good luck now.
It kinda Fitz.
Little Fitz! I love it! You know, your wife wouldn't wake you up all night if you were on the couch. Which is where you're gonna end up if she's keepin' up with your blog. :)
Fitz. Little Fitz. Fitzy. Cute and classy. I like.
ET feeling sick and peeing all the time... Damn I feel wistful.
Little Fitz...I LOVE IT! My many sonograms will you have?? I'm waiting for the thumb sucking one...too'll see!
Womb Raider
...wouldn't have been any worse than Angel of Darkness.
Are ultrasounds a fortnightly thing like a checkup?
Fitz perfectly if you ask me.
"Little Fitz" sounds like:
a) A Mini Epileptic
b) Another Joseph Fritzel offspring being put up for a basement bargain sale.
Just read this to my wife in fits of laughter - Thanks! We're going for our first (seven week) scan on Tuesday - can't wait!
@Erin - Thanks! Best of luck to you guys.
@AnnD - I'm thinking Mr...
@Ms. Moon - That may be depressing to many...
@Jenni - It would be seriously funny if she puked on a bus.
@Angel - you're barred!
@Sarah - Yep yep
@Russ - good idea, she can sleep there.
@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - I agree...
@Christa - boob, was creepy
@Hilary (Maya Papaya) - heh!
@Mwa - We are special! still under the care of the infertility people at the moment.
@Chuck - shhhh!
@Momo Fali - charming!
@bsouth - get it NOW?
@Putz - It was a close second Putz...
@Deno - cruelty that would have been.
@womb for improvement - I haven't a clue!
@hereinfranklin - It's like Disney and soft porn combined...
@Kori - I'm guessing I'd have to be there...
@Sniffle - I'm not so big really, short chubby fitz perhaps.
Kim - Yummy.
@James (SeattleDad) - Ba dum dum tish...
@iamstacey - Oh she keeps up alright!
@nutsinmay - Sorry May :-(
@hotmamamia - not a clue!
@B - nah, a couple in the early days, and the occasional one through the whole thing.
@River - ...groan...
@Monty - Dreadful.
@SuperDad-Wanna-B - Best of luck! and welcome.
Just so the kid isn't actually hearing "hey misfit"! Oh, I guess that's why it's lil Fitz ;-)
Love it X Box! -Monica
LOVE it, Little Fitz is grand! Spazz was a drunken suggestion ;).
Hope the puking stops soon, though, for both your sakes. Not pleasant.
Cute name, hope it doesn't stick. For the kid's sake. I really don't miss those days of the wife puking constantly. That and her getting sick over the smell of cleaning solutions. I think that was her way of getting me to do all the housework while she was pregnant....
everytime i hear/see a woman enjoying/puking/feeling exhausted due to her pregnancy i grab my balls and thank the stars i never had to go through it. glad to see things are moving right along in no time at all you'll be as sleep deprived as me, hahahahaha.
and one question, does the girl like breakfast cereal? if she does how often does she eat it? that's before conception of course cuz the more cereal she ate the more likely Mr/Ms Fitz will be Mr.
I could have sworn I thrown a name in the hat for the Little Fitz. I like this one better.
It could be Lil' Fitz and gangsta, you know.
Maybe Mr...but ET's symptoms just sound way too familiar to me personally...
9 weeks already!
Fitz is a grand name. Love it :-)
Little Fitz is way better than Nixon!
Hope you see a beautiful bugger on Wednesday, and I think that ET is pretty sweet to have spared bus drivers, colleagues, bosses and all her husbands .. ;-)
All the very best!
Has she taken a craving to certain types of food? That too is bound to start soon...
Little Fitz is very cute and very you.
As for being woken by the bathroom stops...
let the games begin!
Heh heh.
Lil' Fitz is friggin' perfect.
I am SO happy you are sharing this journey with your internet friends.
I have stopped YELLING, but I am still grinning ear-to-ear. I don't say it enough but, thanks for writing.
@Susanica - :-)
@Karen MEG - Puking never really kicked in, just a bit of nausea in the end.
@Mike - Do they get craftier during pregnancy or what?
@Kono - She does eat breakfast cereal, usually every breakfast time...
@Ed - You snooze...
@Mr Lady - must stock up on bandanas.
@AnnD - heh, who knows!
@Mick - On Wednesday, yeah.
@WiseGuy - she pretty much craves anything edible.
@tiff - hehe.
@Rikki - thank you, very kind.
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