Thursday 4 February 2010

Pucker up

Midwives are magic Zen masters.

They exude an air of calm and leave you treats of mental time to spare.

So when one sees a midwife spring into huffy action making speedy appointments on your behalf, using phrases like ‘low fluid’ and ‘handing you over to the gynaecologist’, your heart beats that little bit less comfortably and the time to spare evaporates.

Yesterdays midwife visit was one such moment. ET is big and round, and only getting bigger and rounder. In an attempt to measure the baby the midwife had doubts over the level of amniotic fluid she could feel and thought it better to arrange an ultrasound to be on the safe side.

So there we found ourselves once again staring up at a grainy screen having unidentifiable body parts pointed out to us against a whooshy soundtrack. It transpires that all is well and the midwife’s caution was just her being thorough.

She was right on one point; it’s a big ‘un. Quite an odd shaped big ‘un by all accounts. With short wee legs, and a small head, it still manages to weigh more even now than most newborns do thanks to a ginormous belly.

We are basically breeding a Jerry Springer guest. A short arsed fatty. At least we will save on the cost of a paternity test.

As we left she semi-jokingly commented that it could easily arrive tonight.

That remains to be seen, but in the meantime this isn’t a bad sight to tide us over.

1 week, 6 days.


Amanda Bowden said...

GORGEOUS pic!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is the best 2D I've seen!

Heather said...

Look at those cheeks and lips! I've never seen them like that on a 2-D. Beautiful!

Unknown said...

Looks like Angelina Jolie.

Lorna said...

Phew too, glad all well :)

Bonnie B. said...

THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!! (and it's all about me at this point, right?)

Gorgeous picture, thanks for sharing it with us. And glad to hear all is okay with ET and 'lil Fitz.

Ms. Moon said...

Kissy Lips. I guess it's time to go light that candle, eh?

Horse Chick said...

Oh, How sweet...lil Fitz' blowing Mommy & Daddy a BIG KISS!!!
I am so excited...the suspense is so hard for all of us....NOTHING LIKE WHAT YOU TWO ARE FEELING!!!
Happy Thoughts and Prayers coming your way from Michigan!!

Ru said...

Wow what an amazing picture & such a beautiful baby!

Anonymous said...

Those have to be girly lips.

AnnB said...

That kid looks like it could eat your Klossen! Batten down the hatches!

Jenni said...

oh. my. god.

Sadia said...

You're in Full Term Land!!!!

Mwa said...

Your first kiss from your baby! Too sweet!

Barbara said...

I suppose it's always best to be cautious but it doesn't make you feel any better. Still, nice that you got another scan out of it!

Tara R. said...

Any day now! That is so exciting.

Dre said...

Here's hoping that Lil Fitz's next pic is one of you both kissing his/her head... I am really excited for you both, having skulked around here for almost two years...

James (SeattleDad) said...

The final countdown. Exciting news.

rachelbk said...

Oh dear god, I hope it's a boy. Because in 12-13 years, if a girl finds out she was referred to as a 'short arsed fatty' she is going to rebel and make your life a miserable hell.

Anonymous said...

Your baby is already amazing, look at that nose and those lips!! Not long now - you two are amazing!

Veronica Foale said...

Anytime from here on in. I'm glad there was nothing wrong.

(and I bet the belly isn't that big. Not that you'll care)

WhatAboutNovember said...


Chuck said...

Great picture! So so close now. We are very excited for you all.

Rebecca said...

I have no idea if there is a beautiful baby ultrasound contest anywhere in the world but you seriously have to save that snapshot and send it in if there ever is such a thing. Wonderful and precious and beautiful!!!

Rebecca said...

Lips like that would be so wasted on a boy.....she has to be carrying a little girl.....a drama girl at that...those lips!!!

Sarah said...

Just tell her to hold out until 2-13.

That is all.

Oh, and I love that u/s pic!

Russ said...

I can see that Kate! Certainly the lower portion of a woman's face.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! What lips!!! Soon you will meet him/her in person.

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...


I hate you, you have my ovaries all a quiver...

Irish Mammy said...

Well it looks like Brangelina lips to me (either Brad's or Angelina's) - gorgeous, my little guys just showed me fists the entire time. Might just have to change my sex prediction....

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

Look at that gorgeous mouth!

Susanica said...

That must have been very scary. A few weeks before Benjamin was born a midwife thought she heard something "funny" with his heartbeat and we had to go and get a special cardiac ultraound. Very nerve wracking. Glad to hear that just like us, you got the best news possible--that all was well. Shouldn't be long now. Can't wait to "meet" your little one. -M

Susanica said...

That must have been very scary. A few weeks before Benjamin was born a midwife thought she heard something "funny" with his heartbeat and we had to go and get a special cardiac ultraound. Very nerve wracking. Glad to hear that just like us, you got the best news possible--that all was well. Shouldn't be long now. Can't wait to "meet" your little one. -M

Daniel said...

sounds like an 8 to 10 pund baby boy to me, well i am so excited to win it all...>>>this is the PUTZ on daniel's handle

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

baby yet?

Here In Franklin said...

So proud that of all the American exports you could mention, Jerry Springer came to mind. :)

Deb said...

HE has lovely lips. (Note: I am always wrong on gender guesses.)

battynurse said...

Oh wow! What an amazing pic.

Making Babies said...

Probably the best u/s I've seen in a long long time! Getting so close now! xox

River said...

Ummm, forgot what I was going to say. Glad everything is okay though.

Martin said...

@Amanda Bowden - Thanks :-)

@Christa - not bad eh?

@Heather - :-)

@Kate - Or Mick Jagger...

@Lorna - Indeed tis.

@Bonnie B. - hahah yes

@Ms. Moon - nearly...

@Horse Chick - thank you!

@Ru - cheers!

@Anonymous - maybe... maybe not...

@AnnB - it seems to be eating everything else

@Jenni - Exactly :-)

@Sadia - sure are

@Mwa - sickening eh?

@Barbara - yep yep

@Tara R. - or a month...

@Dre - Thank you, I appreciate that

@James (SeattleDad) - I don't need that tune in my head...

@rachelbk - thick skin needed around here...

@alylala - haha, thanks.

@Veronica - massive....

@WhatAboutNovember - it is ;-P

@Chuck - almost there..

@Rebecca - Mick Jagger?

@Sarah - that's a saturday, weekends are banned.

@Russ - time will tell...

@Lori - Not soon enough!

@Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo - that could be a stroke

@Irish Mammy - Too Late !

@tiff(threeringcircus) - :-)

@Susanica - All worked out!

@Daniel - You never know Putz...

@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - go away

@Here In Franklin - he was born in England ;-)

@Deb - time will tell...

@battynurse - cool eh?

@Making Babies - it is good for a 2D.

@River - ;-)

Rikki said...

Look at those lips! Gorgeous! *MWAH*

Hockeymandad said...

Woah, that's pretty cool. I think I see a boogie...

Anonymous said...

Awwww, Im still here lurking and waiting.....and pacing!
Gail x

Kori said...

Um, it looks al ittle like something Picasso might have painted. In a good way. :) Gald all is well.

Geri Atric said...

Argh! It's the 'Big Giant Head'!!

Sorry about that. Knee jerk. Was expecting to see the short little legs you were telling us about.
Looks good though!

Martin said...

@Rikki - Yeuuup!

@Hockeymandad - Hungry?

@Gail - you'll be knackered!

@Kori - Not entirely sure that's a good thing!

@Geri Atric - it's quite the monstrous sight alright!

Anonymous said...

I CANNOT beleive we are this close already.....cannot wait for the outcome!

tomi said...

That is one awesome ultrasound!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Spectacular ! So close now , been watching from the wings . OHHH

Jane G said...

Looking forward to seeing a photo of him/her. Not long to go now!

Captain Steve said...

I saw a nose and really big lips. Is that what I was supposed to see? Damnit, I hate these hidden pictures!

Is it here yet?

Martin said...

@hotmamamia - I'm no gambler, but my money is on the outcime being a kid.

@tomi - Cool isn't it?

@Trish - you and me both!

@Jane G - Not long, and an age.

@Captain Steve - That's exactly it, Jagger or Jolie lips.

Stella said...

LOVE IT!!! I am so excited for you guys....your lives are getting ready to be transformed FOREVER!


Martin said...

@Stella - already are, I think.

Amber said...

What a gorgeous little mouth!