I'm not going to quote any of it, it simply MUST be read.
Neil & Rachel have founded a charity in memory of their son, The Joseph Salmon Trust.
Dan & 10 others are embarking on a fundraising walk this Summer to help support this organisation.
How about clicking even a wee bit more and helping the cause. Let's face it, Dan doesn't exactly look the picture of health now does he? and 78 miles could rightly finish him off.
Why not give a couple of quid to support parents & families who have lost children? Paypal, credit & debit cards all accepted.
What's 1, or 2, or 5, or 10 bucks, quid, coconuts or euro to you eh?

How about just giving the amount you'll spend on donuts this week, you could probably do with losing a bit of weight anyway.
Or the price of that trashy mag you'll pick up at the checkout at the supermarket, I'll even tell you what is in it, Britney's still nuts, someone famous has adopted a baby from somewhere with no running water, and it turns out Michael IS Latoya.
IF you give a wee something, I promise not to mention this again*.
Go on, do it now, I'll wait.........
..................still waiting..................
..............................................go on....................
....done? Good. Now don't you feel better?
Now piss off, and come back tomorrow when I will revert to talking about my defective semen or my general rubbish reproductive ability or most probably my impending sperm run. Bet you can't bloody wait.
*For at least 2 weeks.
That was cruel. I cheerfully went and read and now I'm flippin' bawling my eyes out here.
And yes, minus some donuts.
Thanks - I gave.
Damn you for giving away all the magazine's secrets. Now I'll have to go and give some cash (when I can see straight through all the tears). That's a mean trick to pull on my first visit to your blog.
i gave, i knocked into the ruddy plastic pot more times, more years than you, i gave i gave and i gave.....although haven't i always sympathise with you....always...always....i even will blame this all on et if you want me tooo...you are just a victum, a pawwn, you do what you are told, even if you suspect the outcome is in doubt..love the putz...oh and p.s. you being irish does not help you you are a irish crying sop when it comes to facing a problem you have no control over...i understand believe me i do pps glad to see you with the frogs on ........
croocked tree, allso this bolg and the one above it should have gone on APRIL FOOLS below and not up here on a dead serious blog/....sorry
that post had me all worked up! Worthy cause for sure.
You're a good man Mr. 4NappyRash
Keep clicking dudes and dudettes....
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