Thursday 29 January 2009

Snakes and ladders

A little later than expected, it's over once again. What's impending bad news if it's not dragged out a little for extra punch and dramatic effect, eh?

Twenty three over and done with, this is getting impressive, no?

Even the dumbest animals walking the planet wouldn't be coming back for more after twenty three kicks up the hole.

Roll the dice, move along, roll again, up the ladder.

Roll the dice, move along, roll again, down the snake.

Start over again and again. In a game that's rigged.

Tell me, what is worse, not being able to help the person you want to help the most, or having the person you need help from the most not able to help you?


Anonymous said...

Oh, crap. I am so very, very sorry.
No-one can say that you guys haven't given this your absolute best shot, no pun intended. Rounds of IUI and IVF are gruelling, but surely no worse than these endless months of disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Bugger. I'm so sorry. Will the medical world finally get it's arse into gear now? About your dilemma in the last paragraph - I would imagine that both feel equally shitty.

Craig D said...

Maybe you need to kick over the board and try a different game?

Monogamy Monopoly?
Go To The Head Of The Class?
Sorry - stay away from this one
Don't Spill The Seed - ditto

Any other game suggestions?

Jane G said...

I know, it sucks.

B said...

not being able to help the person you want to help most is worse cos with the alternative you can kinda blame them for not helping and blame yourself for expecting too much from them

the whole things after getting muddled in my mind, but my explanation was there and it was solid.

are there masochistic animals?

C said...

It sucks doesn't it? I think its worse to have an unexplained infertility, because you don;t know what problem to deal with....shish! AF is round the corner for me too, but then we didnt really try this month, but old habiots die hard

Making Babies said...

Ah NO NO NO!!! It wasn't supposed to end like this... so sorry.... :(

Anonymous said...

Ah shit!

I think it's destined for us to have IUI around the same time....

I'm really sorry....

Putz said...

THING IN A NUT SHELL IS.......YOU ARE GOING TO TRY AGAIN.....YOU ARE GOINg to try are going to try again

Ms. Moon said...

Life isn't even close to being fair.

Amber said...

I was where you were at one point, only I was 12 months in and ready to throw my hands up. I suppose you keep on until you just can't anymore. I know it's not a consolation, but all it takes is once and then you look back and it's all worth it. Sorry this wasn't your month, hang in there for each other.

WhatAboutNovember said...

oh shit

Sue said...

It just all sucks.

Sorry this wasn't the one.

Thinking of you.

Jason Roth said...


Kim said...

Shit, very sorry. I know how terribly this sucks ass. In regard to the last - neither is worse. You are completely together in this; you don't go 23 rounds if you're not. But, I know words don't help.

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell.

Seems AF is building up the frequent flier miles this month. I'll kick her in the nuts for you when she arrives tomorrow.

morninglight mama said...

I wish I had something comforting to say, but I know there's not much anyone can do or say to lessen this blow. My heart is still full of hope for you two.

Anonymous said...

It all fucking blows.

Jo said...

WEll. 23 cycles had made it pretty clear that this thing was going to need some intervention to happen. I'm not so sure why the doctors can't see it that way. But as your stats told you, chances were decreasing all the time. At least now you can do something more than hope.

Anonymous said...

I posted, and the internets ate my comment to punish it for not being GOOD enough, not that there is anything GOOD enough to say at this point. I am just so sorry. I was really hoping you could be the bloody infuriating 'and then, the month before they went to the specialist...' couple.

Bluestreak said...

Wish I could say something other than that I'm really pissed off for you.

Anonymous said...

This is shitty news...I guess now the doctor's will help, yes? Better late than never I suppose, my good friend just found out she is pregnant after 4 years of trying so keep the faith! On a side note, apparently my cycle has linked up with ET's, although we too were keeping our fingers crossed that AF would miss our house I guess I just needed her to start and then I would. Here's to trying again next month...and hopefully it's more fun and a lot more productive!

Lea said...

I'm so sorry. I can't remember, did you guys have plans for some ART coming up?

Anonymous said...

Bugger bollocks arses!
At what point do you get moved up a gear and given other options?

Anonymous said...

Le Sigh...

Sadia said...

Sorry. So very very sorry.

Heather said...


Well, trying to look on the bright side (or not so crappy side as the case may be). Say you had become pregnant without medical intervention. When/if you decided to go for child #2, would your health system have made you wait for 2 years before giving any assistance? And now, since you will be most likely be getting assistance, when/if you try for #2 will you be able to jump to the head of the line, so to speak, and not have to wait for help?

I'm sorry. The disappointment just gets so freaking old, doesn't it?

Marissa said...

fuck shit damn.
i'm so sorry.

Claire said...

I don't know how you keep coming up with things to say when this happens. I've run out so I'll just trot out the same old line...I'm so so sorry. In a week where a woman gave birth to 8 babies I was really hoping the universe would send you just one this month. And now I'm really hoping somebody in the medical establishment gets their fucking finger out and gives you guys some help.

Sarah said...

Aww, fuck. I'm so sorry X.

Feebee said...

So sorry. Hope you can move ahead with treatment now.

Anonymous said...

*Sigh* Keep the faith and press on with treatment.

Liz said...


Ready to notch it up a gear with cycle 24?

James (SeattleDad) said...

That hurts me. I can only imagine...

Sorry man.

Veronica Foale said...

Fuck it.

Anonymous said...

I think it is FUCKING TIME to kick and scream and BLOW the FRIGGIN HOUSE DOWN at the health professionals in your town. I'm MAD AS HELL AND NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE...

Ahem, jeez, I'm trying to take some of your pain away or internalize it or do something to help you unload....I know that all of us who follow you just cannot believe this continues for the two of you....

Maybe if I started believing in God again that would make a difference...dunno...

WISHING you and ET relief from this agony any way that you can get it 'X'...I really truly am....

Anonymous said...

Am really sorry to hear that and I know words can't help your frustration, pain and distress but like everyone else here, am thinking of you both.

DiaperPin Up Girl said...

I'm so sorry. again.

Stupid croc doc better get her game on.

Anonymous said...

So very sorry, I understand your pain.

G said...

Well that just fuckin sucks.

(Love the Snakes and Ladders analogy btw, can totally relate to that)

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. There are no words.

Actually just one;

Anonymous said...

I think it's time you moved on to play 'Frustration'.

I wish I had something more intelligent to say, but I don't so you'll have to continue to put up with stupid comments.

Besides, it could be worse, you could be a Newcastle supporter too!

River said...

Damn, I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I never liked the number 23.

I don't like odd numbers.

They are odd.

oh and fuck it. But you already knew that.

Anonymous said...

You haven't killed each other yet. After this hell, that proves love more than anything.

However sweet that may be, I don't want to be that one person on the train that finally pisses you off at just the right time. And you couldn't pay me to say the wrong thing to ET right now. No.freaking.way.

Anonymous said...

Wha the fuh. Man, I'm so sorry, Xbox. It just sucks, sucks, sucks...and then sucks some more.

Martin said...

@Everyone - Thanks for the shits and fucks. I appreciate a good excremental exclamation of disappointment.

Next steps? next entry....

Jill said...

This was not quite the post I was looking for... or forward to for that matter.

Fertility issues suck. Period. No crappy pun intended.