Saturday 13 October 2007


Time for a refresh, added and removed some blog links, changed some wording as it ain't all about dads anymore, and considering the fact I ain't one anyway (Damn you mother nature, why oh why ? ! ?). Reality Check.

Then, just to prove to you how dull this blog is when I can't moan about being seedless, this is what I'm a'gonna do this grey Saturday morning in North Western Europe...

-Get a coffee - damn, can't - caffeine
-Get an overpriced haircut at the chatty English speaking barber's
-Go to the gym and sweat myself stooopider than I already am. No sauna, the best part by the way, 'cause that's out too.
-Come home and scratch. No self touching though, as that's also banned.

To add to my disillusionment this week I made contact with the local pool, 4 minute walk, about swimming lessons for adults. The 9 year old Olympic champion swimmer receptionist scoffed at me and informed me that they stopped giving them years ago... due to lack of need.

I may just add -Cause pain to a cloggy (Dutch person) to my list, probably after scratching.

EDIT: Continuing the scratching theme, Scratch what I said about a grey day, it is a stunningly beautiful 'late Summer's' day.


Foreigner by Default said...

Erm...why is sauna out? Is it to do with heat?

I suggest you start wearing a kilt. Supposedly one of the most fertility-friendly male clothing item. On SO many levels. :D

About swimming - surely you can get them inflatable arm bands and just go practice yourself! Nevermind the cloggy Dutch Olympic Champion, fitness is overrated anyway.

Martin said...

It can kill the swimmers! raising the body temperature to too high a level can damage sperm and set you back 3 months....(glad you asked?)

Kilt eh? I'm not sure the folk of Amsterdam are ready for a man in a skirt...oh, wait,...perhaps.

My preference would be to just dive in for the swimming, but the dutch take it very seriously, and if I attempted to paddle about at kiddy time, well, I'd be arrested.

I've found another place that says they do adult lessons, so I'll check that out before end of next week.

Craig D said...

Don't they serve anything else besides coffe in those coffe shops?

Gosh, even if the sun is shining, it sounds like you're living under a cloud.

YOu are wearing boxers, rather than briefs, right?

Martin said...

ahahahaha, well dutch 'coffee shops' do cater for other 'interests', but that's a definite no-no these days.

Do I sound as if Im under a cloud?, I actually thought I'd been quite chipper the last few days. Normally I'm a barrel of laughs, honest...

Am I wearing boxers? you mean like, right now? of course, along with pink stilletto heels....

Actually, boxers of course are the preferred choice, BUT what category do these boxer-briefs-trunk things come into? they are snugger like briefs, but shaped like boxers...

oh my god the's like sophie's choice!

Joeprah said...

LoL, that olympic swimmer sounds like a tool. You should put that guy in the sauna since saunas kill swimmers! LOL!

Martin said...

...very sharp Joseph, very sharp...

I applaud thee.

robkroese said...

As a person of Dutch descent, I'd like to say that I'm pretty sure I don't know what you're talking about.

Martin said...


In which respect?

Hilary (Maya Papaya) said...

I really liked your comment on my blog (The Trying Game). Ah, the elusive male point of view!

Thanks for your 2 cents.

I'm going to check out your blog, looks very interesting!

Martin said...

Ah, we are good for some things!

I actually feel like I'm eavesdropping a bit when I read your blog, it's that personal.

Thanks for popping in... and again, the very best of luck with everything.