Okay, maybe eighteen. Nineteen, tops. Plastered in make-up and wearing knee length white leggings, the mysterious young woman followed the consultant as she lead us into her office.
Bizarrely, we were never introduced to this person, who I only imagine, and nervously hope, was an intern shadowing a senior member of staff for the day.
So young looking was contestant number 9 in the 'let's all stare at my wife's genitalia' game show, I started to wonder if ET's impending visual carnal carnival would even be legal.
Probable charges of indecency involving a minor aside, she dropped her lot, and hopped into the stirrups. Up shot the dildo-cam, quickly followed by my blood pressure.
Et voila! A baby.
A baby-shaped baby to boot.
The previously huge yolk sac wasn't identifiable, while the recognisable body shape and large head definitely were. The consultant pointed out the harder to see heart, pumping away steadily.
I didn't appreciate what happened next at the time, but thinking back on it throughout today, it was simply amazing to witness.
It kicked out its leg.
Now, it was of course most probably a twitch, or a spasm, or a jerk, but whatever it was, its disproportionately tiny leg moved right there in front of us. A microscopic human moving around inside it's own microscopic world, of its own microscopic accord.
Little Fitz didn't stop there, the small baby shape hunched a backward 'C shape' in on itself, and opened out again in the few moments we had a window to its day.
Nothing major in the grand scheme of things, but the movement was such, that the crown to rump measurements had to be taken twice, and differed by 5 days in estimated size.
In the 12 days since the last scan, the baby has grown 13 days bigger, from 11mm to a whopping 24.6mm. Measuring now 9 weeks and 2 days, at an official 9 weeks.
It can't go unmentioned that this is the last post where we are being treated for infertility, our care there is finished after today's visit. I'm really quite unsure what I feel about this turning point just yet.
ET stole the limelight for the milestones of posts 100 and 200, and I'm more than happy to let her belly dweller steal it for this, number 300.

Goodbye Dutch infertility people!
Well done Baby Fitz.......keep up the gymnastics!
So glad Lil Fitch is kickin' away in there!!! I don't care who you are, that is an amazing sight to see...your baby moving around in utero.
I know it is scary to be under their care and then just released into the big, bad world of pregnancy uncertainties. I felt the same way after the Doc stopped my weekly U/S's at 12 weeks.
I've always felt there would be a huge opportunity for U/S techs to do "blackmarket ultrasounds" for crazy, nervous and neurotic parents such as myself. I'd pay $10/minue for one!
Is Little Fitz wearing sunglasses? I swear I can see that in the ultrasound pic.
Your baby-shaped baby is moving around. Nothing can be added to that.
Lil Fitz is just getting the strength training ready for the rest of the stay. Must have good kickin' muscles for later. :)
I am glad everything is going well- I hope ET is feeling okay!!
Grow, baby, grow! I can honestly say I have never been so happy for three people I have never met. It is, a miracle!
Congrats on making 300, the next 100 should be the best/easiest/most joyous/good things!
Are you sure she was a member of staff? Maybe they allow spectators over there?
I think I can see it(is "it" correct?) proper now!
Awww, Fitz is a cutie. So happy for you!
Looks like you named it Toshiba. Nice. Did you get to hear the heart yet? That's always a surreal experience. Give ET a hug from me, she has a little human being growing in her belly! How cool is that?
Well done. It really doesn't strike home until you see the kid in there, moving. Then - THEN you know.
Glad to hear all is well x
-(WhatAboutNovember, not signed in)
Totally awesome! I found my way here from Ginny's post over at Praying to Darwin. I'd seen your blog recommended over at Ask And Ye Shall Receive, but I couldn't figure out what XBox4NappyRash could possibly refer to, so I delayed far too long in clicking over. To be fair, in my part of the world, "Nappy Rash" means something godawful and mange-like affecting one's hairy bits. Glad to hear things are finally rolling along for you and I'll keep my fingers crossed for a healthy, safe, full-term pregnancy.
Not only is this THRILLING news but you had to go and mention The Love of my Life Neil!!!
Hello Little Fitz Hello!!
No more visits to the fertility clinic? Where will you go? What will you do?
Just perfect! Congratulations again. A baby! Still find it hard to believe, I can't imagine what you and ET are feeling!
I'm happy for you (and all teary about it - so inappropriate at work!) all over again.
Now that you know you're having one, can I say "twins" with impunity? Anyhow, I think our blood pressure increase at seeing two buggers for the first time was probably nothing compared to yours, after all the effort and false starts.
Great great great!
it totally has your head.
I agree with suzannanana. I am just amazingly happy for all of you. Now go find YOUR midwife and let that baby cook until it's truly time to meet him or her. (I'm really bossy for a stranger, aren't I?)
The first ultrasound I had with Veronica, that I could actually see what the sonographer was looking at was at twenty weeks. I can remember being absolutely stunned that she looked like a real baby. Veronica opened and closed one eye and raised her arm. Jeff was rapt that she had winked and waved at him.
Those scan images are like those magic eye things.
This is awesome news!
One of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen.
Hi Fitzy!
Noice. Widdle Fitz is a gem.
Is that a giant duck? Or is Fitz inside a submarine? Maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong angle.
Another one bites the dust is not a neil diamond song is it?
It was on the movie jazz singer, which had neil diamond in it.
I was going to saing "what a beautiful morn"
but thien you might ask me why I know so many Neil Diamond facts.
Okay, I'll tell you.
My mum is addicted to Neil Diamond.
I learnt all the words subliminally as she listened into my childhood nights.
True story: Mum had me take her into a concert a few years ago. The crowd was full of middle aged women swaying in unison.
He was singing...
"You are the words, I am the tune, you are the sun, I m the moon, play me"
My mum jumps up from her seat and screams at the top of her lungs in a really really quiet part:
"Play ME neil! Play me!"
I died on the spot.
I hope you don't embarrass your daughter like that.
Little Fitz will no doubt be the star of blog entry number 400 - we'll all look forward to that one:)
Oh and sorry about the spelling mistakes. My brain doesn't function so well after being concealed in a small room for seven days.
Dang. He's handsome. Way to go.
Well done and congratulations to you both! What clever people you are to produce such a beautiful little Fitz.
9 weeks and already hamming it up for the camera. Oh, the antics you're in for!
Congrats again!
I'm truly enjoying these accounting's, not that I didn't enjoy the other stuff too but, you know. It's just better now.
Go little Fitz!
Incredible. Fitz is beautiful. Congrats again.
Aw Little Fitz!! That is a gorgeous scan if I do say so myself. In about 10 or so more weeks you'll be FEELING the little one kick!
kid is gunna be bigger than its dad in a couple of weeks.
Such awesomeness!!!
Hello Fitz. I love scan pics Xbox. And yay ET. When we saw Miss E at around that time or maybe a bit after, she flapped like a turtle. I'll never forget. I wrote a poem.
He/She's a flapper
And he/she will be a crapper
And we're very happer (y)
Was I not a talented pregnant lady??
@Blues - A weird, weird feeling.
@jen - not that there's anything wrong with that ;-)
@AnnD - I'm in two minds about them, nice (brilliant!) to see, but still I don't want to be interfering with it in there!
@Kathryn - Bono! It does look like it from a distance...
@Mwa - nope :-)
@Lorza - Yeah, she's doing really good!
@suzannanana - A medical one, yes ;-)
@B - "It" has to do for now I suppose, although I'm sure the nouns foetus or baby must be male or female.
300, I've impressed myself.
@Dora - Thanks!
@Hockeyman - Only if it's a girl...
@LceeL - absolutely, that was a biggie. movement/living. super.
@Lorna - thanks!
@WhatAboutNovember - Yo!
@Thalassa - Hi, thanks. and welcome!
@Penelope - Oh dear, oh dear...
@Russ - Dunno, subscribe to playboy?
@naughty - its creeping in slowly!
@Sadia - hahah, I had to ask again if there was definitely only one!
@Ruth - Yep!
@Jenni - oversized?
yeah, ok.
@Ms. Moon - That cooking term kind of freaks me out a little...
@frogpondsrock - If we hadnt read up on what we shoudl see, we wouldnt recognise any of it I'm sure.
Typical her...
@Single Parent Dad - this one looks better with about 2 feet distance
@Shanny - YES!
@Tara R. - Well it's my favourite so far!
@Christa - **muffled voice** hello!
@Nikki aka Widdle Shamrock - It is that!
@People in the Sun - I'm so glad you said dUck...
@tiff - You poor, poor woman.
@Anonymous - I'm counting on my fingers at the current rate, when would that be...
@James (SeattleDad) - hehe.
@merinz - hahah, yeah it took a lot of mental work alright ;-)
@rachelbk - it did have that feel to it!
@Chuck - I still cant get my ahead around writing this stuff, it feels fake.
@mom2nji - its the right shape anyway!
@Hilary (Maya Papaya) - bring it on!
@Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo - 7 at this rate.
@Making Babies - Heh, yep!
@Jo Beaufoix - Let's just say that getting pregnant was talent enough eh?
@Ms Avery - YES!!!
Normally I'm good at picking out a baby in a scan but I couldn't see LilFitz.... then I realised , well its an entirely different angle... and there s/he was WOW thats a pretty excellent shot!!
Looking really cute already!!
Gosh kid you are going to be soooooo spoiled and you deserve every second! :) :) :)
Isn't it amazing to see such a tiny thing moving and stretching. Just wait until ET can feel the movements. The joy in her face will be blinding.
Yay for scans! Striking out on your own then. Good luck with that.
Have been following your blog lately and get quite emotional (along with a lot of other people)when I read your family's progress. I too had problems, as did my mother, but I am here thanks to hormone implants (quite innovative 59 years ago!) and now Kerry and ultimately Amy & Evan (no he doesn't always have a dirty face)- may Fitz bring you many happy hours even before his (?) arrival as you are giving us on this epic voyage. PS make sure you scan your ultrasound pictures onto your computer as they can fade.
Fantastic news X Box and ET!-M
hey did you know fitz and putz both have a ring to it...a neil daimond tune....you are the fitz beneath my putz or fitz putz fitz goes the bubbly...or snap crackl;e fitz...or mormonkerakermer fitzed his putz ready to do battle
happy 300th! what a way to celebrate!!!
oh. my. gosh.
this is soo awesome isn't it?
I love love love the ultrasound pic ~
happy day!
Wahoo...I'm telling you...wait til you see the thumb suck!!!! Great growth...before you know it you'll see if Little Fitz has a 'handle' or not!
You two are ready to take the big leap...just keep on truckin baby!
WOW is all I can think to say through my teary eyes! It's amazing the first time you see your baby move from within....it's even better when you can actually feel it! I'll never forget Jared waking me up to tell me to roll over because all the baby's kicking was keeping him awake...imagine what it felt like for me!!! Can't wait to hear those stories coming from you soon enough! Congrats on seeing your miracle again!
Wouldnt it be so different if you went back to post 200 and knew that at post 300 you would be talking about your and ET's REAL LIFE BABY!!! It would have saved so much heartache knowing what the future brought. But thats the joys of parenthood isnt it! Next thing you know you will be waiting for ET to go into labour!!! (That is also a big wait, I waited 6 days past due date for my little one to appear!)
My U/S tech recently told me that the idea that they can hear the soundwaves used in U/S's has now been proven not be true, that they can't hear anything we can't. She said the only thing they can feel is the pressure of the wand during the tummy U/S's. That's what she said, who knows if it's true or not.
Congrats on the 300th! And what a happy theme to celebrate the 300th with!
I guess you should charging a fees from the starers!
Go, Little Fitz, Go!
Just beautiful! and it keeps getting better.
@Elfinamsterdam - Spoiled! no child of mine....
@River - cant wait!
@bsouth - sounded a bit ominous there...
@Jeannette - He DOES always have a dirty face :-)
Thanks for the lovely message, I appreciate it.
And Welcome!
@Susanica -Yep!
@Putz - we could go on tour...
@geeksinrome - not bad at all!
@darcie - yes, yes, yes.
@hotmamamia - a handle... lord.
@Momma - thank you, hope you are keeping well.
@Tanya - Well both 100 & 200 were optimistic ones, so it's fitting.
@AnnD - who knows indeed.
@WiseGuy - If I thought for a second anyone would pay!
@Deno - it has so far anyway!
Bloody beauty!
great news
Beautiful. And stunning. And a singleton. Enjoy every blessed second. :)
I'm so happy for you! So exciting to see a real baby-shaped baby - and a moving one, at that! :)
Ok, I can just about see the wee fella this time.
Congrats on week 9!
Fitz is a great name can be male or female...now the dilemma will you tell us when you know or will you find out?
Irish Mammy
@Jayne - It is!
@Sarah Gostrangely - It is, thanks.
@nola - Yes, PHEW!
@iamstacey - Thanks!
@womb for improvement - cute, eh?
@Irish Mammy - We will find out, ye lot won't. ;-)
I reckon that belly dweller is going to be the star of the next several hundred.
Oh you gave me chills! Thank you so much for sharing that with us. Little Fitz's first photos are wonderful.
Was watching the movement and the heartbeat just mind blowing or what?!
What a great feeling to shut the door on those infertility folks. Of course, that opens the the next door full of scary shit, but at least that's progress forward. Congrats, man.
@A Free Man - feckin attention seeking annoys me.
@Angel - *cough* second photos...
The movement was amazing. I appreciate it more now.
@maggie, dammit - hey stranger, yep, very!
@indavao - Ooooh dirty spam.
@Not Afraid to Use It - Yes, progress, but kind of eerie to walk away.
Thanks, and welcome!
Bet Fitz kicked out at the TransVag thingy disturbing the peace of his floating zen. Probably even curled up away from it.
Am so excited for you both!
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