(quit the booing down the back you bollocks)
The inappropriate amount of paracetamol & codeine I've been popping all day thanks to the brace of teenage Christmases past has taken hold and I've begun hallucinating.
So for now, I'll just give you a glimpse of what I have to put up with EVERY feckin day. Welcome to my Holland....

Taken a few months back outside our home. The Dutch are f*&^%ing bonkers.
You're making me miss the wackiness of San Francisco, and I'm becoming quite homesick.
Enjoy the drugs!
I still remember the pain of the newly installed brace...
Heh heh.
Stop chatting up my friends. :)
I'm impressed that you're even able to type in your medicated state! When I'm medicated I talk to hippos in tutus!
Your choppers are gonna be GORGEOUS when this is all over!
Having worn braces including the torture of full headgear as a kid (which always ended up at the foot of the bed every morning), I am really feeling your pain. Keep yourself drugged.
But think of the gorj smile you'll have by the end of it!!!
That is a funny photo. You crack me up!
I've never had braces.
Feeling deprived now. Injustice of it all! >(
And I LIKE that sprouting eggshell on wheels. Dead cute!
Just dropping by to say WHATS UP??
Is that a REAL car? It looks like something my five year old drives around the yard.
I just warped over from Forgeiner's site - I love your blog!! I really love the fact that you just got braced, too. I haven't the balls to go through with braces, but I'd love to fix me dodgy fangs eventually. It'll be worth it in the end..
Hey just for the record, it's possible for xboxes and nappy rashes to harmoniously get along together... escapism is a very very very very very important part of parenthood in my experience!
Crazy Dutch and their crazy cars with their crazy laws.
Pot, cheese, bicycles, insanely small cars.
I'm coming to visit.
You know, Irish whiskey and codeine make a magical combination for watching Fantasia set to the music of Pink Floyd's Meddle.
So I've been told....read it on the Internet...made it up...ok, I was stoned and it was was awesome!
Happy drugging!
Party on man! I was prescribed vicodin from my dentist the other day and have been in la-la land since. :D
Remember when you asked me why Americans drive such big vehicles (when I bought my new truck)? This is why. I could probably fit the car and the plant in the bed of my truck. :D Later!
@Deb - Rock on you crazy diamond...
@Tracey - coincidence, me too...
@Tiff - Paracetamol & Codeine? you Aussie with your crazy names...
@Lyssa - If they're not, I'm going on a rampage.
@Karen MEG - The only way these can end up at the end of the bed is if I sever my head off. Which is a possibility.
@Foreigner By Default - I recommend you get some, great fun...
Dinky wee thing isn't it..
@Johnny - Oh the ususal, sub-fertility, agonising pain and humiliation...
@Momo Fali - It's real, you gotta love us Europeans eh?
@K8 the Gr8 - Thanks, come back often... first the kid, then we'll work on the escapism.
@Awholelotofnothing - I'll meet you by the canal..
@Hockeyman - Sorry, I can't hear 'Pink Floyd' without thinking of Vaginas.
@Jared - No problems with fuel prices for this wee baby...
Ha! I got 'em at 30, also!!! Everyone told me they made me look like a kid again. Unfortunately, I was going for 20, not 13.
"quit the booing down the back you bollocks"
Yeah yelling at your testicles, that'll work...
That car is awesome!
@Laskigal - I'm hoping for 13, maybe my balls will drop again and work this time.
@Kelley - it is one classy piece of motor ass that's for sure.
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