And another. One more. There, yes, good.
Now lie upside down with your back against the wall.
Close one eye and cover the other with your hand.
Peek through the remaining pinkish crack at the cycle chart 15 feet away from you.
Do you see what I see?
If you stare at the temperature chart long enough, it starts to look positive. That is 'positive' as in the way you hope a collection of numbers and dots and lines should look, and not in a 'get knitting' way.
Ovulation seems to have been nailed down on CD16 this time, which is good to see I think, it's a day earlier than usual, giving some extra time to the luteal phase, and from there on we have a steady rise in temperature.
A dip after 6 days fits in with some patterns, indicating implantation dip, and the temperature has risen constantly from then on again.
Today is CD25, and now again, despite a general resignation that it just wouldn't, or couldn't happen, I'm back thinking "maybe".
I've actually laughed at myself today for getting sucked back into it again just 3 days or so from the end of the cycle.
I like to work off facts and figures, and 22 failures in a row was a damning one, but a nice chart pattern is a good one.
I wonder if I sound as much of a sucker as I feel.
What I can actually see from here are my white and bloodless fingers, coz they are crossed THAT hard for you.
Pinkish Crack?!
Oh, Google will PUNISH you!
If you're a sucker, then I am one too, because those facts and figures just don't convince me one bit. I'm going with my gut on this one (got any money you want me to invest for you, too?)
It's so hard NOT to hope. Impossible even.
Fingers crossed that maybe, just maybe, this is the one for you both.
Cause I'm hoping here too.
Hoping, wishing, all of the above. You're not a sucker!
I hope....
Oh, I am praying this is the one...
Oh God....Goosebumps. Sending fertile thoughts your way.
That pinkish that the view Spencer sees as he turns back to say goodbye?
I hope I hope I hope... anyway you can share this good looking chart?
I am hoping for you.
I remember obsessing over charts. I'd go online and find some to compare mine to.
In both my pregnancies, I had an implantation dip around Day 7.
I'll cross my fingers and anything else I can cross for you. All those temp charts used to make me totally crazy.
Go with the hope... coz I've got my fingers crossed!
You laughed at yourself today? That makes a change, normally so serious.
Oh I hope this is the month! I'll be on the edge of my seat now.
P.S. I have six weeks left.
Ok here is my numerological theory,
cycle 23, 2+3=5
5 looks like a fat pregnant belly, so this cycle could be it.
At least now, you know that I am a total nutter and you are in very good company..
Yes, I'm familiar with this process. Seems like hope finds a way of creeping back in even if you've banished it far, far away. It sounds promising though! I hope for you.
Here's to pretty darn hot charts (mine looks good too!)
Fingers (but not legs) crossed!
Facts and numbers and charts and stuff are good Xbox. Did you know that 87% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
Here's to lucky 23 eh? -Monica
Keeping all appendages crossed. ALL of them.
No, not a sucker...just someone who is hopeful.
I bet the chart looks even better through 3D goggles. Or cellophane! The green variety.
You should try those. Just to double check.
Everything is crossed.
I manage to obsess myself into a pretzel over crappy-looking charts, let alone good ones.
You know every digit is crossed for you, right?
A maybe is good!?!
I hope I hope I hope!
No, you sound hopeful, holding my breath for you.
I don't think you sound like a sucker, just an optimist. There's nothing wrong with optimism, beats the hell out of wandering around with a shit attitude.
You know WAY too much about the female body.
You're only optimistic because you know it IS possible. That's not unreasonable at all.
Heh--you said steady rise...
hoping and hoping that spencer hit his mark.
22, and you still wonder? :)
Man I know nothing about charting then cause I thought that a short cycle ment a early O day.
Good luck and lucky I not giving you advice on this chart as I clearly suck at it
Why do I get the urge to start knitting tiny things?
I like the numerological theory put forward by frogpondsrock.
Hoping, hoping, hoping....
the charts and graphs help me too with looking for a house and seeing figures of housing prices, rental prices, mean salaries, etc and it helps me take the personal frustration and feelings of failure out of it.
I love reading when you write about your frustration because you transmit your pain so well to the reader. But when you're optimistic? I'm just happy.
That chart sounds very promising. Keeping everything crossed for you both.
One thing I noticed you said though, if ET ovulated one day earlier than usual, it should give more time to the luteal phase. The luteal phase is the part of the cycle that should not vary that much, if at all. So if you (or her!) ovulate one day earlier than usual, you should expect your cycle to be one day shorter than usual.
My luteal phase is 16 days, so I can always predict when AF is due by counting 16 dpo. My cycles vary in length from 30 to 34 days, but that's because my ovulation day varies from cd 14 to cd 18.
I'm one every single month because every single month I come here just knowing it's going to be that month. I've been that way since the first time I read this blog.
Guess we'll all be suckers together. Wonder how many of us will offer to change the dirty nappies, though.
The last days of the cycle are always the longest. Trying to work out if breasts are tender etc! I am amazed by all the science - I have to admit it all baffles me a bit.
Best of luck, thinking of you and crossing everything for you!!
I did what you said in the first paragraph and all I saw was darkness. That was last night. I believe I passed out. I woke up this morning next to the dog and my ovaries hurt. I don't know how you put up with it.
God!!! I hope so man! Please oh please let this be the one!!!
Oooh I have my fingers crossed for you!!! It's hard not to get one's hopes up, I hope things work out this time!!!!
really? rising temps? don't get my hopes up man!!
(mutters: "oh please oh please oh please oh please")
because 23 is long enough.
I never took or charted my temperature, so I have no idea what the graph should look like.
But I'm anxiously awaiting my reader to pop up with some swimmingly good news. No pun intended.
@hairyfarmerfamily - hee hee hee, putting "wife"and "whore" ina previous title has me condemed to a life of dodgy hits anyway.
@Bonnie B. - No, other yanks have already taken care of my money for me. thanks!
@serenity - thank you.
@Penelope - Cheers.
@Elaine - worth a try ;0)
@Mama Smurf - That's the draft in the door I think...
@iVegasFamily - oh dear me...
@Leslee - Actually I would except for some of the rather, more intimate information on it lol.
@Ms. Moon - thank you.
@sky girl - thing is, almost every pattern 'could' be good...
@battynurse - they are quite aggravating
@nh - thanks
@womb for improvement - meh...
@Deno - that's amazing to imagine now eh?
@frogpondsrock - makes as much sense as anything else i suppose...
@Lea - no choice, just go with it!
@S - best of luck to you.
@Susanica - we shall see!
@tiff - that too I suppose...
@Veronica - Agggggh.
@nutsinmay - thing is, they can all be good in their own way. bastards.
@M+B - better than nowt, indeed!
@IrishNYC - snap...
@anymommy - thank you.
@A Free Man - I can do that quite well at times too!
@Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] - Yeah baby!
@Anonymous - very true, I suppose...
@Ed (zoesdad) - hee hee hee
@Jenni - The blind bastard...
@Joe - asshole.
@Paint it Black - hahaha, its all variables, no worries.
@River - shot glass covers? that would be cool.
@Bluestreak - I very often wonder if Im trying to convince you lot or myself.
@Jane G - "our" ovulation (the royal we...) tends to stay bang on day 17, the vast majority, its the luteal phase for us that wavers.
prick of a thing.
@Angel - good time charlies, the lot of you...
@Lorna - they certainly are that. thank you.
@NukeDad - that poor, poor dog.
@AnnD - had enough too eh?
@G - you and me both.
@WhatAboutNovember - Gah. yes.
@Jill - Don't hold your breath though.
i was thinking of not commenting and just lurke by reading your post and 43 comments, but you need the support and i am as tired of all this crap as you are, and so with 2 or 3 days to the end of the cycle and the temperature on your side, i got a warm and fuzzy feeling in the positve, or it might be that i have my dog on my lap
Very encouraging. I'm hoping along with everyone else that 23 is 'the' cycle that works.
Always, always, always pulling for you!
I actually think I'm more excited about the possibility of a positive pregnancy test for you than I was for myself.
Post a picture of the CHART!!!
Hoping and hugs.
We are all suckers X. We are all getting a bit hopeful for you and ET right now. Holding breath...
Bloody hell, what they all said already - I've got everything crossed, I am absurdly hopeful and I'm much, much more of a sucker than you.
Add me to the sucker pool. I check on you often, if not always vocally. I'm hoping for you and Spencer to cross the finish line.
Here till the end...though hoping like hell this is your month!
WELL??????? I'm waiting........
I added you to my Blog roll. I'm really rooting for you. I'm ending myinnerteen soon and starting MyInnerGrownup. But you're blog rolled on both.
Okay...I've read this post 4 times already...what is the latest news? I'm keeping my thoughts positive that no news is good news but you've gotta give me something here, I'm losing my mind with wonder (as I suppose you two are as well, probably more!)! I've started charting with my doctor's recommendation...and I have no idea what I'm doing...hopefully this will be the last month for you and then you can tutor me on how to do it correctly!
Send much love, prayers and good thoughts your way!
Jared, Momma and Ace
Come on come on come on come on...please let this be it!
@Putz - You made me laugh you nutter.
@Heather - We'll soon see! thanks.
@K. Bauer - You might want to rephrase that.... ;0)
@Deb - with all the wee shagging Xs? I don't think so...I'm shy.
@Jo Beaufoix - Thanks.
@James - don't go blue.
@bsouth - Lucky hubby.
@loveyh - I know you do, thank you.
@Rikki - Snap. thanks.
@hotmamamia - Are you now, well I do apologise for any inconvenience.
@Toasty - Thanks, good luck
@Momma - Nice to see you back in action. the charting is a pain in the beginning but you'll get used to it.
Best of luck.
@Claire - Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
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