Blow it up to almost full, leave it just a little soft.
Hold it as close as you possibly can to your face.
Using just the fleshy part of your fingers, squeeze it.
Always increasing the pressure.
It's fun in the beginning. Squeezing it is exciting, the anticipation making you almost giddy, but each push of your fingers makes you flinch a little more.
You must increase the pressure, firmer and harder with the balloon directly before your face.
You are not allowed to relax and start again. No easing up, no stopping.
It starts to make those stretching noises, you know it's about to burst. You clench your teeth and flinch faster. It's not fun anymore, the bad part is coming.
Regardless of how much you are expecting it, when it does explode, you know it will be loud and startling. Just for a second or two, leaving you gasping for a breath.
That's what waiting for this feels like.
A brill description of the 2ww. Hang in there :-)
Yes. You've hit it right on the head.
It is just like that. Just as you described.
I am really hoping for you two that the bubble doesn't pop.
That is the best description I have ever heard!! Well put! I hope your balloon is a strong one that bursts into confetti and streamers at the end of the 2ww!
Virtual Hugs....this is nerve-cracking!
You are not teaching metaphors to any class, are you?
All the best!
Pity you can't just stick a pin in it and get it over and done with.
Great analogy. But something has to give sometime right? The "pop" is dissappointment so what's not? A slow leak that leaves you with a flat balloon? No. Hmmm...When you squeeze and the remainder of the balloon morphs into one of those cute little things that clowns make at birthday parties? Yeah, that sounds about right.
Keeping all my appendages crossed for you both. -M
I'm so sorry this is so torcherous. Hang in there as best you can...
Ms. Moon stole my oh-so-brilliant-response.
I wish the waiting was over for you both and that the balloons were all stamped with 'congratulations.'
Quality analogy, but I won't be experimenting myself.
No words
Great description of the 2ww.
*crossing fingers*
Ok, now is the time to step away from the balloons....try to do something useful; maybe a game of scrabble with next door's cat? BTW banana sarnies going down a treat here!
I think you need a drink...or two.
Yep. That is a gorgeous description of a 2ww.
Hang in there.
Hopefully this time the big pop will be in 9 months time. Rooting for you. My 2ww went pop last week. I'm still shrouded in the disappointment.
Jeez, that's a really good description of what it feels like when the baby is a week or two overdue too!
It's not going to pop. It can't. Not this time - come on you fucking heavens, align dammit, align! Xbox and ET need a baby!
Gaaah! Perfect description.
Sounds about right...
You hit the nail on the head there X. Keeping everything crossed for you.
got to be the longest two weeks of your life.
you also know that when the balloon pops it's not as scary as you think it will be and it will be over quickly.
I'm starting, just seeing the tip of the iceberg of how you feel though.
Sending good Karma.
well said! I've everything crossed. When you testing? Presumably over the weekend as you didnt have the trigger?? Good luck. x
You paint a vivid picture Xbox.
@Lorna - Will try.
@Veronica - and busted a nail.
@tiff - ..pop.
@seemownay - thanks.
@Lorza - very dramatic, thanks ;-)
@WiseGuy - Just the lower class.
@womb for improvement - feel like pulling the pin sometimes.
@Susanica - Thanks.
@AnnD - Can only try.
@Ms. Moon - It's spelled 'B R E E D'
@Kori - Thieving bitch.
@Tara R. - Me too!
@Single Parent Dad - ah go on, for a laugh.
@Sniffle - So true, so why do I keep spouting them?
@Foster Mama - Thanks.
@WhatAboutNovember - Thank you.
@AnnB - Disgusting.
@iVegasFamily - Don't I know it.
@serenity - heh 'gorgeous', funny. Thanks.
@Que? - Sorry about that, good luck next time round.
@Bonnie B. - Hmmm, I would dare say it's NOT like that at all!
@Claire - for the sake of my fingers!
@Gypsy - Thanks, of what I'm not so sure.
@Sarah - Yup, Yup.
@Jane G - and likewise.
@Jenni - it's been 23 years.
@Blues - I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, hope you get things sorted soon.
@James (SeattleDad) - Good, that last batch was rotten.
@meabh - I'm not planning to test at all. Waste of a stick.
@Russ - I'll be chopping an ear off next. Whose, I'm not sure.
I am so nervous for you 2... I've been thinking about you. So hoping that the balloon doesn't pop this time, and that your dreams come true.
If there is any bloody justice they will.
Blues, I really hope your journey is a short one, its a bloody tough old road to go down, but worth it in the end (we took 3.5yrs to get preg with our wee guy!)
Hang in there - and good luck. 2ww SUCK!
What type of balloon?
i think you've got it. hang in there.
Wordsmith is at it again....amazingly perfect description.....hoping...hoping....
@Insch Stalker - Fingers crossed.
@ToddV - It sure does, thanks.
@frogpondsrock - a red one.
@Mo and Will - Oh we're hanging...
@hotmamamia - Thanks.
The waiting is always the hardest part.
Put lots of sellotape around it, that way it won't pop. Or papier mache it?
Stop molesting the balloon already and step away. You just might find it flies.
Praying for you two!
I'm really rooting for you guys! Sending so many positive vibes your way...
Yay for Barbara's suggestion papier mache is the way to go...
life can be so cruel
Aaah! The wait!
How long has it been?! I'm chomping at the bit as well!
On a different but related subject, what's up with the name of this blog? Been following it for a while now, always wondered... Hope this balloon doesn't pop, I really hope this is the time.
@River - Undoubtedly.
@bsouth - Who knows.
@Lyssa Ireland Thomas - Thanks Lyssa.
@Robin - thanks.
@frogpondsrock - heh.
@Tanya - Oh yes.
@Mwa - Gah is right.
@AnnD - Not long enough!
@Ruth - It always causes confusion among Americans.
Nappy = Diaper.
It was supposed to be clever....
Waiting, waiting, waiting... God, I hate it (and I can only imagine how bad it is for you)
But balloons can stay nice, round, buoyant and happy too.
Think happy.
I'm hoping it all ends up the way you want it to. :)
I've been reading your blog for ages now, silently rooting for you both... you have so many people crossing fingers and toes for you and I am so hopeful and optomistic that your dreams will be reality very soon. Sending you every positive thought and that time will zip by.
Best of Luck love! When is the big day to test? I'll be wearing a nappy that day, bet you will too.
The bubble hasn't changed in 4 days, that's good right?
@M+B - worst thing ever.
@Karen MEG - heh, I suppose.
@Hilly - thanks, and welcome to you
@Robin Bree - Thank you for saying hello, and welcome!
@Deno - Thanks, VERY soon.
@B - Yep, no pop yet.
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