Days like this always make me a bit nervous. Last days. Last days at a job, last days of a holiday, even bloody Sundays leave me feeling a bit odd at this stage.

It's really been the fastest year ever, and at times the most excruciatingly slow one.
I look through the blogs I read and I see such an eventful year has passed, some in good ways, and some in not so good ways. Births, deaths, traumatic times, and upheavals.
In all that time, with all that has gone on out there, you keep coming back here. That is humbling, exciting, and not to mention a tad creepy. I jest of course, it's truly encouraging.
This whole thing was not part of any plan, but has turned out to be a very nice distraction along the way.
In the course of 2008, you lot have dropped about six and a half thousand comments here. Some of you just once, others religiously.
I have no idea how many of you read silently. I'd love if you commented just the once, so I could say hello, welcome, and thanks.
Considering that this is just one story, a very simple one, and very repetitive one, I am very, very grateful for all of your input, reassurance, kindness, and something I would have never said was possible, friendship.
At risk of repeating once again, today, New Year's Eve, is CD25. Our best guess is that Saturday, the end of the cycle is due, and we start again. Or, the end doesn't come, and, well, you know the rest...
For those on this side of this messy carry-on I can only say 'heads up', next year could be the one, we can only hope.
For those on the other side of it, I say 'Enjoy it', you've earned it.
For everyone else, I know your own plates are full with troubles off all kinds, so I wish you all the very best for the year to come.
Thank you.
Saturday! That's the day man! Emma turns two on Saturday and I would so love if I could associate her 2nd birthday with a BFP for you and ET! Here is to the possibilities that Saturday holds!
Happy New Year!!! I'm only creepy in a good way! Here's to a Positive 2009!!!
Yes. All best things (and the best things are always the smallest, right?) to you and ET.
Thank-you for continuing to share and entertain.
I love your blog. It always makes me smile.
Wishing you all the best in the new year!
I have read silently for a while..I love your blog! I hope you get your BFP very very soon!
Happy New Year dude.
I read silently, all.the.time.
Happy New Year to you and ET! May 2009 be filled with miracles!
Happy New Year to you too, X, and ET. I've enjoyed being one of your stalkers in 2008!
I love everything about your blog. Its honest, heartfelt, obviously well written, and hilarious! Through your blog I have found comfort, wisdom and a friend.
I'm so glad I stumbled upon it one day while feeling very blue. And I hope that even once you get your BFP, you'll continue to write.
Happy New Years friend, may 2009 be good to you both.
Happy New Year! I am one of you "silent" readers. While I believe I have only commented once before, I have spit my morning coffee over my keyboard in a laughing fit over your words many more times than that. Here's to a BFP for the two of you!!!
You don't have anything against CREEPy now do you?? I'll spare you with the BS don't know what to say so I just say anything comment today but...Here's to a New Year - We've only got up to go from here!!
Happy New Year to you and ET!
Happy New Year to you & ET!!!
Thanks for sharing the repetitive story with us!!
Because you asked so nicely, I'm venturing out of my google reader to leave you a comment... I've been reading from the sidelines for quite a while now, and every day I see a new post from you I'm hoping it's the one we're all waiting for.
Wishing you the best of luck in 2009!
Wishing you all the best as well. I hope this year brings you what you've worked so hard for!
You are welcome, my friend. The pleasure has been all mine . . .
Thank you for your kind words - you know it's a bit of an obsession your blog. It's like I don't want to miss anything important and be the one in the dark when something exciting happens - you know like when you read and find you're actually no. 156 comment or something...!
Never mind, you can rely on me being around a while longer yet - even your sarky football comments can't get rid of me.
So raising a glass to you, ET and all those body parts that are required to make babies! Here's to 2009 and CD25.
Always reading, not always having anything to say. I love your sense of humor and following your story; you represent what's good and right in the world, so of course, everyone wants the best for you. Keeping my fingers crossed....
All the best for the new year, my friend.
Pass on my NY greetings to ET too, you lazy sod. :)
Happy New Year. I'm a proper stalker, so be afraid!! Seriously, it's been good to have your company this year. I look forward to your tales of pregnancy next year. Take care and best wishes to you and ET
Whether in January or some other month, 2009 is OUR year- all of us who have been trying for so long. THIS is our year! A toast to all the BFPs our community will see in 2009!
Wishing you both a very Happy New Year.. I pray the red menace does not come next week. I have had a great time following your story this year. I read religiously, don't comment as often as I should. Just at a loss for words at times. Just know you are in my thought and prayers on your journey.
Shit, I didn't realize that you were that far into the 2ww. Fuck, come on Spencer!!! Give us an amazing way to start 2009. A lot of us could use it and you right now!
Sending huge loads of luck dust to you and ET.
Hoping Hoping Hoping this is the ONE.
Here's to '09. Magic just has to happen this year, it just does.
Okay, I'll comment, but just this once.
I don't normally know what to say, though, that's why I lurk instead.
Happy New Year. Hope the new year is a great one for you!
Like the others, I'm so glad I found your blog (and then read all the archives, because I'm an EFFICIENT and THOROUGH stalker like that)and while it's been heart-breaking at times, it's also brought me a lot of laughs. Thanks for being brave enough to share your life with us, and for ET being a good sport about having HER life shared with us!
Happy New Year (and I DO mean happy, dammit!)
Will be sending positive thoughts on Saturday. And yes, onwards and upwards, I agree XBox.
Keep on keeping on. Till next year,
My name is annieg and I am a silent reader! Found your blog through the Waiting Game. Hope your story ends as happily as hers! Best of luck Saturday.
Happy New Year, BoxBoy! Thanks for everything in '08, seriously. I wish you and your darling ET a magical '09.
Happy New year to you and ET, one of you silent readers here as well. Came over here via matt's blog some time ago. Hope your New Year brings you and ET lots of luck and happiness.
Happy New Year...may 2009 with a different adventure for you and your wife! ALl the best!
delurking to wish you and et the very best for '09 ...
Oh, you brought tears to my eyes! Happy thoughts to you and ET for the coming year.
Lovely post XBox. If the high hopes of others could make babies then ET would be shooting out babies left, right and centre - I hope it helps to know that we share your hopes and your disappointment each time they're dashed. I'm hanging on in here because I KNOW someday soon I'll be able to join the others in posting a big congratulations message, and nobody will deserve it more than you two. SlĂ¡inte and a Happy New Year to you both...x
What a great post, xbox! I hope you have a Happy New Year, as well. And I pray that 2009 is positive in more ways than one!
Happy New Year. I hope 2009 is a good one!
Happy New Year - may 2009 be your year! Wishing you many, many positive moments in the next 12 months!
Cheers to 2009!
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, my friend.
Happy New Year, you strange little midget.
Here's hoping you see the next new year in with a screaming shit machine that hopefully resembles the little woman and is not cursed with your vertical handicap. *sniggers*
Happy New Year. Everything is crossed for the first few days of this year to bring a HUGE change for you.
Stopping by to say Happy New Year.
I read each of your blog posts from the beginning but not sure I've ever commented before. Found your blog through Magneto Bold Too.
Praying for you both that this cycle is the one.
these are the last days of everything....the world, peace, sanity, the apacalypse is upon us...repent...
Happy New Year! Here is to 2009 giving us all what we want.
MeM in the MN
Happy New Year.
Long time reader, never a commenter, encouraged by your latest. Irish, that's me (nationality) have been known to say "Jaysus" on occasion. Have never been accused of having an Irish accent, but my younger sister has.
I've heard a Liverpoolean or two and they sound more Irish than English, I must admit.
I keep hoping.
take care.
One of the best things of 2008, forever known as The Year Of Shittiness, is that I got to know you.
And call you friend.
Love to you both.
WTF? Where the hell did that come from? And I am NOT DRUNK.
Bite me BoxBoy.
Happy New Year. And may it truly be happy. if it were only that easy.
I always read and am always entertained and educated. I wish you, ET and Spencer all the best in 2009.
Cheers to you and ET and here's to hoping for a productive 2009!
'09 is Spencer's time!
So Saturday for you is Sunday for me (just trying to get my days together). I hope your flu wracked sperm did the trick this cycle.. xoxoxox
That was absolutely beautiful. You deserve all the best.
Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar.
And if nothing else, cycle 25 also means you can finally go get real medical help if things don't go the way you want, right?
I really hope your year starts off with what you want and I'll be watching my reader for your posting regardless.
Happy New Year!
Been reading for a while don't think i've commented before. Hope 2009 is a better year for you. Have a Happy New Year.
Glad I met ya, Xbox. I love how you tell a story, even if it must conjure up images of you and a cup. I'm not a silent reader. I just don't get here that often (you know, the "busies"), but when I do, I make it known. May 2009 bear much fruit!
Happy New Year, my spunky friend.
May your seed spread far(ther) in 2009 - Happy New Year!
6500 comments is scary!
"Some of you just once, others religiously."
What about the middle ground?
Happy New Year!! I am one of those who read silently and seldon comment... but totally love ur blog..
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I do so hope this is your year. More than anything, I want you two to become three.
Hello - yet another lurker here! I enjoy your blog - though it makes me sad (in between all the laughter)... I really hope you have a sucessful 2009!
I truly hope this is your year and the year after and the year after that and on and on...............
Happy New Year Spence - I hope all of your best news this year come in the tiniest of packages.
Much love from the Michigan!
I keep checking in! I hope that no news means no period!
Pink line, pink line, pink line (why do they make it a pink line anyway? but I digress) pink line, pink line. -Monica
Happy New Year. Dude, this is your year!
Almost poetic.
And, well, I was looking for another religion just didn't realise I'd found it. I guess now I need to build a shrine, cause that wouldn't be creepy at all...
Best of luck.
Only the best of wishes to you and ET, XboX. This is the year that all of your effort will pay off; I just know it.
Good luck to you!
@AnnD - would have been a nice tie in.
@Chris - I never said creepy was a bad thing. All the best to you this year.
@Ms. Moon - Thank you, Missus.
@VA Blondie - It's nice to hear from you, thank you, Happy new year.
@lparsons15 - Well thank you, it's great to 'see' the silent ones, even just once.
@Immoral Matriarch - Right back at you ! all the best
@Kim - The fact it is getting described as a miracle can't be a good thing! thanks, all the best to you Kim.
@Jane G - Many happy returns, and it's very much likewise.
@Sarah - Just thank you, very much.
@Kim - I know you! ;0) thanks.
@darcie - Creepy is essentially good!
@alicat413 - Stay tuned, more repetition to come!
@Katie - Thank you very very much for popping up, it's really nice.
@Momo Fali - can but hope...
@tysdaddy - A gent as always, thank you.
@Tismee2 - It's been a pleasure gail, happy new year.
@Mrs4444 - Good & right? oh dear me... happy new year to you.
@Joe - Many happy returns Joseph, good luck!
@bsouth - We shall see!
@Beth - Best of luck to you Beth, I hope it works out.
@Elaine - Comments are never necessary, so don't ever worry. Thank you.
@Christa - Screw magic, I just want a bit of old fashioned human biology. Our 2ww is really a 10 day wait. Or as it transpires, less.
@Sue - Well I'm glad you have even just now, all the best to you.
@Bonnie B. - Well I find that someone has read the archives, I really get a thrill. Thank you.
@Mo and Will - Keep on indeed!
@annieg - Waiting game is a great resource, thank you for following, I do appreciate it.
@eternallyhuckdoll - Good to see you huck, thank you, and take care.
@Jeff and Mandee - Well thank you very very much. All the best to you.
@swile67 - Hopefully!
@the planet of janet - Oh I know
you! didn't know you read though. thank you, all the best
@Kori - Thanks Kori.
@Claire - Hopes indeed. Unfortunately, it is just not enough. Thank you, happy new year.
@Jen - Thank you Jen, all the best.
@Lea - Hopefully it will be, we shall see.
@nh - As always, thank you.
@WhatAboutNovember - All the best to you.
@Maggie, Dammit - and many happy returns Maggie.
@Anja - She is 6 inches shorter than me.... All the best for this year. Thank you.
@anymommy - thank you, happy new year to you.
@Marita - Well honestly, thank you. I love to hear people read back.
@Putz - Will repenting help me do you think?
@Veronica - Can but hope.
@Michaelynn - Great to hear from you, all the best to you all the way over there.
@Kelley - And you are...?
@Murgdan - Easy? whats that? all the best to you.
@Chuck - Educated? I think you've been reading the wrong blog ;0) All the best to your crew for the coming year sir.
@IrishNYC - Thanks, continued good luck to you.
@Dto3 - Kind of rhymes! thanks!
@frogpondsrock - you are about half a day ahead Kim
@Tanya - 'deserve' - Hmmm. Maybe. All the best, for you and yours this year!
@Lilacspecs - Beste Wensen!
It was cycle day 25, not cycle 25, but not blood far off. We can speak to them again in March.
@Becky - Many happy returns!
@CherryBlossom24 - Indeed I don't remember seeing you! thank you very much!
@BusyDad - I know you live up to your name, whenever you make it around I'm pleased! all the best for the year ahead Jim.
@Deb - and many happy returns to your growing crew!
@Quickroute - a coupke of CMs further would do! all the best sir!
@B - It was hard to get the number, I basically had to add them up via the blogger dashboard and I nearly fell off my chair.
It's a mind boggling number, for the same story over and over!
All the best for the year ahead young man.
@Chhandita - Oh I hear from you plenty!
@River - Lovely. Thank you.
@Louise - great to hear from a lurker, I'm glad you popped up. Thank you.
@Deno - Like busses? once one comes along 5 will?
@Marissa - Cheers Marissa, thank you.
@AnnD - Can't believe everything you don't read, unfortunately.
@Susanica - It can be luminous green for all I care at this stage! Happy new year to you cuz.
@zakary - Thank you, many happy returns to you
@womb for improvement - Almost...story of my life! All the very very best for this year.
@NukeDad - I wish I had your confidence, but I thank you anyway! Happy new year to you.
@Toasty - Hello! and thank you.
Hey Xbox, so glad that I "met" you too... and you know why I come here. Because you're a crazy, hilarious bugger. And certainly one of my blogging experience highlights of 2008.
But I hope that my coming by as fanatically as I can gives you something that I know often seems difficult to keep up ... hope.
Don't give up; that's one thing I was never prepared to do and it paid off. Fancy that!
All the best to you and ET in 2009!! I'm getting good baby vibes for you...
Oh. I feel guilty about not commenting more now. No wait, you're right, it's just a hangover.
I'm glad we've become part of one another's journey, as cheesey as that sounds. Happy New Year to you.
awww. happy 2009 xbox.
@Karen MEG - Thanks Karen
@K8 the Gr8 - Oh you should be K8, so very much so!
@Jenni - Me too, but next time, can we swap?
@Bluestreak - All the best BS.
Wishing you all the fertile best for '09.
@A Free Man - And many happy returns to your crew.
I was a stalker for a long time, mostly because I figured, honestly, who gives a good damn about anything I have to say? Then I figured, fuck it, I will thrust myself upon the (bloggy) world, and curse 'em if they have a problem with it!
Anyways. I stalk because I care.
@Captain Steve - You know what, yours is one blog I kept 'losing', everytime I went it was great reading, and then I'd lose it again.
Not anymore!
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