Monday 24 September 2007

Dank Jullie Wel

Well, the little minx has returned and therefore also has the tourturous treatment of my privates.
Having said that, after a two day hiatus I was surprised at how eager we both were to get back into things.
It's quite reassuring actually that it's still bloody good fun.

Anywho... (don't you just hate people who say that?) I was just reflecting (yeup, not very busy at work today) at how much help reading these dad(& mom/mum/mammy) blogs has been.

At moments when I've been a bit down about this seemingly unending process, to be able to have a peek into the 'trivial' details of your day to day experiences as dads has been calming, reassuring and soothing for this idiot's mind.

I hope I don't have to rely on this peculiar sort of voyeurism to quench my parenting thirst for too much longer, but I'm certainly glad that it's there.

So, dudes... Dank Jullie Wel !
(thank you, plural, in Dutch, I think. Well, it's either that or I've insulted yo' mama. Oh well, it's the thought that counts.)


Doodaddy said...

Um... Julie is Wel-welcome. And back atcha.

Martin said...

"Graag Gedaan" I think you mean ;-)

What a service I'm providing eh?

Unknown said...

Glad to be of service. And don't worry ... your moment of parenting, uh ... bliss, yeah, that's it, bliss ... will come.

Martin said...

Cheers !