Well, if that is the case, these guys must be moving like Ian Thorpe after colonic irrigation using red bull.

It is absolutely nut shatteringly freezing here in Holland at the moment. Tipping -4 (25F or so) on occasion between now and the end of the week. But you know what? I LOVE the cold.
A jaunty scarf and off I go. There's something lovely and clean about frosty weather, invigorating!
Although admittedly, I think my love of the freezing weather stems from seeing Dutch people fall on their arses more frequently than normal.
Other than that I have zero news, my pale backside has been up and down all weekend like a fiddler's elbow in our be-babyfying quest, ET has lost the use of her legs due to adverse blood flow from having her bum elevated for so long afterwards.
Gravity sucks, apparently.
Blog world is awash with tales of impending doom and in-law visits so I'll hold off on my own personal misery story for a day or two. A week with the in-laws lies ahead, with D-day slap bang in the middle of it. I'm anticipating something as follows....
In-Law - "Isn't it about time you two started giving us grandchildren?"
Me (mentally) - "Do you f%$*ing think so?, well now why didn't I think of that"
Me (literally) - "Ah well, there's plenty of time for that, we're really busy with work and the new house and everything"
Me (mentally) - "Meh... and a merry f*&%ing Christmas to you too"
Oh I feel for you!
We used to get this all the time, before I turned into a (mass) breeder. I learnt the art of 'the nod and smile'.
Sounds like you already have...
Add the fact I'm Irish and therefore expected to have had half a dozen by now.
I've just emerged from the 'shouldn't ye be married by now stage' and fallen head first into 'when am I gonna have a grandchild' stage....
Irish mothers(-in law)! bah....
Oh that is the worst. I can't tell you how many times a relative has playfully asked us when the "kids are coming". If we hadn't already spent every waking moment obsessing and trying to conceive already then those remarks might not have stung so much. I always felt like responding, "REALLY? What a GREAT IDEA!!! You must be a GENIUS because it hadn't occurred to us to try for a KID! har har!"
It's funny, going through this process, the things you learn NOT to say. It's like we've been given this priceless gift of sensitivity. I have heard so many thoughtless comments over the years. I've really learned that even the most casual and innocently intended comments can be so hurtful. Now, thanks to my experiences, I am so careful about what I say and to whom.
Whew! Well that was a mouthful! I guess something about your post got me thinking! Good luck with the in-laws, Xbox. And thank you SO MUCH for all your lovely comments on my blog. You always seem to know just what to say...
PS- My mum is now reading your blog...and LOVES IT! She thinks you are too cool.
Something about imagining my mum perusing through the pages of Xbox4NappyRash just gives me a giggle...
Oh yeah, and she's really into genealogy and is quite certain we're related :)
Might I suggest my brand new, patented In-law Club? You can use it any time your in-laws ask you those annoying questions like "when are you going to visit?" or "where are my grandchildren?" or "why are you taking my cash and credit cards?"
@Hilary -
Yep It's only when you're on the receiving end that you realise how deep some comment can go, and I've made plenty in my time, so now I guess it's payback time for the rest of society.
I've been so tempted to reply with "well we are trying but failing miserably, to the point where I think your son/daugher is infertle and we may never ever lead a happy life mmmkay ?"
I'm so happy things are back on track for ye guys - as for saying the right thing...I guess if anyone talked as much as I did they'd have to get it right sometimes!
As for your Mum reading??? I'm all a blush, I'll watch my language from here on in ok Mammy-of-Hilary I promise. Or should that now be Granny-to-be-of-scrappy.
@DorkyDad - Why didn't you mention this marvelous weapon when I had a gift voucher on the go? It could have been put to good use!
with all the in-law suggestions i get, my stock response has become:
"no, really, thank you so much. i'll add it to the hat."
i use it so frequently my m-i-l has started adding it to the end of her suggestions. which i have to say is quite nice. it saves me the time and trouble.
I'm gonna try that one tis Christmas then...
But I know now I'm gonna get a blank stare when I mention a hat.
"Hat, what hat?, you don't have a hat?"
"Isn't it about time you two GOT a hat?"
Just smile. Grit your teeth and smile.
I keep getting 'It'll happen' or 'it's because you're trying, if you just stopped trying...'
"it's because you're trying"
I'm yet to manage sex without trying, at least a little...
some people ;-)
heheheh you know Veronica's mum reads this blog too.... lol
That's TWO Grannies then....
We used to refer to that post-business position as "wheels up". Get your wife a hand-held video game to burn a few minutes while she waits for things to "take". I think I still hold the world record for Jewel Quest.
Brilliant idea Deb, I think an electrontic sodoku or something is on my shopping list now...
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