Tuesday 6 May 2008

A positive negative

If there is such a thing, that's what we got this morning.

A negative, but the cycle is still going.

Into injury time if you like. The more added on time we get, the better.

It may very well have been to early to detect a rise in hCG, 9 days, so the longer the cycle runs the more of an outside chance there is that we will get one.

Or not. Who knows?
Not me.

So I have the tweed jacket on layaway, not canceled just yet.

Also, what is it about trying to get someone up the duff that can render you both incapable of counting to 26, 27 or 28 correctly?

I've taken to using an excel sheet now.

So, on we go, if there is a tomorrow in this cycle, we'll once again be pissing.

Just hopefully not against the wind.


Jenni said...

9 DPO is afully early for a positive urine test - I never got mine until I was 15 or 16 DPO, but I do have a longer LP.

fingers still crossed...

Martin said...

@Jenni - yeah I know, exactly, but the cycle is due to end, and if it does, it would be really helpful to know if we had conceived. outside chance, but all information is vital.

Anonymous said...

hugs and hope

Kori said...

Please ,for the love of God, take the jacket back. I mean, dude, you are way too cool for that jacket. And if Ellie met up with Spencer in that jacket, well, shit...

The Miss of Abyss said...

Keep pissing on the sticks. You're not ruled out yet.

Jason Roth said...

I'm wishing very hard for a positive for you.

Ashley said...

*fingers crossed*

Miss Awesome said...

Oops read yesterdays before today. Well good luck with tomorrow's pee.

It's never a negative until the blood starts flowing. And sometimes not even then.

Martin said...

@Tiff - Thanks, very much.

@Kori - think of it in a geeky romantic comedy way.

@Anja - for the record, I'm not the one pissing on them.

@Roth Family Adventures - thank you sir, very kind.

@Ashley - Thank you, it's appreciated.

@Big Mama Pimplishness - Her's or mine?

Our Crooked Tree said...

there is still hope! my husband advises to have lots of sex tonight to make sure...just to be safe:) He also thought we should try for twins even after we got a positive. can't blame the man for trying...I guess I still got it ☺

keep us posted; we are all waiting to hear the good news!

Anonymous said...

xxx everything is crossed xxx

Hilary (Maya Papaya) said...

I am wishing you so much luck in hopes that this cycle is LUCKY number 13

The Mrs. said...

Found you through DeeDee's list, and now keeping my fingers crossed for you!

LiteralDan said...

I can't believe you didn't have an Excel sheet to start with-- we're clearly very different people.

I just realized I never got my tweed jacket-- dammit! I hope no one's noticed.

(Good luck to you both)

MarĂ­a said...

I'm totally lost here, but good luck!

Anonymous said...

Crossing everything that the cycle is longer.

Like someone else said, 13 is a good number.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your test, I can't imagine the tense moments it brings month to month. That jacket though, elbow pads? Seriously? Is that a Euro thing? I dunno, there's an inappropriate joke in there somehow but I can't think of one right now. Happy peeing...

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for the positive positive, though I have to warn you...those little swimmers might take offense to your choice in jacket, so you might want to return the Mr. Darcy apparel.

Crossing everything I can that won't inhibit my typing.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking a rocker jacket would be totally more appropriate.

You wanna be a Daddy, not a grandfather.

Crossing my intestines for ya.

Marylin said...

Got everything crossed for you both... ((hugs))

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

good luck to you and Ellie ... the two week wait is such a stressful time.

I agree 9 days is way too early.

I loathed the pee sticks ...

Anonymous said...

I think you've found the secret. The jacket is the key. Just acquire a whalebone pipe, wear the jacket and start teaching High School English. Kids guaranteed in no time. Oh, quit shaving, also.

On a serious note; good luck. Hopefully you'll be able to transition this to a "pregnancy diary" blog soon.

Momo Fali said...

I think you would look delightful in tweed.

Jody said...

Oh wow. Good luck. I am hoping for a positive for you in the coming days!

justmylife said...

Good luck and hoping 13 is the lucky number!

Anonymous said...

That's a sweet layawayed piece of tweed, my friend.

Martin said...

@Our Crooked Tree - Learning your hubby is a randy bugger certain helps. Not quite sure how, but it does.

@Frogpondsrock - Legs included, I hope.

@Hilary - Thank you oh big bellied one.

@The Mrs - Thanks very much!

@LiteralDan - Thank you sir, excel at the ready.

@Immoral Matriarch - A sure sign of a woman up the duff in one shot!

@Veronica - Fingers crossed

@Wpat - Innappropriate joke should have something to do with knee pads I reckon.

@MadWomanMeg - and very well you type too, thanks.

@Kelley - Who's the Daddy...!

@Maryiln - Much appreciated, thanks.

@Baby~amore - It sure is, 9 days and now 10, was pushing it as close to cycle end as we could.

@Nukedad - I hope so, this bloody blog is getting boring!

@Momo Fali - Just a tweed cap you mean?

@Jody - thank you very much.

@justmylife - me too!

@Billandjill.com - no finer this side of the mississippi!

Anonymous said...

Ok so my "friend" is also late, about 11 days to be exact, went to the doctor yesterday for blood work after 2 hpt gave us negatives. He's keeping his fingers crossed that it's a positive, and we'll know Monday..that's right, 6 damn days! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the both of us...