Perfect. Now I can write this in peace.
You say you don't read this anymore, but I know you do. I like that. I want you to.
I want you to because of things like this. I don't, or can't, always say what I should, when I should.
This makes it a little easier.
These last eleven months have been the most frustrating, disappointing, and yet exciting months of my life. In a sick kind of way they have also been the happiest. Happy because of what we are trying to do together. Not me, not you, but us, together.
I know, because I get impatient and frustrated, I annoy the very living shit out of you, I am trying my best not to. You handle that very very well. Please don't confuse this 'annoying you' with my regular, everyday 'annoying you', that's my favourite past-time and frankly, it's my duty as your loving husband.
I'm sorry that, as of yet, I haven't been able to give you what you want, but I will do absolutely anything to make it happen.
When it does, it's going to be bigger and better and a million times more fun than we can imagine right now, I'm sure of it.
So, my daft wife, my very own 'cheese bitch', I just wanted to let you know that I love ya, I might even get drunk sometime and actually tell you for real, if you're really lucky.
Why am I saying this anyway?
Aside from what you may believe, it's not just because I want to be able to watch the football in peace later. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be writing this, or putting my wobbly bits through humiliation, or talking to my own semen, or any of this insanity, so it's only appropriate that entry 100 (100! -for f*&^ sake woman, get knocked up already!) is just for you.
Love, your chubby fingered hubby.
P.S. Pity you don't read this anymore though...
Very touching...with just the right amount of humor. I hope ET reads it.
So you're a big softee at heart huh?
Cheese bitch. Is that anything like beer wench? I think I prefer my beer wench.
Dang...happy 100! Has it been that long...really? ET will enjoy this post, I am sure...if she reads it that is. :D Later man!
Love the P.S.! Happy 100!!
Aww, that was really sweet. You did good! I think you made the right choice for your 100th post and I know ET will appreciate it!
Aww, that was really sweet. You did good! I think you made the right choice for your 100th post and I know ET will appreciate it!
*Sniff sniff* This post makes me tear up, it is so sweet.
I feel funny about reading it though, because it seems so personal.
You guys are so very lucky to have each other and it warms my heart reading this post.
That's just lovely. You are both so lucky to have each other. You will be wonderful parents to that baby one day. And you'll cherish every moment of it.
Thanks for inviting us in.
yep, good choice for your 100th post.
*waves* to ET
Good post man. Its exactly how I probably would have done it. Since I asked my wife out on our first date behind the safety of my keyboard.
I wrote a post on my Honey's birthday. It was kind of the same, only not as well written and with slimmer fingers. She also doesn't read my blog, but I know she does. Rarely, but still.
I think it's rude to put my own link in a comment on someone else's blog, but I'll do it anyway, because I think you might enjoy it.
Here's to ET and Honey.
This was great for your 100th post.
Nice 100th post.
and sweet.
very sweet.
Oh, Xey. That is SOOOOOO sweet. I can't imagine what you guys are going thru, but I love that you have kept your humour.
Aw!! I knew you had it in you!
Well. How very, very nice! you are pretty sappy and sentimental, which is great to see! Hope she reads it, especially given that she might not hear it from you again, LOL! :) Good luck
@Roth Family - Muchos Gracias.
@Russ - Yes, it's congenital.
(Cheese Bitch is a reference to a Sean Condon book called 'My Dam Life', he calls his wife 'cheese bitch'. I'm just keeping up with the Jones'...
@Jared - You'ld better believe it... 100, sounds crazy.
@Nola - Dank je wel.
@Calli's Mamma - yeuuup - I'm SO gonna score...
@Hilary - I see those hormones are kicking in...
@Lyssa - I don't actually remember sending anyone an invite. You just tend to turn up. Gonna get me a big dog.
@Kelley - The 'Kelley is all conquering' was a close 2nd choice...
@Married Leos - Really ? you gotta tell us that story...
@People in the sun - coming over here, whoring your blog? ...good stuff, I'm off to check it out...
@Veronica - I hope I counted right...
@Tiff - Just sick wasn't it?
@Tracey - and I LOVE that you spell Humour correctly. (Thanks ;-) )
@Momo Fali - had it in me? look, I was young, and needed the money damnit.
@Kori - you make sappy and sentimental sound like dirty words lol
Thanks folks...
lovely, especially the get drunk and tell you I love you bit.
At least she'll always have proof now with know, if she reads it.
Are those fingers or sausages? LOL! j/k Dude, you are a romantic for sure. How could she not be reading? One question, was I supposed to read this? Did this somehow get posted by mistake? I love you man!
Wicked sweet post. Happy 100th post. :)
@Big Mama P - I'll even make sure it's vodka so my breath doesn't wreek!
@Josephine - You ain't too old to get five of those sausages to that goateed chin of yours...
@Cablegirl - Why, thank you m'dear. You can teach Joeseph to be civil ;-)
Awww, Xbox, that was really, really sweet. I hope ET reads this too.
Perfect 100th post.
I love that last photo, chubby digits and all.
Thanks for sharing this (and your journey) with us.
Very nice :)
Ya could be like me... fake the real 100th and milk it for one more ;)
Thanks for the heads up over there... I figured it out :)
Nice place ya got, btw :) If ya don't mind, I think I'll have a poke around...
@Karen MEG - hey ho, cheers.
That's an actual factual wedding shot even...
@Useless_rambler - you had 1 post in 'draft' didn't you... I've done that.
Have a snoop by all means.. very long winded and repetitive, but try the favourites, that might save you a lot of boredom ;-)
Awww... *sniff* that is so *sniff* sweet. I could only *sniff* wish *sniff* that my husband would *sniff* think to write about *sniff* for the whole world *sniff* between writing about his *sniff* baby juice.
i'm really new to you, i'm the addeled over the hill guy who when having rebbeca got waylaid at a non existant service station at the bottom of a canyon, and you said cool story...we took four years to get number 1 cause as i remember i was least they said i was when i had to shoot it into test tubes for years with the nurses waiting outside the will have to tell me how you do it??????i could no more than the man in the moon, but they said it was the only way to know for sure...oh what hell that was..i want to faint just telling this true confession again...i bet you don't believe you haven't been the only one to go through this, do you????
@Awholelotofnothing - we are varied and amazing creatures woman!
@Barlow Putz - you know what, I am VERY surprised at the number of guys that have had to go through this.
In the beginning I WAS thinking that it was just me.
I can't imagine what it was like to have to do it for 4 years, you're a stronger person than I am I think.
I bet you're glad you stuck with it though?
Thanks for contributing, it's appreciated.
This is the best thing I've read in...forever! I seriously hope you made sure she saw this!
Happy 100th post!
Great 100th post! I cannot come close to this kind of sentimentality on mine, so I'll cop out and just do the typical "100 things" one (I'm about 7 posts away). Your "F*ck Sakes" line assured me it was indeed you.
I nearly spit out my drink that the drunk part...
Ahhh that was so nice.. Make her read it, she'll love it.
When I say make her, I don't mean, you know, tie her to the chair or nick her favourite shoes and hold them to ransom or anything, I just mean, you know, she should read it, it's fab.
"When it does, it's going to be bigger and better and a million times more fun than we can imagine right now, I'm sure of it."
Oh, it will be. It will be.
DAMN! You're going to make my mascara run!
@Stacey - Yep!, I pulled her by the hair to the PC.
(I didn't I swear, honest)
@BusyDad - also nearing the 100? wow time flies.
I'll be ready to pounce on it whe you do.
@Creative-type dad - spilled drink? shit man, I'm sorry.
@Jo Beaufoix - I wish I read you advice on not tying her to the chair earlier. Bailing twine costs a fortune these days.
(bloody brilliant name btw, brilliant)
@Deb - go clean yourself up woman, you're causing a scene
Thanks all, she has read it, and I've had two hot meals in a row, so I think it's been accepted... ;-)
This is the sweetest, non sugar coated, most heartfelt post I have ever read. Beautiful. Im kinda teary, and I dont normally do teary.
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