It hurts my wee head to figure it out these days, so I won't even bother .
The five day drug binge has come and gone, with no casualties. Yet.
Hopefully the reduced dosage will give us just enough growth to have more than the usual quota to play with. Two or three juicy eggs would be perfect.
Tomorrow morning we have the first scan to see the progress of the follicles.
Again, more than three and they will cancel the whole thing, so we really could do without it being a repeat of 'man-milky white and the seven Chernobyl dwarves' from last time.
If all goes well, we may or may not need another scan the following day, and we should know when we can trigger shoot, and when the insemination would take place.
My guess would be Friday or Saturday.
I'm oddly curious to know if we will be entertained by humourless Janneke again, or the bearded male nurse (who looked remarkably and unnervingly like the husband of a friend of ours), or will ET be showing her pearly, er...pinks to yet another complete stranger.
Either way, we'd show them off in time square if it would guarantee no more than three follicles and the IUI could go ahead.
I'm off to assume a zen pose and repeatedly hum 'one-two-three' for the day.
I will be zen posing with you.... one-two-three ..... one-two-three ....
All the best!!
Fingers crossed!
Best of luck!
I hope it goes according to plan this time. To Plan, even. The whole thing.
Zen posing leads to meditation and that can lead to hypnosis, which in turn results in hand dripping on my part.
I'll give it a miss, but I send my wishes.
Hey Buddha....
Wee One, Wee Two and Wee Three...and hope no more shall the sonologist see.
Wee Monday, Wee Tuesday, Wee Wednesday, hoping this u/s is just the right say.
And come back when you are through, and tell us what on the screens grew.
Huey, Dewey and Louie
Or Kwik, Kwek and Kwak :)
I've already been sending good vibes in your direction!
So that is what has been missing!
That and the whale penis tea.
All good things- not too many- just enough. That's the thought I'm sending.
Wishing you both the very best of luck.
I go into the zen pose just to get away from the kids every now and again!
your description sounds like breakfast...i must be in an unusual mood
best of luck.thinking of you both
So enjoy reading your posts. Love the way you write and how you manage to find humour in such a difficult process. Strongs and will too keep hoping for the best results.
Oh...I'm hoping as hard as I can hope for just 3 beautiful eggs:) Good luck.
*crossing fingers*
Best of luck :)
What they said.
But just in case, I'll avoid Times Square for a while.
Wishing and hoping! Also, I'm sure someone would pay you to do that Times Square thing.
Thank God I don't live in New York. Just sayin.'
good luck! I will be thinking 1..2...3...for you and ET also!
@Making Babies - heh, thanks.
@The Dotterel - Thank you, and welcome.
@Jane G - Cheers Ms G.
@jothemama - Fuck, you and me both.
@Maxi Cane - you could do with giving it a rest.
@WiseGuy - You are on stronger drugs than ET! ;-)
@Edith - Ik ken deze drie jonges niet!
@Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo - You haven't tasted tea round my house...
@Ms. Moon - Not too hot, not too cold...
@J from Ireland - Thanks a million, I appreciate that.
@Russ - don't blame you!
@Putz - your poor poor wife!
@meabh - Cheers Meabh thanks.
@Panni - Thank you, and welcome.
@Amber - Beauty is only egg deep.
@WhatAboutNovember - snazzy typing...
@M+B - Thanks...
@People in the Sun - too many strip clubs?
@Momo Fali - I'd pay!
@Kori - You know you'd love it!
@Lorza - Thanks Lorza, and welcome!
Zen is the way to go; really worked for us. We're currently 'zenning' like mad for you all.
Fingers so tightly crossed they've gone white.
A zen pose is good...
No casualties from the drug fest is good...
I have my fingers crossed that the scan is good...
When you announce success, I want it broadcast in Timesquare. I'll be watching.
Slow and steady. Good luck tomorrow.
Oh, why would you say that?
I am medicine less (except one tiny painkiller) since January 2009, and boy am I loving it???!!!
*batting eyelids* you are intellectual downgrading the essence of the thoughts that bespoke in those gems through your psychological insinuations...
Not long now...
Wishing you both the best of luck
I'm going to hope like heck for only two eggs.
@AnnB - Thanks Ann.
@nutsinmay - What colour were they?
@nh - such luck
@James (SeattleDad) - both sound quite far fetched at the moment
@womb for improvement - Slow is about the only accurate word there.
@frog ponds rock... - :-)
@WiseGuy - Suuuuuure, I believe you ;-)
@Veronica - Piece of string...
@naughty - Thanks very much.
@River - Each?
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