Sunday 30 December 2007

'Fess Up

Which of you was it?

Which of you stumbled across this blog after Googling:

"Allergic reaction to oxygen"
"Padding kids on the bum for pain"
"Klompen Carrots and Hay"
or my personal favourite....
"What do you do when you see a spaceman"

and I thought I had problems....


Hilary (Maya Papaya) said...

That is fantastic, simply fantastic. I LOVE Google Analytics!

So tell me, what DO YOU DO when you see a spaceman? Since you're the expert and all?

My best ones were:
"Baby Drinks Asprin" (sic)
"Awful Speculum"

The internet is a crazy, crazy place!

Doodaddy said...

I only *wish* I had some cool searches like that. Mine all seem to be about naked little girls. Eeeeew.

Martin said...


the answer is obvious, you park the car, man!

I SO wanna now go and google naked little girls and see if I end up at your blog...
Creepy in the extreme.

Anonymous said...

If you google three breasted woman, you will find me :)

Ok, it was me googling the paddling kids on the bum's a christmas holiday thing...

Martin said...

Tiff, I think you've just explained how you ended up with so many children


Veronica Foale said...

Allergic to oxygen? That would probably be a bad thing, what with oxygen being essential to living and all that.

Sarah said...

I googled nothing I swear!
** Deletes history **