Now go over there and tell them how spot on they were, while I write up something about seeing the reflection of my wife's uterus opening in a doctor's office cabinet window, and then come back here and tell me how bang on they were.
I need a tissue.
That dude really, really "fucking loves you." I couldn't write a better review myself, and we all know this because my review actually pales in comparison.
Okay. I submitted my blog. Obviously they have taste.
You saw her uterus? Na... Nothing like watching a group of masked strangers open and close your Honey's belly.
Hey I found you from Ask and You Will Receive. I was reviewed on there a while back as well... but what struck me was not just that you are trying to concieve (BEEN THERE, DONE THAT... or NOT done that, depending on how you look at it. We never were successful) but you are also an English expat here in NL! I'm a Canadian living in Rotterdam. Looks like we have a few things in common. Although I suspect you'd have more in common with my husband. He grew up in Ireland and has visited (what did they say you called it) Faulty Sperm Junction, too! (err.. but don't tell him I told you that).
I will settle in and give your blog a good read now that I've said hello!
You deserve that review! They kind of scare me though...lol
I read the review, I commented, enough said. I won't/can't sybmit my blog there because I am just another fucking mommmy blogger, and I don't say the F word nearly enough. So-good for you, I guess. :) Actually it IS cool, and oyu know I love your stuff.
Congrats! I fucking love you too:)
Truer words were never spoken...er I mean typed.
I got ripped apart by them a while back. Good for you getting a decent review.
So how does he feel about you?
You're welcome!
Wow, that guy really, really, fucking loves you. Cute, disturbing, but cute.
I suppose you are loveable in that dachshund, beagle, basset hound sort of way. I'd flip you on your back and rub your tummy.
You are brave in more ways than I imagined, Xbox. Just thinking about submitting my blog to that site has my old uterus in knots.
Congrats. Well deserved because you really do fuckin' rock the blog world.
Well deserved, glad I read the review and checked you out. I'll be back!
Well deserved Xbox, well deserved. Love their Reaper Icon. Just remember, when you go to their awards banquet, stay away from the salmon mousse.
Wow! Congrats on the awesome review. So they really dug your blog! And rightly so. I mean, what's not to like?
They scare the fuck out of me!
Glad to read that some one loves you that much!
Hope ETs uterus is ok.
PS need some time to catch up but will.
And yes, you deserve it!
I'm too scared to submit my blog to them. I can't imagine I would get a good review at all.
Well done!
*skips away to get the whiskey*
Yay!!! congrats.. at least someone apart from ET loves you..
*snickers* kim xxxx
I went and slapped your back good and proper and said you had 'Speshal Balls'. I also lied and said I was in 'Spencer is #1' fanclub. How about starting that up and making T-shirts and stuff - well now you are famous and all that.
Maybe we could all record Spencer messages for you to play as team build up for 'you know what'.
I also found you from Ask And Ye Shall Receive.
Fantastic, witty, clever blog. You're in my IE Favs to stay.
I laugh out loud at your writing, and then feel bad for laughing at your situation. THEN, I cross my fingers and pray you guys get knocked up pretty damn soon.
Here's hoping!
Congrats on the great review... no surprise there. I left you a message there too.
You deserve that great review ;)
Great review man! Well deserved. I can't get over the image you conjured up from the previous post of the teens watching saved by the bell and such...LMAO! Man, You rule, we need more of you, procreate already you tard!
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