Totally oblivious to this fact, I did wonder what the sniggering and whispering was for as I walked away from the coffee machine.
A moment in front of the bathroom mirror told me all I needed to know.
So, toothpaste manufacturers, if you MUST make your toothpaste tubes all glittery and shiney, please try to ensure that it doesn't flake off and transfer itself to sleepy morning hands, that eventually rub sleepy morning eyes, and go to work looking like a tranny with a hangover, eh?
Thank you.
That is very funny...I remember the days of going out clubbing when i was in college and we would put glitter on purposefully...those days are so long ago!
I have a new feature I am starting over at the nest, please come check it out!
The Egel Nest
You aren't having a good run lately are you!
Ah well, did it wash off easily?
mis-matched shoes and now glitter. Man, ET better start verifying your dress before you leave in the morning.
This post made me laugh so hard I nearly choked on my water.
I can just imagine you all glitery.
I think you should go to the doctor's office like that on the
Yes I'll combine my odd shoes with a glittery visage for my trip to the lab. I'm pretty sure they'd start to test for others things then.
It also does NOT wash off at all, you have to pick the bits off one by one.
Man, that is funny! Did you earn any new nicknames at work as a result?
Hehe! Should have told them you just came from an all nighter at the strip club. At least then you would look hetero. :D
I'm sure you looked quite lovely! If only you had put on your platform stilettos and some leather pants.,,
No nicknames as a result, that would require some element of humour on the part of my colleagues.
Ass-less leather chaps, that's the item of clothing of choice for the tranny community round here. Believe me I've seen it all...
HA! Stripper Glitter!
You should have left it on and came out of the bathroom loudly humming "In the Navy", or "YMCA". ;)
'YMCA' eh?...Its fun to stay there, so I'm told...
OMG, too funny. That glitter stuff is getting a lot of people in trouble these days...read post from fellow blogger
I actually read that post when you linked to it from your blog (yes, I subscribe ;-) )
very funny.
Wait, which toothpastes are glittery? Mine's not! I'd go buy some and use it instead of face lotion, I'd be sparkly and minty at the same time!
better still, just brush your teeth with an 11 year old's birthday card
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