Actually, I drive a ford focus.
All the way to France.
Yes, situated in the beautiful rolling landscape of the Ardennes, in the Champagne region, is a secluded farm house that will be our serene home for the next 3 days, unfortunately in the company of 6 other infirm buggers.
As if Sunday's revelation that we may be headed straight for the great tandoori oven in the cellar wasn't bloody bad enough.
You win some, you lose some.

Yes, brain, you are off limits for the next few days thanks to the wonderful invention that goes by the name of 'a national holiday'.
Queen's day, or 'Koninginnedag' to give it it's correct asphyxiating title.
ET had her blood tests today for various hormone levels and the usual prerequisite stuff so all that will be ready for the RS in a few weeks.
The few days away will break up the 2WW, the two week wait, as I've recently come to discover it called.
Ironically, and somewhat disturbingly though, we have deduced that our 2WW is very possibly not two weeks at all.
Fucking typical.
This is not a good thing. Nevertheless, there's no point harping on about it now, until we know more, which we will next week.
I think Ellie was just jealous of all the attention Spencer was getting and she may just have decided to go on a 'go-slow', just to even up the score.
Bloody women always have to go one better....
We women do like our attention, don't we. Maybe you should do a couple "Ellie" posts. Make her feel important. Because as much as we like to pout, we get over it quickly when you suck up to us just right.
So like an egg... honestly, why should Spence get all the attention, it takes two to tango.
Just sayin...
Enjoy your holiday.
You know what? I want to move to a different country and have odd holidays. Like Boxing Day. Of course, then I would have to have a job where I didn't work holidays. Eh. Give Ellie some more attention! Perhaps a pep talk, hmm?
Well hell, maybe Ellie just dodn't like to have to be in the position to mitivate Spence? Just saying. :) Glad you get to get away for a few days, and hey, if you guys are oging to hell for the IVF thing? I'll be joining you because according to the church I used to be affiliated with, I am headed there because I am twice divorced PLUS had a baby out of wedlock and didn't marry the guy. Not that he asked, which should REALLY mean he is going to hell wither for turning his back on such a woman as me. My point being? If such is the case, we are ALL so screwed that we might as well party on, right?
Have a great trip. Perhaps it's exactly what Spencer and Ellie need to feel refreshed and ready for a successful rendezvous.
I'm not sure--am I supposed to feel sorry that you get a 3 day respite in France?
who are these other 6 who will be there?
have a good va-cay. finger crossed!
Relax. Get some uglies bumped.
A holiday in France.. mmmm cheese. red wine and romance.. mmmm
Shame about the other 6 people.. but you are bit of an exhibitionist aren't you????
So jealous.
And I think ET needs to have a small talk to her ovaries. Just saying.
Yes, the two week thing can be deceiving. I got preg with preg 3, which resulted in baby nb 2, 4 days after my period finished. We knew this because my now ex had a hernia operation 5 days after my period ended. Then when I went for the first ultrasound I was told, in front of my now ex, that I couldn't hve gotten preg 4 days after my period ended and I must have cheated on him, because he sure as hell wasn't boffing me 10 days after having his guts cut open and stapled back together....
So, ovaries can be dodgy buggers.
And have you ever used a Maybe Baby? You lick it and it tells you if you are ovulating. It is a little microscope with a light under it. If you are ovulating your spit looks like ferns.
And now, I will go, after a long, boring post.
Dude, that's because we ARE one better. We can't help it.
I thought women were stronger and didn't need their egos stroked like men? I guess I was wrong.
So the important part:
will you have internet access??
Damn ellie get it together
Women CAN be such bitches. Maybe this little holiday will produce some fringe benefits. Hmmmm?
Relax and have some fun.
Have a great time and give Ellie her much needed attention!
Whatever, I'm going to Michigan soon.
Happy, safe, relaxing travels to you and yours!
Have a great holiday (even if it is asphyxiating).
Oh, and yes, we are always one better. Sorry, was that not that what you meant?
So you are going on holiday to hell just to get a feel for it then?
hideeho, friend of my dad's
I hope you wore lots of orange to celebrate the day :-)
How awesome. Hope you post some pictures!!
By the way, I found your blog through DadGoneMad. I've posted a complete list of everyone who left their blog link in a post called Blog Rolling With My Homies over on my blog, so if you want to see it come on over and sit a spell. I don't bite…that hard anyway!
Yup...we love our attention. I think Spencer has been getting far too much attention lately.
As a point of interest (or not), I came here through Dad Gone Mad and DeeDee. I'm lagging behind in the commenting off I go.
@Angel - you birds are all odd, very odd.
@Karen MEG - thank you. done!
@Captain Steve - Not a bad idea, stay away from Holland though...
@Kori - Hell can't be any worse than this so, blah. As for the motivation... you are a naughty woman, a very naughty woman.
@Roth Family Adventures - Merci Beacoup!... oh great, NOW I can say it
@Ed - it was quite tough, but we managed, feel free to sympathise.
@Putz - For privacy sake I can't divulge too much, but a real bunch of multi-national rapscallions is a good description...
@Jenni - thank you Jenni
@A whole lot of nothing - Done.
@Frog ponds rock - I'll pass on the cheese but the wine was magnifique!
I could also pass on the company but the million bedroom farmhouse would be been a bit of overkill then I reckon.
@Veronica - I'm going shopping for a handheld mirror.
@The tall red head - I think we are pretty lucky, things are almost normal, but we may be looking at a shorter than ideal luteal phase.
I have NEVER heard of those, I'm off to google...
@Momo Fali - we let ye think that...
@Russ - oh they need stroking, believe me... this much I DO know.
@Immoral Matriarch - as you may or may not have guessed, no.
and while any longer I may have been getting antsy about it, it was great.
@Snowmanpoop - that's more like it, you tell her...
@Tara R - done! thanks.
@Justmylife - if you insist ;0)
@Maggie, dammit - bloody nice so it was! thanks.
@Bsouth - that's the picture I'm getting!
@Kelley - might as well get used to it, eternal damnation and all that.
@Daniel Barlow - well hello, good to see more Barlows around...
@Backpacking Dad - Gah indeed!
@Conortje - 2 years in a row now I have had to get out on queen's day, I just can't take it anymore bless em.
the traffic jams south of Breda spoke volumes!
@DeeDee - I'm still working through the same list myself, good that someone put them in a more accessible list, cheers.
@Meg (mad woman) - Spencer is a quiet boy, he NEEDS the attention.
Go catch up!
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